
Nets SLAM Biden as Failed Leader, Passed ‘Blame’ for Afghan ‘Disaster’

August 16th, 2021 8:17 PM

The major broadcast networks continued their welcome stance on Monday afternoon of holding President Biden accountable for the embarrassing collapse of Afghanistan and the peril Afghans and Americans have found themselves in. After Biden’s speech, ABC, CBS, and NBC lambasted it for having “missed the moment” in failing to “accept responsibility” for this “catastrophe” he’s caused and explain…


Tapper RIPS Biden’s Afghan Speech: 'Full of Finger-Pointing and Blame'

August 16th, 2021 5:26 PM

On Monday’s edition of The Lead, CNN’s Jake Tapper probably put it best when he said that President Biden had to be “forced” to make a public statement about his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, which left thousands of Americans and allies trapped in Kabul and scrambling for their lives. Immediately after Biden delivered his address and left without taking questions – to return…


NBC Whines GOP 'Seized' on 'Comparison' Between Kabul/Saigon Airlifts

August 15th, 2021 8:08 PM

President Biden’s disastrous foreign policy in Afghanistan had led to the Taliban seizing abandoned U.S. military equipment like helicopters and drones, seizing every provincial capital, and finally seizing the capital of Kabul leaving Americans and our Afghan allies scrambling for their lives. But Sunday’s NBC Nightly News was concerned with how “Republicans have seized on” the very…


Tapper DESTROYS Blinken on Biden's 'Ineptly Planned' Afghan Withdrawal

August 15th, 2021 4:29 PM

The president of Afghanistan has reportedly fled the country, the United States flag was taken down at the embassy and secreted away with the ambassador, and throngs of people were seen on video desperately trying to climb into the back of American military cargo planes before takeoff with reports the airport was under fire from the Taliban. That’s the state President Biden left Afghanistan in…


ABC Defends Afghan Disaster, NBC Disappointed It’ll 'Haunt' Biden

August 15th, 2021 10:15 AM

At any moment, Kabul would fall, the Taliban would return to running Afghanistan, and the victories in America’s 20-year-long war would be largely washed away. All of that was due to President Biden’s decision to hastily pull out of the country and leave civilians to be oppressed. Yet, on their Sunday morning newscast, ABC’s Good Morning America ran damage control for Biden by…


MSNBC Bashes America: Blame U.S. for Being on Omar's 'War Crimes' List

June 15th, 2021 9:45 AM

On Friday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes again let his far-left views show, this time by defending Congresswoman Ilhan Omar including the U.S. and Israel on her list of countries that she claims have committed "unthinkable atrocities" alongside Hamas and Taliban terrorists.


CNN Wonders How Dems Will 'Settle Their Differences' With The Squad

June 12th, 2021 10:55 AM

The Inside Politics panel discussion led by host John King on Thursday about Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar comparing the U.S. and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban was less interested in Omar's actual comments, than how the "Democratic family" will learn how to live with its differing opinions.


Afghan Interpreter in CBS Show Attacked: 'Americans Tortured Afghans'

May 20th, 2021 11:20 PM

CBS's new series The United States of Al tackled the Afghan conflict this week by introducing an American-hating leftist who blames the United States for everything from the creation of the Taliban to the existence of Osama Bin Laden.


CBS Praises Biden’s Afghan Withdrawal, Discounted Trump’s Peace Deal

April 13th, 2021 9:04 PM

There was some major whiplash on Tuesday's CBS Evening News when it was reported President Biden would announce American’s withdrawal from Afghanistan after more than 20 years. T The whiplash came from the network’s support for troop withdrawals being dependent on the party affiliation of the president behind it. They even discounted the peace deal President Trump struck to give…


CBS Silent as Biden Readied COVID Vaccines for Guantanamo Terrorists

January 31st, 2021 10:13 AM

Shortly before their evening newscasts Thursday, news broke that the Biden administration had approved a plan to give terrorists housed at Guantanamo Bay (including 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed) precious doses of the coronavirus vaccine ahead of most Americans. Doing their part to cover-up President Biden’s blunder, CBS has yet to report the story to viewers on any of their flagship…


CNN Host Cooks Up a Liberal Pot of 'Spanberger Helper'

July 1st, 2020 11:04 AM

On Tuesday morning’s New Day, CNN host John Berman brought on Democratic Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger to spew Democratic propaganda about President Trump as he tossed her softball questions. The anchor cited unverified claims about Trump’s classified phone calls with world leaders made by left-wing activist Carl Bernstein in order to help the Democratic lawmaker launch her attacks…

This Actually Happened: NY Times Publishes Op-Ed By the Taliban

February 21st, 2020 5:46 PM
Even for the low standards of The New York Times, this is shocking. The so-called “paper of record” on Friday gave print space so a Taliban leader —  an unrepentant terrorist — could lecture the United States. In a piece for the February 21 print paper entitled, “What We, the Taliban, Want,” Sirajuddin Haqqani spewed propaganda: “We did not choose our war with the foreign coalition led by the…

Did We Learn the Lesson of 9/11?

September 11th, 2019 10:45 PM
It's now been nearly a full generation since Sept. 11, 2001. There are people currently serving in the U.S. military who weren't born when that act of evil took place — and the military still has thousands of troops in Afghanistan, the home base of the Taliban-supported al Qaida attack on the United States that took nearly 3,000 American lives.

Dealing With the Taliban Devil

September 10th, 2019 10:09 PM
PARIS — President Trump was right to cancel a “secret” meeting with leaders of the Taliban and the Afghan government following two bomb attacks by the terrorist group that killed 10 civilians, an American soldier and a Romanian service member in heavily fortified Kabul. The president is eager to fulfill a desire to withdraw remaining American forces in what has been one of America's longest wars…