
When Obama Loses Mika's Daughter...

December 7th, 2015 7:43 AM
Given the Morning Joe reviews, if President Obama's terrorism speech were a Broadway show, it would have closed after one night. From Richard Haass to Richard Engel, Joe Scarborough to Willie Geist, the prez's performance was universally panned.  And in the cruelest comment of all, Mika Brzezinski reported that "I watched it with my youngest daughter who's very, very interested and we were…

CNN Political Panelists Praise Obama While Foreign Experts Pan Speech

December 7th, 2015 2:38 AM
Following President Obama’s Sunday night address, the always large post-event panel on CNN had plenty to say, but it was quite the disconnect as many of their political commentators hailed the “straightforward” speech by the President while two of their foreign policy analysts panned the President’s “self-congratulation” and having “his the clouds if he thinks this current strategy is…

AP Offers Predictably Uncritical Coverage of Obama's Sunday Speech

December 7th, 2015 2:04 AM
At the Associated Press Sunday evening, White House Correspondent Julie Pace's coverage of President Obama's Oval Office address was predictably weak. One could cite at least a half-dozen problems with Pace's story, but two of them were particularly disingenuous.

Engel on Obama Speech: 'Same Strategy That Hasn't Been Working'

December 6th, 2015 9:18 PM
Maybe you're a liberal, reluctant to accept Charles Krauthammer's conclusion that President Obama's speech on terror tonight was a "complete failure." Fine. But there's no getting around Richard Engel, whom no one would accuse of conservatism. Speaking with Chris Matthews on MSNBC, the bleak assessment of NBC's chief foreign correspondent was that President Obama laid out "the same strategy that…

Stephanopoulos Badgers Christie on Opposition to Syrian Refugees

December 2nd, 2015 12:31 PM
Good Morning America’s George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday badgered Chris Christie over his opposition to allowing Syrian refugees into the country. The co-host scolded Christie as “coming in for some criticism by one of your predecessors in New Jersey.” Highlighting moderate Republican governor Tom Kean, Stephanopoulos chided, “He says some of your rhetoric and your cracking down on refugees,…

ABC, CBS Omit Obama Walkback on ISIS, Disconnect w/Joint Chiefs Chair

December 1st, 2015 9:45 PM
On Tuesday night, ABC and CBS refused to acknowledge a pair of points in its respective stories concerning news that additional U.S. special forces will be stationed inside Iraq to fight ISIS and will engage in combat roles. Along with not mentioning that the move represented the latest example of backpedaling by President Obama on a pledge to not put U.S. troops on the ground, the two networks…

Matt Lauer Talks Down to Ben Carson, Lectures Him on Syrian Refugees

December 1st, 2015 4:41 PM
Interviewing Ben Carson for the first time on NBC’s Today on Tuesday, co-host Matt Lauer condescended to the Republican presidential candidate while citing the latest polling: “In the last four to six weeks you have gone from number one in Iowa to number three, and your decline seems to coincide with some very troubling world events....Is it a coincidence that your numbers are going down as…

Nation Editor Uses Trump to Slam Bush 'Lies,' Calls Trump 'Bush' Twice

November 29th, 2015 1:38 PM
Far-left The Nation editor Katrina Vanden Heuvel was still exhibiting signs of Bush Derangement Syndrome on Sunday's Reliable Sources as she appeared on the CNN show to discuss Donald Trump's claims of seeing thousands of Muslims in New Jersey cheering on the 9/11 attacks. Vanden Heuvel not only used the controversy to rehash the war in Iraq as she complained that the media before the Iraq War…

Sports Writer: Kornheiser Should Have Been Suspended for GOP/ISIS Link

November 26th, 2015 2:17 PM
Promoting his latest book Wednesday night on Newsmax TV, longtime sports writer and Washington Post columnist John Feinstein surprisingly went off the liberal reservation and told host Steve Malzberg that ESPN Radio 980 personality and Pardon the Interruption co-host Tony Kornheiser “should probably have gotten” suspended for comparing conservative Republicans to ISIS back.

CNN's King Inserts Qualifier 'Whatever You Think About Him' for Bush

November 25th, 2015 5:42 PM
During a discussion of Wednesday's interview with GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush on New Day, CNN's John King gave a glimpse into the negative mindset of media liberals toward former President George W. Bush such that they have difficulty paying any sort of compliment toward him without having to insert a qualifier like "whatever you think about him."

CNN's Lemon: Anti-GOP SNL Parody 'Not Far from' Reality

November 25th, 2015 1:47 PM
On Monday's CNN Tonight, during a discussion of Islamophobia with liberal CNN commentator Charles Blow and right-leaning CNN commentator Buck Sexton, host Don Lemon played a clip of a Saturday Night Live parody exaggerating the views of right-leaning Americans toward Syrian refugees, and then asserted that "it's not far from what some of the candidates are saying."

Stephanopoulos Praises Obama’s ‘Forceful Rhetoric’ on ISIS, Paris

November 25th, 2015 1:43 PM
While awaiting President Barack Obama’s remarks on Wednesday concerning national security as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, ABC News chief anchor, former Clinton staffer, and Clinton Foundation donor George Stephanopoulos couldn’t help but repeatedly gush over the President’s supposedly “forceful rhetoric” on ISIS following the Paris terror attacks.

Goldberg: Japanese Internment Racist; Denying Syrians Rational

November 25th, 2015 1:10 PM
Tuesday Night on The O’Reilly Factor, Bill O’Reilly and Bernie Goldberg discussed the ‘morality play’ created by NBC's Harry Smith on the Syrian refugee crisis, complete with Bible verses, as was previously documented on NewsBusters. Smith had tried to compare the Japanese internment with the refugee crisis. Bernie set fire to the idea when he said, “He [President Roosevelt] only interned…

Tom Brokaw Goes Tom Friedman: Raise Gas Taxes to Fight Terror

November 25th, 2015 8:19 AM
You name the problem, Tom Friedman's got the answer: raise taxes on gasoline. Looks like Tom Brokaw's caught Friedman's gas-tax raising fever. On today's Morning Joe, Brokaw proposed, as part of fighting the war on terror, raising gas taxes by five cents per gallon. Brokaw argued that it is wrong that the burden of fighting falls on just 1% of Americans, and that the result of his tax increase…