Dallas Reporter Ignorant on Taxation of U.S. Firms' Overseas Profits

June 10th, 2015 9:16 PM
Will Deener, who has been a business reporter since at least before the turn of the century, considers his most unforgettable experience on the job to be "Covering the crash of the Internet stocks and Enron in 2000-2002." Sunday evening, the Dallas Morning News columnist moaned about how big U.S. companies engaged in real businesses are avoiding paying billions in taxes because "the nation’s…

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Right’s ‘Freedom’ Brings Oligarchy, Corruption

June 10th, 2015 5:55 PM
When it comes to the word “freedom,” liberals and conservatives long have told each other, in effect, “I do not think it means what you think it means.” Take Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor and publisher of The Nation, who in a Tuesday Washington Post column urged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to endorse a “far more expansive” concept of freedom than the right’s “constrained notion” that’…

Media Fail: Weak First Qtr. Economies Have Been a Democrat Phenomenon

June 8th, 2015 11:13 AM
The business press has gotten really excited about the possibility — some of them are even treating it as a probability — that the first-quarter's recently reported annualized economic contraction of 0.7 percent will go positive if it gets revised for so-called "residual seasonality." "Residual seasonality" is "the manifestation of seasonal patterns in data that have already been seasonally…

NYT Pushes 'Income Inequaity' Obsession in Polls, on Front Page

June 4th, 2015 10:34 PM
Another day, another batch of poll results from the New York Times pushing a liberal issue. Yesterday it was campaign finance. Thursday's front page brought the paper's latest installment of the paper's ongoing obsession with "income inequality," "Inequality Troubles Americans Across Party Lines, a Poll Finds," with special pressure on what it would mean for the Republicans in 2016.

NBC and ABC Ignore Companies Forcing Change in Connecticut Tax Hike

June 3rd, 2015 12:38 PM
On Wednesday, only CBS This Morning noticed a setback for Democrats proposing a massive tax hike in Connecticut, with co-host Norah O’Donnell reporting: “The Connecticut Post says two major corporations, General Electric and Aetna, forced changes in Connecticut's proposed budget. The companies said they would consider leaving the state over plans to raise business taxes. Democratic lawmakers…

The Hill: 'Washington Is Ready to Spend'; Doesn't Mention How Much

May 30th, 2015 9:32 PM
Facts are such inconvenient things. Especially financial facts and figures. On Tuesday, Rebecca Shabad at the Hill composed a 34-paragraph report entitled "Washington is ready to spend." Really? When have Congress or the White House not been ready to spend? Oh, I get it. She really means that they're getting ready to spend more. How much more? Readers will search in vain for anything beyond a…

Daily Beast Writer: Gay Marriage Could Be a ‘Liberal Wedge Issue’

May 30th, 2015 11:55 AM
A recent Gallup poll found that 31 percent of Americans self-identify as social liberals, and that an equal percentage call themselves social conservatives -- the first time since Gallup began conducting such surveys in 1999 that conservatives haven’t outnumbered liberals. On Tuesday, pundit Michael Tomasky seized on this development as an indication that Republicans no longer will be able to use…

Taxpayer-backed NPR Subtly Spins IRS Data Breach

May 28th, 2015 5:14 PM
Leave it to taxpayer-subsidized NPR to subtly shade its reporting on a federal government data breach in a way that softens the blow for the Internal Revenue Service.

Nets Notice IRS Hacking; Punt on Holding Obama Admin. Accountable

May 28th, 2015 3:54 PM
The Big Three's morning newscasts on Wednesday and Thursday all covered the breach of an online IRS system by hackers that compromised the personal information of 100,000 taxpayers. However, none of the programs mentioned President Obama by name during their reporting, nor did they revisit any of the other problems or scandals involving the agency in recent years. CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly…

AP Offended That CEOs Are Paid As Well As Elite Entertainers

May 26th, 2015 4:06 PM
Seldom does one see such an obvious betrayal of reporters' biased mindsets as the one found in the opening paragraph of an Associated Press report earlier today on CEO pay at major U.S. publicly-held companies. According to the AP's Steve Rothwell and Ryan Nakashima, that entertainers, whose incomes are derived from leveraging special physical and artistic talents, deserve all the money they can…

AP Celebrates April Budget Surplus, Ignores Its Cause: Tax Increases

May 16th, 2015 9:52 AM
On Tuesday, Associated Press reporter Martin Crutsinger celebrated the federal government's large April budget surplus, caused by "a flood of tax payments (which) pushed government receipts to an all-time high." He didn't mention that the tax payments were higher largely because of tax increases passed in 2013. It certainly didn't occur because of an improving economy — because it's not…

NBC, ABC Ignore IRS Employees Evading Taxes and Getting Promoted

May 7th, 2015 11:36 AM
On Thursday, CBS This Morning offered a scant 26 seconds on a Wall Street Journal story about nearly 1,600 IRS employees having evaded taxes over a ten-year period, with co-host Norah O'Donnell noting: "Workers improperly claimed dependents, repeatedly failed to file timely tax returns, and claimed a tax credit for first-time home buyers when the IRS worker didn't buy a house. Most of the IRS…

Kos: Success of Apple ‘Lays Waste to Conservative Ideology’

April 30th, 2015 6:06 PM
Apple Inc. is not merely a tech company; it’s also a destroyer of right-wing doctrine. That was the main argument of a Tuesday blog post by Daily Kos founder and publisher Markos Moulitsas. Kos asserted that the huge success of the California-based Apple refutes the “conservatives [who] bray incessantly about the Golden State's ‘high taxes and burdensome regulations.’” He also lauded the company…

AP, Eager to Predict GOP-Admin Recessions, Ignores Today's Red Flag

April 24th, 2015 10:52 PM
Today's Census Bureau report on durable goods orders was like a poorly made cake with delicious frosting: tasty at first, but awful when fully experienced. The frosting in today's report was that overall orders increased in March by a seasonally adjusted 4.0 percent. The trouble is that an important, widely recognized element of that report — what the Associated Press's Martin Crutsinger vaguely…