NYT Sanitizes, Spins Report on Hagel's Sacking for Tues. Print Editon

November 25th, 2014 1:09 PM
The New York Times continued its annoying, Winston Smith-like habit of rewriting history in virtually real time yesterday. Helene Cooper's original Monday afternoon report on Chuck Hagel's sacking as Secretary of Defense is no longer available at the Times. However, since I anticipated that the paper would conduct a comprehensive cleanup yesterday when I posted on the paper's original coverage,…

CNN's Lemon Spotlights Plight of Yazidi Women Enslaved by ISIS

November 11th, 2014 3:29 PM
CNN's Don Lemon refreshingly devoted air time on Monday's CNN Tonight to an ongoing atrocity being committed by Islamic extremist group ISIS – their sexual enslavement of hundreds of Yazidi girls and women. Lemon brought up the radicals' war crime during a segment with CNN terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank.

Tom Brokaw Mocks Obama’s ISIS Coalition With Air Quotes

October 15th, 2014 9:30 AM
Veteran NBC News journalist Tom Brokaw appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe and mocked President Obama’s so-called coalition of nations fighting ISIS. Speaking on Wednesday morning, Brokaw used air quotes when describing the list of countries helping America fight ISIS before wondering “you see that whole list of people or countries lined up as our coalition partners against ISIS. What are they giving…

Deutsch Makes Case for Romney: 'We Kind of Made a Mistake 4 Years Ago'

October 15th, 2014 8:19 AM
It was one thing for Joe Scarborough to make the case for Mitt Romney, arguing that these frightening times demand the kind of competence Romney offers.   But on today's Morning Joe, it was stunning to hear a New York Dem like Donny Deutsch say something very similar. According to the ad man: "There is a psychological reason to go to Mitt Romney, and that is: wow!  We kind of made a mistake four…

CNN's Hill: Panetta 'Most Disgusting Example of Monday Morning QBing'

October 13th, 2014 12:20 PM
Marc Lamont Hill, liberal CNN contributor and host of HuffPost Live, appeared on Sunday’s State of the Union with Candy Crowley and did his best to smear former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta for daring to criticize President Obama on foreign policy. Appearing alongside Neera Tanden, Newt Gingrich and S.E. Cupp, Hill proclaimed that Panetta’s criticism of Obama was “the most disgusting example…

Letterman Mocks Obama's ISIS Strategy: ‘Operation Hillary’s Problem’

October 12th, 2014 9:57 PM
On Friday night, liberal late night host David Letterman mocked President Obama over is handling of ISIS. The CBS comedian joked “the administration now has a name for the war against ISIS. Have you heard the name?" The CBS host continued by pointing out that "every military operation has to have a name so people can get behind it and they now have a name for the war against ISIS: “Operation…

ABC Buries the Lede: ISIS Was 25 KM From Baghdad Airport

October 12th, 2014 6:06 PM
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey's told Marth Raddatz on ABC's "This Week" that ISIS fighters got to within 16 miles of Baghdad's airport in Iraq earlier this week. Framing that distance in a way those in the nation's out of touch Beltway political class will understand, that's the driving distance from the U.S. Capitol Building to Tysons Corner Mall in Northern Virginia. The U.S.…

Scarborough: Panetta Reveals 'Lack of Character' For Criticizing Obama

October 10th, 2014 7:32 AM
Remember when dissent was patriotic?  When people like Hillary Clinton screeched that "we have a right to disagree with any administration?" Forget about it.  That's so, like, 2003. You know, when George W. Bush was President.   Things are different today.  Now, criticizing a sitting president is wrong. Very wrong.  Just ask Joe Scarborough, who on today's Morning Joe accused Leon Panetta of a "…

MRC's Tim Graham Details Media Ignoring Panetta's Criticisms of Obama

October 8th, 2014 10:59 PM
Graham pointed out that when the former Secretary of Defense gave his first interview to CBS’s 60 Minutes, neither one of the other two major broadcast networks (ABC or NBC) covered it and the result was the same with O’Reilly’s interview. Speaking on how “especially upsetting again” it was that none of the networks joined O’Reilly in asking Panetta about the Obama administration’s response to…

CBS Buries Own Poll Results Showing Poor Marks for Democrats and Obama

October 8th, 2014 9:40 PM
On Wednesday night, the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley made no mention of the results from the latest CBS News poll that gave President Obama and Democrats poor marks ahead of the November 4 midterm elections on issues ranging from the economy to ISIS to terrorism to who voters are most likely to vote for.  Regarding the midterm elections, Republicans find themselves ahead of Democrats on…

CNN Graphic Demotes Panetta to 'Former Aide'; Bill Burton Smears Him

October 8th, 2014 3:26 PM
On Tuesday afternoon, a graphic at CNN described Former Obama administration Defense Secretary Leon Panetta as a "former aide." Tuesday evening Eastern Time, the network, in video seen after the jump, also let long-time Obama loyalist Bill Burton smear Panetta as "sad," "dishonorable," and "small and petty." Burton also came within inches of accusing Panetta of betraying his country because we…

CBS Hypes Criticism of GOP Ad: ‘Sick, Pathetic, And Disgusting'

October 8th, 2014 10:10 AM
Following a Tuesday night report in which the CBS Evening News blasted GOP campaign ads on ISIS, Wednesday’s CBS This Morning went even further in playing up the supposed outrage at a GOP congressional candidate’s campaign ad. CBS reporter Nancy Cordes pushed how Republican congressional candidate Wendy Rogers ran “the first ad to show an ISIS captive and reaction was swift. On Arizona Republican…

CBS Blasts GOP Campaign Ads on ISIS Since Obama 'Does Have a Strategy'

October 7th, 2014 11:55 PM
On Tuesday evening, the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley was the only broadcast network newscast to have any coverage of the upcoming midterm elections, which are four weeks away from Tuesday.  While that was the case, the just over two-minute-long segment wasn’t free of liberal bias, as it criticized Republican candidates for running ads on the issue of fighting the Islamic terrorist group…

Piers Morgan Slams Obama: 'What The Hell Is He Doing?'

October 7th, 2014 11:38 AM
Former CNN host Piers Morgan appeared on Fox News’ Hannity Monday night to discuss a recent column he wrote for Mail Online in which he slammed President Obama, claiming he has committed “professional suicide. During the Monday evening interview with Sean Hannity, Morgan mocked Obama’s foreign policy and wondered "what the hell is he doing to groups like ISIS and others intent on causing America…