'It's War': NBC Eagerly Hypes GOP Division Over Budget Deal

December 13th, 2013 11:49 AM
Leading off Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams declared: "It's war. A private battle blows wide open in public as the most powerful Republican in Washington says he's had enough, coming out swinging against members of his own party." Moments later, he hailed House Speaker John Boehner's "rare outburst of candor mixed with anger and frustration" at conservatives critical of the new…

MSNBC: Tea Party 'Reckless with People's Lives,' GOP 'Can't Win on Jus

December 10th, 2013 6:09 PM
On Monday's All In on MSNBC, during a discussion of whether the Tea Party has helped conservatism, host Chris Hayes accused the Tea Party of being "reckless" in several ways, including "with people's lives," as he contrasted the GOP and Democratic bases, while MSNBC's Karen Finney asserted that GOPers only agree on "how much they hate Barack Obama." Hayes began the discussion as he posed:

Scarborough, Dean Squabble Over Dems Moving Left: You Spout That 'Carl

December 9th, 2013 9:41 AM
Things got testy between Joe Scarborough and Howard Dean on today's Morning Joe over the issue of the Dem party moving left.  In a particularly unkind cut, Scarborough accused Dean of spouting "Carl Bernstein nonsense," while Dean tried to shut Scarborough down, bleating "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."  Adding spice to the mix, Mika Brzezinski made clear her great regard for lefty Senator…

Sen. Mike Lee Makes the Establishment Cringe

November 18th, 2013 11:11 AM
Just when I complimented my friends at The Salt Lake Tribune for being authentic for owning the cause of anything other than Mormon and Republican in Utah, they have to go and act like their journalistic editorial standards trump their politics – which is, of course, nonsense. When the Media Research Center in Washington, D.C., cited dozens of reports and editorials issued by the Tribune…

Daily Beast Attacks ‘Apocalyptic’ Tea Party ‘Zealots

November 15th, 2013 5:35 PM
The Daily Beast on Monday produced a shrill attack on the Tea Party titled “How the Tea Party’s Apocalyptic Politics Are Destroying the Republican Party.” Author Joe McLean announced his premise in the subheading: “Tea Party leaders view themselves as modern prophets of the end of times, ratcheting up their rhetoric to prove that Obama is evil and God is on their side.” What followed was an…

MSNBC Contributor Fox Misinterprets Cruz In Order To Slam Him

November 11th, 2013 6:00 PM
Sometimes it’s convenient for a journalist to misinterpret someone else’s words in order to push his or her own narrative, and that was clearly what happened on Saturday’s edition of Weekends with Alex Witt on MSNBC. Alex Witt and various guests spent a good deal of time discussing Sen. Ted Cruz’s Friday appearance on The Tonight Show, and Witt seemed to take issue with this Cruz sound bite: […

MRC's Brent Bozell Demands Utah Papers Ensure Fair, Balanced Coverage

November 11th, 2013 4:46 PM
Armed with evidence compiled by NewsBusters senior editor and Media Research Center director of research Rich Noyes, MRC president Brent Bozell sent letters to members of the boards of directors of two prominent newspapers in Utah, demanding that they offer their readers fair and balanced coverage of U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R). You may recall that both the Salt Lake Tribune and the Deseret News…

NBC: GOP 'Facing A War Within' Must Abandon 'Far Right' Tea Party

November 11th, 2013 3:28 PM
Trying to deflect from the political damage ObamaCare has done to Democrats, on Monday's NBC Today, White House correspondent Peter Alexander hyped GOP divisions: "...the Republican Party is facing a war within....Republicans have an issue over defining their brand, an ideological civil war of sorts."  [ Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] In an interview with former…

Carl Bernstein: Obama’s ‘Great Contribution’ Might Be to Help M

November 7th, 2013 3:04 PM
Veteran journalist Carl Bernstein insulted conservative Republicans during an appearance on Thursday’s Morning Joe on MSNBC. Responding to a New York Times opinion piece that likened the current GOP to the Republican Party of Joe McCarthy, Bernstein actually suggested that President Obama may be the one to moderate the GOP: “[T]he great contribution of Obama might be to help create a…

Charlie Cook: I'd Pay To See Chris Christie Pull A Tea Partier's Lungs

November 6th, 2013 1:16 PM
Political anaylst Charlie Cook bills himself as "non-partisan and independent." But on today's Morning Joe Cook  couldn't curb his enthusiasm for Chris Christie.  Cook said of Christie that there is "testosterone coming out of every more pore in his body" and that Christie's attitude "inoculates him against being called a RINO, pantywaist liberal Republican." For good measure, Cook said he…

NBC's Todd Predicts 'A Lot of I-Told-You-Sos' Against Tea Party After

November 5th, 2013 11:59 AM
On Tuesday's NBC Today, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd eagerly forecasted Republican defeat in the Virginia governor's race and that all the blame for the loss would be ascribed to conservatives: "There are a lot of anti-Tea Party Republicans who think the Tea Party has done damage to the Republican Party who are going....'You've got a Tea Party that took over the Virginia…

MSNBC's Reid Rewrites Crist History, Throws Black Dem Kendrick Meek Un

November 4th, 2013 7:09 PM
In her closing "Clear the Air" commentary on the November 4 Martin Bashir program, substitute host and longtime Florida resident Joy-Ann Reid rewrote the political history of Republican-turned-Democrat Charlie Crist, who announced today that he will run for the governorship in the 2014 election cycle. Reid suggested that Florida Democrats should get over their suspicions about the turncoat…

Newly Obtained E-Mails Show Lerner Gave Tea Party Tax Info to FEC, Big

November 4th, 2013 4:00 PM
On October 31 the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard reported the following: “The Internal Revenue Service shared highly confidential tax information of several Tea Party groups in the IRS scandal with the Federal Election Commission, a clear violation of federal law, according to newly obtained emails. The public watchdog group Judicial Watch told Secrets Thursday that it was former scandal…

Ann Coulter Column: Here Are the Republicans You Can Thank for ObamaCa

October 30th, 2013 7:26 PM
We have Obamacare for one reason and one reason only: For a brief, ghoulish period in recent history, Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives. We don't have Obamacare because the public was clamoring for it. We have it because Republicans lost elections.