Politico's Gerstein: Both Obama, Bush Had 'Zig-Zag' Foreign Policies

September 24th, 2014 9:43 PM
The Politico's Josh Gerstein wants readers not to have a problem with President Barack Obama singing the praises of American exceptionalism when in front of U.S. audiences but deep-sixing it when speaking at the United Nations. Though Obama has almost always avoided actually using the E-word, he has recenlly taken to speaking of this nation's "unique" abilities and capabilities, and for some time…

Networks Dodge Obama Linking ISIS Terror to Events in Ferguson

September 24th, 2014 8:59 PM
During his speech to the United Nations (U.N.) General Assembly on Wednesday, President Barack Obama made a striking, unusual and ridiculous comparison between the reign of terror taking place in the Middle East at the hands of the brutal Islamic terrorist group ISIS and the unrest that took place in Ferguson, Missouri last month after the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. As far as the any of…

9/11 Truther Rosie O'Donnell Sees 'Financial Agenda' in Hitting Syria

September 24th, 2014 5:07 PM
Rosie O'Donnell, a 9/11 truther and general conspiracy theorist, on Wednesday delved into Barack Obama's air strikes against Syria. The View co-host insisted that there is a "financial agenda" in the United States's actions, lecturing her co-hosts: "I can't get out of my head the fact that Syria has a lot of oil. A lot of oil. Not a lot of oil in Rwanda or the Congo. Atrocities there all the time…

Stephanopoulos Narrates Unofficial Infomercial For Clinton’s Charity

September 24th, 2014 10:43 AM
ABC’s George Stephanopoulos cozied up to his former boss Bill Clinton for an exclusive 9 minute interview on Wednesday’s Good Morning America in which he did his best promote the former president and his Clinton Global Initiative. During the discussion, which looked more like two buddies hanging out than an actual interview, Stephanopoulos lamented how President Obama’s “caught in something of a…

AP WH Reporter Deletes Absurd Tweet Hyping Obama's Anti-ISIS Coalition

September 23rd, 2014 11:54 PM
Twitter users happening upon a Monday evening tweet by the Associated Press's Josh Lederman can be forgiven if they thought they were visiting a parody account. Lederman is a White House reporter for the AP. His LinkedIn profile indicates that his journalism career began about three years ago. His education, up to and including "a master’s degree in journalism from Northwestern University’s…

Gayle King To O’Reilly: Why Do You Say Things With Such Certainty?

September 23rd, 2014 11:12 AM
Fox News host Bill O’Reilly appeared on Tuesday’s CBS This Morning to promote his latest book “Killing Patton” and was met with a barrage of questions for insisting that a mercenary army needs to be established to defeat the terrorist group ISIS. During the interview, O’Reilly maintained that we need a 25,000 “man force to be deployed to fight on the ground against worldwide terrorism.” In…

ABC, NBC Ignore Leon Panetta’s Criticism of Obama’s ISIS Strategy

September 22nd, 2014 11:10 AM
Starting Friday night, CBS began previewing an exclusive 60 Minutes interview with Leon Panetta, which aired on Sunday night, where the former Secretary of Defense said he had advised President Obama to arm the Syrian rebels as early as 2012. Despite Panetta’s criticism of President Obama’s strategy to combat ISIS, ABC and NBC have ignored the story altogether despite having multiple…

Kerry Tells MSNBC: Islamic State Not Driven By... Islam

September 22nd, 2014 9:19 AM
Could the "Islamic" in "Islamic State" be a clue?  Not for John Kerry.  Appearing on today's Morning Joe, our clueless Secretary of State insisted that what drives ISIS is a "radical, extremist, cultish" philosophy, but not—perish the thought!—a "religious attitude." Kerry was of course echoing the analysis of that noted theologian, Barack Obama, who two weeks ago declared that ISIS is "not…

Will Press Notice Panetta's Contention That U.S. Left Iraq Too Early?

September 20th, 2014 10:48 PM
On Sunday, CBS's "60 Minutes" will broadcast Scott Pelley's recent interview of former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. In CBS's promotional tease, which was broadcast on Friday, in response to Pelley's question about whether he was confident that the U.S. troop withdrawal "was the right thing to do" at the time it was done, Panetta said, "No, I wasn't." That's big news. How big? So big that,…

Shepard Smith: Admin's 'Coalition' Claims 'Something of a Fantasy'

September 19th, 2014 11:23 PM
When White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest made his first Fox News appearance in that role, he may have thought that having Shepard Smith interview him would make the exercise a relative cakewalk. It didn't happen. Even though Smith, as Matt Sheffield observed last year at NewsBusters, is "not known as any sort of conservative," he was clearly critical of Earnest's breezy claims about the…

Nicolle Wallace Touts Obama as 'Deadly Serious' About War on ISIS

September 19th, 2014 8:57 PM
Nicolle Wallace, the token "conservative" on "The View," went out of her way to to express her faith in the Obama administration in the war on ISIS. Trust he was a "very reluctant warrior," she said, but now "he is deadly serious."

Tapper to Jay Carney: Be 'Frank' About Middle East; Carney Blames Bush

September 18th, 2014 6:01 PM
On Wednesday's The Lead, CNN's Jake Tapper tried to pull former White House Press Secretary Jay Carney out of acting like an apologist for President Obama. Tapper turned to his guest, who had just spent an entire segment defending his former boss's ISIS policy, and asked, "What is the difficulty in getting Arab allies to kick in with military assistance? Jay, you don't work for the White House…

NYT Reports Dismal Poll Stats for Obama; CBS Still Ignores

September 18th, 2014 5:38 PM
On Thursday morning, CBS continued to ignore key results of the latest CBS News/New York Times poll, which show President Obama’s approval rating at 40 percent and his foreign policy approval rating at only 34 percent.  In contrast, the front-page New York Times article by Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Dalia Sussman included dire statistics about the President’s low domestic approval rating: “The…

CBS/NYT Ignore Own Poll Showing Obama Job Approval at 40%

September 17th, 2014 9:13 PM
On Wednesday, CBS and The New York Times made the point of omitting results from their own poll which show President Obama’s job approval at 40 percent and his approval on foreign policy at only 34 percent from the newscasts and print newspaper, respectively. CBS This Morning and the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley only mentioned the latest CBS News/New York Times poll in regards to how 57…