ABC's John Hendren Derides: CPAC Attendees Represent the Right and 'th

February 22nd, 2010 4:29 PM
Good Morning America's John Hendren on Saturday fretted that attendees to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) came "from the right" and "the far right." He allowed that conservative are "on fire" with optimism about the future, but opined that the movement is "fractious." John Avlon, author of Winguts: How the Lunatic Fringe Is Hijacking America, was featured in a sound bite to…

With Bush Gone, NYT More Concerned With National Security Than Freedom

February 16th, 2010 8:00 PM
The New York Times has apparently discovered its inner patriot. The paper decided after a request from the White House to hold off publishing key information about the war effort in Afghanistan for fear of alerting the enemy to key U.S. intelligence.The Times and its executive editor Bill Keller, who defended the decision, have left the nation collectively uttering, "It's about time." Now that's…

Arianna Huffington Denounces 'Extremist' Beck Yet Employs Sharia Advoc

February 8th, 2010 7:11 PM
Does Arianna Huffington consider Glenn Beck more radical and dangerous than an advocate of Islamic Sharia law? She's let off a lot of hot air lately criticizing Fox News president Roger Ailes for employing Beck, but it turns out that on the Huffington Post's payroll is an envoy to the United States from the Somali Unity government, led by the Islamic Courts Union. The ICU is a strong proponent of…

Flight 253: AP Scrubs 'M-Word,' Potential Relevance of 'Nigerian Talib

December 26th, 2009 12:02 PM
It has been interesting watching the Associated Press reports on the attempted takedown of Flight 253 devolve in the past 12-plus hours. In its 8:56 a.m. report (likely dynamic and subject to change), it looks like the assemblage of AP writers who worked on the story have succeeded in: As Mark Finkelstein at NewsBusters noted earlier this morning in the case of the New York Times, ridding the…

Obama's Words and Deeds Reveal His Naive Foreign Policy

December 11th, 2009 1:01 PM
There is one thing I very much want everyone who reads this to understand. Although I vehemently disagree with just about everything Barack Obama has done since he has been in office, and I really believe that he's digging a fiscal hole that this nation will be generations, if ever, digging out of, although I believe him to be a total socialist and just hate it when I have seen him bow to royalty…

Conflicted Thomas Friedman Can't Bring Himself to Oppose Obama

December 3rd, 2009 2:53 PM
Thomas Friedman of the New York Times repeated his endorsement of the “smaller footprint” approach in Afghanistan on CNN’s Campbell Brown program on Wednesday, but couldn’t bring himself to explicitly oppose President Obama’s move to send 30,000 additional U.S. troops to the country: “I have great sympathy for the gut instinct was...I wish there was a smaller way to try to do this…

Larry King Pro-Obama Then Anti-War in Michael Moore Interview

December 2nd, 2009 3:30 PM
CNN’s Larry King carried water for President Obama’s move to send more troops to Afghanistan during an interview of Michael Moore on early Wednesday morning. King later shifted further to the left, asking Moore if he agreed with Jesse Ventura’s call for a new draft and a “war tax” and quoting from Bob Herbert of the New York Times, who labeled the Afghan war a “tragic mistake.”The CNN host…

Of All People: Lara Logan Supports McChrystal, Warns of Grave Dangers

October 9th, 2009 7:40 PM
That there has been little love lost between posters and commenters here at NewsBusters and CBS correspondent Lara Logan over the years is not exactly a secret (see previous NB posts by yours truly, Brent Baker, Kyle Drennen, and just warming up). I don't know what has happened in past couple of years (or is it months?) to knock some sense into Logan ("good war" Afghanistan vs. "bad war" Iraq?…

CBS Analyst: Taliban Treats Prisoners Better Than U.S

July 20th, 2009 1:51 PM
In reaction to a propaganda video of the Taliban holding an American soldier hostage in Afghanistan, on Monday’s CBS Early Show, terrorism analyst Jere Van Dyk argued: “What they [the Taliban] are saying is that ‘we can treat American soldiers, we can treat prisoners, better than Americans are treating them.’”Speaking to co-host Maggie Rodriguez about the capture of Private First Class Bowe…

Cheney's 'Secret Counterterrorism Program' Not So Secret After All

July 15th, 2009 2:00 PM
The New York Times's lead story Sunday was on a C.I.A. program allegedly concealed from Congress by Dick Cheney, and abruptly ended by new C.I.A. director Leon Panetta when he learned of it. The headline to intelligence reporter Scott Shane's story huffed: "Cheney Is Linked To Concealment Of C.I.A. Project." Democrats are of course calling for an investigation.The Central Intelligence Agency…

CNN’s Ware: U.S. 'Cannot Win the War in Afghanistan,' Pushes 'Deals

July 13th, 2009 2:10 PM
[Update, 2:34 pm Eastern: Audio and video clips from the report posted.]Despite the change in administration, CNN’s Michael Ware, who regularly issued doom-and-gloom reports on Iraq in past years, bluntly stated during a report on Thursday’s Anderson Cooper 360 that “America cannot win the war in Afghanistan...with bombs and bullets,” and offered that the only solution to the attacks on NATO…

NYT Will Name CIA Interrogators But Not Captured Journalists

June 22nd, 2009 3:22 PM
In their watchdog role of keeping the public informed, the New York Times has over the years disclosed government secrets regarding anti-terrorism tactics, overseas prisons, interrogation tactics, and military tactics, that critics contend have harmed the effectiveness of the programs and put America and our military at greater risk. In fact, in 2008, the Times even published the name of an…

NYT: 'Caring' Obama Has bin Laden on the Run

June 9th, 2009 10:10 AM
Message: Obama cares about Muslims. And he's got Osama bin Laden on the run by wisely fighting the war not militarily, but ideologically, unlike George Bush.That's the bottom-line finding in Rod Nordland's piece from Baghdad for the New York Times Sunday Week in Review  story on Obama's speech to Muslims in Cairo, "Forceful Words and Fateful Realities." Nordland, a longtime Newsweek foreign…

The NYT on Convicted Terror-Helper Hamdan's 'Impish Sense of Humor

August 11th, 2008 8:24 PM
Editor's Note: This post originated on our sister publication York Times terror-trial reporter William Glaberson filed a "news analysis" Sunday on the war crimes conviction of Salim Hamdan, the Guantanamo Bay detainee recently convicted of providing material support to terror by serving as driver and bodyguard to Osama bin Laden. But "A Conviction, but a System Still on Trial…