
ABC, CBS Continue to Omit Criticism of Obama as ISIS Seizes Palmyra

May 21st, 2015 11:28 PM
As the Islamic terrorist group ISIS seized Ramadi earlier this week and now the ancient Syrian town of Palmyra, the major broadcast networks have largely declined to even mention any criticism of President Obama and his so-called policy in dealing with ISIS and Thursday night was no exception as ABC and CBS declined to raise that point of view. While it was brief, NBC Nightly News did make time…

CNN's Cuomo Wonders If GOP is 'Playing Politics...With the Troops'

May 21st, 2015 5:03 PM
On Thursday's New Day, CNN's Chris Cuomo wondered if some in the 2016 Republican presidential field might be making the possible redeployment of U.S. troops into Iraq a political issue. When GOP strategist Kevin Madden underlined that "so many Republicans disagree with the President's [Obama's] approach on combating ISIS that so many of these candidates are going to want to draw as stark a…

Slate's Saletan: 'ISIS and the GOP Are in Perfect Harmony'

May 20th, 2015 10:14 PM
On Tuesday, I wrote that "Every day seems to bring in at least one new example of alleged journalists who are really propagandists insisting that what is obviously false is true." Today's entry into that category will be extremely hard to beat, and may well stand as one of the worst attempts at an argument ever made by a leftist hack. Before I excerpt William Saletan's column at Slate and his…

CNN's Fareed Zakaria Hypes: 'Fox News is a Favorite of ISIS'

May 12th, 2015 4:09 PM
CNN's Fareed Zakaria inserted a thinly-veiled shot at Fox News Channel during his Monday special on ISIS. Zakaria underlined that "the angry rhetoric of cable news fits right into the script [of ISIS]."  He continued that "CNN makes an occasional appearance" in the Islamist terrorist group's propaganda, but then played up that "Fox News is a favorite of ISIS, with commentators who demand boots on…

Andrea Mitchell: Saudi Snub So 'In Your Face' It Can't Be Spun

May 12th, 2015 8:52 AM
Hey Barack? Yes, Your Royal Majesty! Look, know what I said about coming to that thing at your place? Of course, oh Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. Not going to make it--turns out I have to rearrange my stallion's sock drawer. On today's Morning Joe, Andrea Mitchell acknowledged the undeniable: that the last-minute decision by Saudi King Salman not to attend the White House summit, after…

Will Media Cover Feds Denying Visa to Nun Pleading For ISIS Victims?

April 30th, 2015 5:50 PM
The Hudson Institute's Nina Shea spotlighted the plight of a Catholic sister who was denied entry to the U.S. by the Obama administration in a Thursday item for National Review. She noted how "every member of an Iraqi delegation of minority groups, including representatives of the Yazidi and Turkmen Shia religious communities, has been granted visas to come for official meetings in Washington,"…

New York Times Author Weaver Blames West for British Jihadists

April 16th, 2015 10:09 AM
Mary Anne Weaver appeared on today's Morning Joe to discuss her New York Times Magazine cover article "Her Majesty's Jihadists." On the one hand, Weaver paints a striking portrait of the radicalization of young Muslims in the UK, reporting for example that there are more British jihadists than there are Muslims serving in the British military. But when asked what could be done about the problem,…

Mika Mocks Rubio: 'That's a Little Boy' Compared to Hillary

April 14th, 2015 9:21 AM
Can you imagine if in 2008 a prominent conservative media member had said that Barack Obama looked like a "little boy" compared to John McCain?  The echoes of liberal outrage would still be resounding today. But there was Mika Brzezinski on today's Morning Joe saying of Marco Rubio "that's a little boy." Mika made the invidious comparison to Hillary's service as senator, First Lady and Secretary…

Morning Joe Face-Plant: The Nation's Eric Alterman Stumped On Syria

April 6th, 2015 9:21 AM
Last week, NewsBusters brought you "Stumped," as April Ryan struggled to cite a single foreign policy success by her super-fave, President Obama. In the best Hollywood tradition, this morning we bring you a sequel--Stumped II: Syria! On today's Morning Joe, lugubrious lefty Eric Alterman of The Nation mag was stumped when Joe Scarborough asked him what the US should do about Syria. After humming…

Stumped: April Ryan Can't Cite an Obama Foreign Policy Success

March 30th, 2015 9:44 AM
Not even a lifeline could have helped her . . . There was a telling moment on today's Morning Joe when Joe Scarborough challenged April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks to cite some of President Obama's foreign-policy successes. Ryan was reduced to replying "that's kind of tough. Hmm, that's a tough one . . . I have to really ponder that."    

Thanks, Hillary! Morning Joe's Middle East a Smoking Ruin

March 23rd, 2015 11:22 AM
Warning: readers are advised to hide the sharp objects before viewing the clip of Morning Joe's review of the Middle East today.  The picture painted is one of the utter failure of US foreign policy, leaving a devastated, deadly region in its woeful wake. We open with President Obama's "mission accomplished" moment from last year in which he called US policy in Yemen "successful." Cut to Jim…

NPR Boosts British Group Blaming UK Govt. For ISIS's 'Jihadi John'

March 5th, 2015 6:21 PM
On Wednesday's All Things Considered, NPR's Ari Shapiro spotlighted Cage, a British organization that ran to the defense of "Jihadi John," the ISIS member who infamously beheaded several hostages on video. Shaprio slanted toward Cage by playing four soundbites from two talking heads from the organization, as well as a clip from the terrorist himself, who has been identified as Mohammed Emwazi.

Mitchell Mocks Obama's Military Resolve on Iran: 'Ask Assad'

March 4th, 2015 9:06 AM
It was almost a funny moment . . . until you realized that members of the press were openly laughing at the fecklessness of the ostensible leader of the free world. On today's Morning Joe, the Washington Post's Eugene Robinson, his voice occasionally cracking with emotion, repeatedly insisted that President Obama would use military force if necessary to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.  …

Number of Christians Kidnapped by ISIS Soars; CBS and NBC Yawn

February 26th, 2015 11:54 PM
News concerning the mass kidnapping of Christians by ISIS in Syria worsened on Thursday with reports from multiple human rights groups that raised the initial number of those taken from 150 to now at least 220. If you watched the network evening newscasts, though, you would not have known that if you had tuned into CBS or NBC. This latest case of network bias by omission comes as NBC has yet to…