‘The Simpsons’ Hails SJWs for 'Positive Social Change'
Though often an equal opportunity lampooner, The Simpsons has a habit of every once in a while letting its left-wing freak flag fly. This week's episode had pro-Marxist and SJW leanings while also attacking crony capitalism, "right-wing trolls," religion, and churches' tax exempt status.
Pollster Rips ‘Flawed’ CNBC Econ Survey Saying Biden Has 62% Approval
Big Data Poll Director Richard Baris slammed a CNBC economic survey arguing that President Joe Biden won an initial approval rating that topped the first ratings of the last four presidents.
Nets Ignore CBO Report: Economy Will Recover in 2021 Without Biden
The ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts have now ignored news that makes former President Donald Trump’s economic policies look good even after he’s out of office.
Economists Slam NYT Propaganda That Dems Better for Econ Than GOP
Three economists lambasted a New York Times op-ed claiming that the Democratic Party is better for the economy than the GOP.
FNC’s Doocy Strays From WH Press Corps, Grills Psaki on Amazon, Masks
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki returned for a second briefing late Thursday afternoon and, after Dr. Tony Fauci and the press corps had a friendly, laugh-filled chat about the evils of the Trump administration, she took her turn for yet another relatively pressure-free briefing. However, Psaki faced a few exceptions, led by the Fox Business Network’s Blake Burman on the Keystone XL…
Big 3 Censor Small Business Confidence CRASHING After Election Results
The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows are trying to insulate former Vice President Joe Biden from bad news that could undermine confidence in his leftist economic agenda.
NYT’s Paul Krugman Contradicts Himself Predicting a ‘Biden Boom’
New York Times blowhard economist Paul Krugman has a particular skill in completely contradicting himself when it comes to making economic forecasts. In Krugman’s November 19 op-ed, headlined “Making the Most of the Coming Biden Boom,” the sub-headline read: “The economic outlook is probably brighter than you think.”
The Hill’s Joe Concha Takes Blowtorch to Pro-Biden ‘Marshmallow Media’
The Hill opinion columnist Joe Concha nuked the “marshmallow media” for consistently lobbing “T-ball” questions at former Vice President Joe Biden in the relatively few press conferences he’s held since clinching the Democratic nomination.
COPE: Paul Krugman Whines GOP Senate Majority Will Be Bad for Business
New York Times blowhard economist Paul Krugman is trying to cope with not getting the “blue wave” referendum on Trumpism he wanted out of the 2020 election. Now, Krugman has said that a potential GOP senate majority will be — wait for it — “bad for business.”
Outlets Push Biden Adviser’s INSANE 4-6 Week Economy Lockdown
The liberal media and their leftist cohorts do seem to like locking down the economy, despite the catastrophic damage these measures have already inflicted upon Americans.
Stossel Column: Freeloader U
Yale University has fancy dining halls. They pay no property tax. Local restaurants struggle to compete, but their tax burden makes that hard. “We basically pay one-third of our rent in taxes!” complains Matt West, manager of Koon Thai Restaurant. “Yale is a money-making machine.” It is. Many colleges are. Yale has a $31 billion endowment. Harvard's is $40 billion. My alma mater, Princeton,…
FALSE: CNN Says Americans ‘Unlikely’ to See Higher Taxes Under Biden
CNN is trying to hoodwink Americans into believing that their taxes won’t increase under a Biden administration.
Cal Thomas Column: Bipolar America
If Joe Biden survives recounts and several lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign into what Trump says has been widespread vote-counting fraud (we await proof), do not expect him to be hounded over his and Hunter Biden's business ties to China and Ukraine as President Trump has been over “Russian collusion” charges and numerous other attempts by Democrats, the left and the media to undermine his…
Fox Business’s Charles Payne Worried Biden Tax Plan Will Harm 401(k)s
Fox Business host Charles Payne expressed major concerns over the disastrous consequences Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s leftist tax plan would inflict on Americans if it were ever implemented.