
Hillary Panicking? Calls Chris Hayes to Propose Higher Taxes

January 11th, 2016 9:09 PM
Is Hillary Clinton panicking? We've seen the polls showing the Iowa race closing to within the margin of error, and Hillary losing in New Hampshire. But could Clinton's internal polling be even more calamitous? The question arises because Hillary is suddenly trying to rival Bernie Sanders in bashing the rich. Nine months after announcing her candidacy, Clinton suddenly called into Chris Hayes'…

Blogger: Don’t Be Fooled -- Rubio’s As Nutty As Cruz and Trump

January 8th, 2016 9:29 PM
In a Wednesday post, New York magazine's Chait sought to debunk the belief that Marco Rubio is a moderate. As for why some might see him that way, Chait suggested a few reasons, among them that Rubio, unlike fellow Republican presidential contenders Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, “avoids statements that make him appear ostentatiously deranged.” Chait argued that while Rubio’s focus on positioning…

NYT’s Krugman: Rich Right-Wingers 'Horrible People,' Says 'Science'

January 2nd, 2016 9:28 AM
The rich are "horrible people" -- at least those who lean to the right -- declares economist turned pompous New York Times columnist Paul Krugman in Friday’s “Privilege, Pathology and Power.” The text box: “Can we survive rule by self-centered billionaires?” (Liberal billionaire activist George Soros had no comment.) Krugman channeled opportunistic moralism, citing “science” to confirm his…

10 Outrageous Ways the Media Were Anti-Business Activists in 2015

December 21st, 2015 10:09 AM
Objective journalism is so old-fashioned. Activism is the new objectivity, at least where the liberal media are concerned. Rather than reporting as neutral outsiders on matters of race, CNN hosts and guest actually put their hands up in the “Hands up, don’t shoot” pose that never happened while reporting on protests. They seize on mass shootings to repeat calls for stricter gun control. The sad…

Tom Brokaw Goes Tom Friedman: Raise Gas Taxes to Fight Terror

November 25th, 2015 8:19 AM
You name the problem, Tom Friedman's got the answer: raise taxes on gasoline. Looks like Tom Brokaw's caught Friedman's gas-tax raising fever. On today's Morning Joe, Brokaw proposed, as part of fighting the war on terror, raising gas taxes by five cents per gallon. Brokaw argued that it is wrong that the burden of fighting falls on just 1% of Americans, and that the result of his tax increase…

Eleanor Clift: Treasury Has 'Never Recovered' After Reagan Tax Cuts

November 16th, 2015 1:15 PM
Having shown her affinity for the nonsensical when it comes to the oil export ban, Daily Beast columnist Eleanor Clift has now demonstrated her refusal to accept the reality of three major economic booms in the United States over the last century that were preceded by major tax relief. Appearing as one of the regular panelists on this weekend's McLaughlin Group, Clift made a claim that was…

AP Makes Report on October Deficit Almost All About Other Things

November 13th, 2015 6:02 PM
The federal government kicked off fiscal 2016 yesterday by reporting that its October deficit was $136.5 billion, 12 percent higher than the $121.7 billion shortfall seen in October 2014. Single-month comparisons can be tricky because of timing differences, but the Associated Press's Martin Crutsinger noted that analyzing the results from this October and last October is an apples-to-apples…

Cold War Redux on NYT Book Page: Hailing Gorby, Bashing Reaganomics

November 9th, 2015 11:33 AM
It was an '80s flashback in the New York Times Sunday book review. Serge Schmemann attacked a new book about Russian dictator Vladimir Putin by Garry Kasparov. Schmemann seemed to take personally Kasparov's criticism of Barack Obama and his celebration of Ronald Reagan. Schmemann gave all the credit to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev: "...ultimately it was Gorbachev, more than any American or…

CNN's Hill: 'Greatest Lie' in US History Is 'Myth of Self-Made Person'

November 8th, 2015 11:12 PM
Appearing as a guest during the 5:00 p.m. hour of CNN Newsroom with Poppy Harlow on Sunday, liberal CNN political commentator Marc Lamont Hill declared that "the greatest lie in American history is the myth of the self-made person" as he answered a question about why GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson is so popular with white Republicans.

CNBC's Harwood Lies About Rubio's Tax Plan — Again

October 29th, 2015 1:41 AM
The competition for the worst moderator moment of Wednesday night's GOP debate is fierce. John Harwood's rephrasing of an old and discredited charge that Marco Rubio's tax plan disproportionately benefits the top 1 percent has to be in the running. That's especially true because Harwood himself had to back away from a simialr contention two weeks ago, yet still brought up the same issue with a…

Al Michaels Jokes About Taxes, Deadspin Flips Out

October 19th, 2015 7:24 PM
The No Fun League apparently isn’t merely confined to the N.F.L. On NBC’s Sunday Night Football, Al Michaels made a joke about taxes. In the video, Michaels talked about how Bill Belichick made a paltry $25 dollars a week while coaching for the Baltimore Colts in 1975.

ABC’s Stephanopoulos Repeatedly Hits Trump from Left on Taxes

October 4th, 2015 11:35 AM
On Sunday’s This Week, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos repeatedly hit GOP presidential frontrunner from the left over his tax plan, chastising Trump for his plan which Stephanopoulos claimed would mainly benefit the rich. Stephanopoulos demanded the Republican candidate explain why taxes should be cut at all and zeroed in on how the plan would personally benefit Trump: “Bottom line, you do accept…

Blogger: GOP Unique In Its Anti-Government ‘Virulence’

October 1st, 2015 10:36 PM
Asked to name something that stands alone, a lot of people would say, “The cheese.” To New York magazine's Jonathan Chait, another reasonable answer is “the Republican party,” at least in regard to global warming specifically and hatred of government in general. Chait’s main point is that the GOP is extremist not only in an American context but also by international standards: “Of all the major…

CBS Uses Lib Group Passed as ‘Non-Partisan’ to Bash Trump's Tax Plan

September 30th, 2015 1:58 AM
Tuesday’s edition of the CBS Evening News used a liberal tax group, passed off as “non-partisan,” to bash, from the left, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s tax plan. Trumpeting the “non-partisan Tax Policy Center,” chief White House correspondent Major Garrett used multiple soundbites from senior fellow Howard Gleckman to hype that “an independent analysis says Trump's plan would…