
'I'm Sorry, What?" Acosta Whines Butker Not 'Banned' Like Kaepernick

May 17th, 2024 11:45 AM

CNN host and self-appointed guardian of truth Jim Acosta welcomed sports reporter Rachel Nichols to Friday’s CNN Newsroom for a factually-challenged segment about Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker’s commencement address to Benedictine College, where he declared that female graduates may get more satisfaction from their family lives than their careers. For Acosta, it was…

Column: Boos and Hisses for the Kansas City Kicker

May 17th, 2024 6:08 AM

On May 14, Kansas City Chiefs placekicker Harrison Butker gave the commencement address at Benedictine College, a Catholic school in Kansas. Within 48 hours, the media elites were ablaze with outrage. There’s a “growing uproar,” warned NBC’s Hoda Kotb.


ABC, NBC RAGE at Butker’s ‘Controversial’ Speech That ‘Went Too Far’

May 16th, 2024 5:22 PM

On Thursday, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today seethed with disgust at Christians and anyone who values being a parent over their careers (or any other accomplishment or trait) in light of the Benedictine College commencement address by Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker, which they deemed “controversial” and worthy of “backlash” and “growing outrage” for…


CNN Doc Claims There's No Evidence Transgender Athletes Have Advantage

May 14th, 2024 2:28 PM

CNN aired a special documentary entitled The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper: The Battle Over Transgender Athletes on Sunday that purported to be a nuanced look at the issue of transgenderism’s relationship with women’s sports. However, the program clearly had a preferred side, as it claimed there’s no evidence that men who think they are women have an athletic advantage despite…


Joe Scarborough's Mother's Day Brag: I Was A Multi-Sport Star!

May 13th, 2024 10:28 AM

In his Mother's Day remembrance, Joe Scarborough manages to work in claims that in high school, he was a mult-sport star. In baseball, an "All-Star with an high average," and in basketball, "scored 30, 35 points" per game.


CBS Evening News Frets Over Caitlin Clark’s Rookie Pay

April 18th, 2024 12:20 AM

The CBS Evening News has now entered into the national discussion over the disparity in pay between the NBA and the WNBA, bringing advocacy to the discussion of whether female athletes are automatically entitled to the same compensation as their male counterparts while ignoring market dynamics. 


Mitchell Goes To War With Math To Label Pro Basketball Sexist

April 16th, 2024 3:28 PM

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell closed out her Tuesday show by deciding to pick a fight with math. Reacting to Monday’s WNBA draft, Mitchell called “sexism” on the fact that number one overall pick Caitlin Clark will have a roughly $76,000 rookie salary while her male counterpart makes slightly north of $12 million.

Lance Trover Lulu Garcia-Navarro Kasie Hunt Dana Bash CNN This Morning 4-1-24

CNN Women Praise Burgum PR Man For Being 'Evolved' on Women's Sports

April 1st, 2024 2:50 PM

On CNN This Morning, Dana Bash and Kasie Hunt praise GOP strategist Lance Trover for being "evolved" after he says that after reading a profile of LSU women's basketball coach Kim Mulkey which talks about her pugnacious approach, he wondered if a male coach would have been given the same treatment. 

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Matt Lewis MSNBC Morning Joe 1-31-24

Joe Scarborough—Of All People—Mocks MAGA Men Trying To Be 'Manly'

February 1st, 2024 4:32 PM

In the course of discussing pushback from some conservatives complaining about Taylor Swift showing up during NFL broadcasts, and the prospect that Swift, who endorsed Biden in 2020, might do so again in 2024, Joe Scarborough mocks Trump followers who pretend to be "manly." This despite the fact that Scarborough has often boasted of his own supposed toughness.

Parents of Young Chiefs Fan Threaten Deadspin With Defamation Suit

December 4th, 2023 4:45 PM

By now, you’re likely aware that last month the hatemongers at Deadspin, particularly senior writer Carron J. Phillips, took aim at a nine-year-old Native American boy with accusations of racism, blackface, and cultural appropriation. But over the weekend, NewsNation reported that the boy’s family retained council and had formally demanded a retraction and apology from Deadspin and Phillips,…


NBC Omits Mention of Suspect Arrested In Hockey Slashing Death

November 14th, 2023 10:20 PM

In a bizarre throwaway report, the kind that is used as a timestuffer towards the end of a newscast, NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt goes through the trouble of mentioning the arrest of a suspect in the gruesome death of an American hockey player, but has a most difficult time identifying the suspect.

Trans-Obsessed PBS Gushes Over 'Hero' Semenya, Alleged 'Female' Runner

November 7th, 2023 10:25 AM

Tax-funded PBS continues to push transgender issues: Amanpour & Co. on PBS featured Olympic runner Caster Semenya talking about her new book. Semenya, who competes as female, was born with male XY chromosomes (females are XX) and the testosterone levels of a male. “She” has no uterus or fallopian tubes, and does not menstruate. Her condition is popularly described as “intersex.”…

NHL Reverses Course On Pride Tape, Re-allows Players To Use It

October 29th, 2023 3:32 PM

Remember the courageous stand the National Hockey League (NHL) took when it banned the use of pride tape? Yeah, that didn’t last long.


Daily Show Smears 'Evil White Men' in 'Particularly Heinous' NFL

October 25th, 2023 10:00 AM

The point of having a guest on your show is to make the audience smarter, but Comedy Central The Daily Show temp host Desus Nice accomplished the opposite on Tuesday as he welcomed author Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyan to discuss his new book and label the National Football League, “big juggernaut of evil white men telling black bodies to go hurt yourself.”