Dan Gainor Discusses IRS Controversy on Varney & Co

May 13th, 2013 12:00 PM
Media Research Center VP for Business and Culture Dan Gainor appeared on Fox Business's Varney & Co. on May 13, to discuss the IRS targetting conservative groups for extra scrutiny.  Gainor addressed the New York Times Headline "I.R.S. Focus on Conservatives Gives G.O.P. an Issue to Seize on." "This is the New York Times's take on how to turn something that's Nixonian into something…

Jon Karl Exposes: IRS Targeting of Conservatives Began in 2010; Not Sk

May 13th, 2013 11:31 AM
Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Monday exposed new details about the growing scandal involving the Internal Revenue Service targeting conservatives. The correspondent revealed, "I've obtained a soon-to-be released investigative report that shows the IRS started targeting Tea Party groups more than three years ago." He added that this was "despite [the IRS] publicly claiming otherwise."…

MSNBC's Scarborough and Geist on IRS Scandal: 'This Is Tyranny

May 13th, 2013 11:22 AM
As NewsBusters has been reporting all morning, the folks on MSNBC's Morning Joe almost unanimously came down on the Obama administration for using the Internal Revenue Service to intimidate its political opponents. Putting an exclamation point on the outrage late in Monday's program were co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Willie Geist who shockingly agreed, "This is tyranny" (video follows with…

Live Blog: May 13 Obama/Cameron Press Conference

May 13th, 2013 11:17 AM
President Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron will take questions from reporters in a joint press conference to be held shortly at the White House. The president is expected to be asked about revelations that IRS officials targeted Tea Party groups for audits. I'll be watching the conference and transcribing the questions below the page break. In the comments section, tell us what…

Brokaw on IRS Scandal: 'Welcome to the Second Term, Mr. President

May 13th, 2013 10:05 AM
It appears that there is something not all liberal media members are willing to defend a Democratic administration from: using the Internal Revenue Service to intimidate political opponents. So outraged by Friday's revelations was former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw that on MSNBC's Morning Joe Monday, he called the tactic "outrageous,"  "unacceptable," and mocked, "Welcome to the second…

Tax-Funded NPR and PBS Bored at IRS Scandal; Instead, Mark Shields Tra

May 13th, 2013 8:24 AM
Both NPR and PBS skipped over the Obama-IRS scandal on Friday night’s “week in review” segments. Both led instead by wondering about whether conservatives would ruin immigration “reform” and then briefly touched on Benghazi.  On the PBS Newshour, all the outrage was saved for the end, as Mark Shields railed against Congressman-elect Mark Sanford as an unforgivable “jerk” for having his…

NBC Cheers Gun Control Advocates 'Pushing Back' at Town Halls, But Dis

May 2nd, 2013 12:27 PM
Leading off Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams eagerly touted gun control supporters going after Republican New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte at a recent town hall meeting: "Pushing back. A tense moment as a U.S. senator gets an earful about her no vote on gun control." Williams hopefully added: "And with lawmakers home from Washington on a break, is this about to start…

Bozell: Chris Matthews Is 'Real Face of Character Assassination

March 22nd, 2013 11:58 AM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews is the "real face of character assassination," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell argued on the March 21 edition of Fox News Channel's Hannity program. The Media Research Center founder and president reacted to just the latest instance of the Hardball host bashing Tea Party conservatives as racist, xenophobic, and anti-gay. "On Monday night, he was so off on his attacks…

Chris Matthews: Does Tea Party Want America Where 'There Are No Gays

March 21st, 2013 11:37 AM
Two days after Chris Matthews and fellow MSNBCer Joy-Ann Reid suggested that participants at the annual CPAC supported segregation, the liberal host was back at it on March 20.  Matthews brought on two liberal guests to slam the Tea Party for its “racist” and “xenophobic” mentality.     Speaking with his guests on Wednesday’s Hardball, Matthews asked:

Politico Pair Cry a River of Crocodile Tears Over 'Obama, the Puppet M

February 19th, 2013 10:23 AM
Instead of doing the work they were supposed to be doing last night -- i.e., following their publication's mission statement, which is (or maybe was) to "turn ... reporters (i.e., themselves) loose on the subject we love: national politics" -- Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen spent over 1,800 words whining. Their disingenuous complaint: The Obama administration supposedly has insurmountable…

NY Times Suggests Tea Party Sen. Ted Cruz Takes Confrontation to New L

February 18th, 2013 6:09 PM
Newly minted Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a Tea Party politician, is "raising bipartisan hackles" and otherwise being a "bad boy" in the previously collegial U.S. Senate, opined political reporter Jonathan Weisman on the front page of Saturday's New York Times: "Texas Senator Goes on Attack And Raises Bipartisan Hackles." Clearly disturbed about Cruz's treatment of Obama's nominee for defense…

NY Times ‘News Analysis’ Promotes Myth Obama Is Cutting Spending

February 15th, 2013 10:32 AM
On Wednesday, the New York Times published a News Analysis of the President’s State of the Union address entitled “In Age of Spending Cuts, Making a Case for Government.” While the author, Richard Stevenson, makes a correct argument for how the President is pushing for larger government despite a shrinking federal budget, he ignores how there is no actual reduction in federal spending. In…

New York Times Op-Ed Accuses Tea Party Of 'Assaults On Public Official

February 2nd, 2013 8:45 AM
Looks like liberals are still trying to peddle the discredited allegation that Tea Party members attacked black members of Congress. The op-ed page of today's New York Times contains a column by James Sleeper, a long-time left-wing activist, now a lecturer at Yale.  The gist is the grudging respect that Sleeper came to have for Ed Koch, the former New York City mayor who passed away two days…

Only Truth in ‘True Life’ is MTV’s Contempt for Conservatives

February 1st, 2013 4:52 PM
What’s more embarrassing, hateful, ignorant and racist than a “right-winger”? Not much, according to MTV. The youth oriented network’s reality show “True Life” ran an episode called “I hate the government” last Friday which detailed the lives of three “right-wingers.” The episode description reads: “Amelia, Caleb and Andrew are three right-wingers who despise the very thing that holds our…