
Inskeep: Obama’s Trashing of Media on Terrorism Was 'Not...Outlandish'

December 22nd, 2015 4:18 PM
NPR’s Steve Inskeep continued his media tour on Monday promoting his fawning sit-down interview with President by appearing with CNN Tonight host Don Lemon and, when asked about the President attacking the media for supposedly overhyping threats posed by ISIS, Inskeep stood up for the President by suggesting that it was “not a very outlandish idea that he's putting out there.”

Maddow Producer: GOP’s Foreign Policy ‘Cringe-Worthy…Pathetic’

December 21st, 2015 8:48 PM
Though Steve Benen, who's also the primary blogger for the MSNBC program's website, is a true-blue liberal, he thinks highly of the foreign-policy chops of some recent Republicans. In a Thursday post, Benen wrote that GOPers such as Richard Lugar and Brent Scowcroft were “learned” and “approached international affairs with [a] degree of maturity.” That was then; this is now. Benen touched on,…

CNN Surprisingly Labels Hillary's 'Dubious' Trump Claim 'Wrong'

December 21st, 2015 5:08 PM
CNN's New Day on Monday actually spotlighted Hillary Clinton's false claim on Saturday that ISIS is "showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists." Chris Cuomo asserted that "it's very hard to translate it any other way...we can't find the videos." When liberal pundit Errol Louis speculated that Clinton's campaign would "migrate towards…

Hume Unloads on Obama over Cable News/Terrorism Comment in NYT

December 20th, 2015 3:49 PM
Commenting on how The New York Times removed a phrase from a Friday article explaining how President Obama told a group of columnists that he hadn’t consumed enough cable news to fully understand the anxieties of Americans over terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, Fox News Sunday panelist Brit Hume lambasted the President for his “snark” and frame of mind that makes him “impatient with the…

Zakaria: Obama Thinks Cable News 'Massively Exaggerates' ISIS Threat

December 19th, 2015 4:26 PM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN, during a discussion of President Barack Obama's news conference, CNN's Fareed Zakaria downplayed the threat to the U.S. posed by ISIS as he forwarded the President's view that ISIS "does not pose an existential threat," noting that President Obama "often points out that gun violence takes many, many more people" in the U.S. than radical…

New Republic Writer: GOP Anti-Terror Ideas ‘Beyond Xenophobia’

December 19th, 2015 11:49 AM
Debbie Wasserman Schultz may not want you to know about it, but there’s a Democratic presidential debate on Saturday evening, and Beutler believes that the candidates therein “would be doing the country a service by placing the right wing appeal to paranoia in its proper context—and then rejecting it forcefully.” In a Friday piece, Beutler described this week’s Republican presidential debate as…

Nets Censor NYT Deleting Obama Quote on Not Understanding Terror Fears

December 18th, 2015 9:29 PM
The major broadcast networks on Friday morning and evening showed no interest in reporting to viewers that The New York Times had scrubbed from an article on its website that contained a quote from President Obama telling columnists that he did not watch enough news coverage of the Paris and San Bernardino terror attacks to truly grasp the anxiety of the American people. 

Matthews: Trump 'Playing to Racists' Against Black President

December 18th, 2015 4:55 PM
Appearing as a guest before MSNBC's live coverage of President Barack Obama's Friday press conference, during a discussion of Donald Trump's history of promoting birtherism against the President, MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews recalled his accusation that Trump is "playing to racists" and playing to a view that President Obama is "not one of us, he's black."

NBC's Mitchell Claims 'A Lot of Discrimination' Against Muslims

December 17th, 2015 9:56 PM
Nearing the end of her MSNBC program Andrea Mitchell Reports on Thursday, NBC Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Andrea Mitchell claimed that "there is a lot of discrimination" against Muslims as she was introducing President Barack Obama's 1:00 p.m. speech. After suggesting that some of the "rhetoric" at Tuesday's GOP presidential debate was "really a recruitment tool for ISIS," she…

CNN's Left-Wing Guests Wildly Distort 'Racist' GOP Debate

December 17th, 2015 4:32 PM
On Wednesday's CNN Tonight, left-wing analyst Rula Jebreal and Columbia University's Ahmed Shihab-Eldin unleashed against the Republican presidential candidates, in the wake of Tuesday's CNN debates. Jebreal asserted that Ted Cruz was "nostalgic for Arab dictators," and concluded that "this is racist. This is pure bigotry." She later likened the GOP contenders to the Nazis: "What you are hearing…

Tina Brown Cheers Lindsey Graham Calling Trump 'Poster Boy for ISIS'

December 17th, 2015 8:54 AM
Appearing as a guest on Thursday's New Day on CNN, former Daily Beast Editor-in-Chief Tina Brown lavished praise on GOP presidential candidate Lindsey Graham, as she pined for him to make it onto the main debate stage, and three times gushed that the South Carolina Republican "rocked." She also rejoiced over Senator Graham characterizing Donald Trump as "a poster boy for ISIS," as she asserted…

On MSNBC, Fournier Slams 'Disgusting' GOP Debate, Sees 'Dog Whistling'

December 17th, 2015 1:43 AM
Appearing as a guest in the final segment of Wednesday's MTP Daily on MSNBC, Ron Fournier of the National Journal slammed the previous night's GOP presidential debate as "disgusting" as he claimed to see "dog whistling" and "fearmongering" from the candidates.

MSNBC Guest: GOPers Want to 'Mass Murder Civilians' to Fight ISIS

December 16th, 2015 7:42 PM
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's MSNBC Live, Linda Sarsour of the Arab-American Association of New York received no pushback from host Jose Diaz-Balart over her inflammatory assertion that some of the Republican presidential candidates "think they can mass murder civilians across the world" to defeat the ISIS threat. She also absurdly claimed that the U.S. killed 650,000 civilians in Iraq,…

CNN's Cuomo Stumbles, Denies 'All Jihadis are Muslim'

December 16th, 2015 1:26 PM
CNN's Chris Cuomo made a gaffe regarding the religious faith of ISIS and other similar groups on Wednesday's New Day. When Senator Lindsey Graham accused Donald Trump of "playing into ISIL's hands," Cuomo replied, "Sixty percent of your party agrees with him. They think all jihadis are Muslim." Since jihad is a concept from the Islamic faith, a jihadi, by definition, would indeed be a Muslim…