Has Tea Party 'Expanded' or 'Lost Momentum'? Depends on When You Read

August 14th, 2012 11:31 AM
Is the Tea Party on the decline or not? Don't ask the New York Times. Political reporter Michael Shear wrote in Monday's paper that "Tea Party Hopes to Gain Larger Stage in Election With Romney's Pick." The text box: "A movement already energized by a string of electoral victories." But in May, a Times reporter wrote that the Tea Party "has lost momentum." Here's Shear: For two years, Tea…

NYT: Tea Party 'Siphoned Energy and Support From Violent Fringe Groups

August 8th, 2012 2:36 PM
Has the Tea Party truly "siphoned energy and support from violent fringe groups"? On Wednesday James Dao and Serge Kovaleski of the New York Times reported on the murderous rampage at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin: "Music Style Is Called Supremacist Recruiting Tool." After working in the threat of "ultra-right-wing militias" (though all indiciations are that the killer acted alone), Dao and…

Washington Post's Capehart Unfamiliar With Enumerated Powers Clause

August 2nd, 2012 8:43 AM
What does it take to win a Pulitzer Prize or write editorials for the Washington Post?  Hard to say [though being a liberal certainly helps], but familiarity with the basic constitutional principles upon which our country was founded is apparently not required. On today's Morning Joe, Pulitzer Prize winner and Washington Post editorialist Jonathan Capehart apologized to Senator Tom Coburn…

Scary Conservatives: AP's Hanna Negatively Frames Likely Conservative

July 30th, 2012 11:53 PM
Gosh, I think John Hanna and the Associated Press need to do something about their use of eliminationist language and violent imagery. Look at how AP headlined Hanna's late morning report on the rise of conservatism in several midwestern and southern states at the likely expense of moderate incumbents (shown in full because of its brevity and for fair use and discussion purposes).

Video: The Liberal Media's History of Falsely Blaming Conservatives fo

July 26th, 2012 3:31 PM
Our friends at MRCTV have a great new video that goes through a short history of the liberal media's penchant for hastily laying the blame for spree shootings and other violent attacks on conservatives. Yet time after time, when all the facts came out, we learned that it was anything but conservatives behind each and every incident. Of course, by the time all the facts came out, the media spin…

Bozell: ABC's Disgraceful Rush to Judgment on the Tea Party

July 20th, 2012 5:56 PM
This morning, in the aftermath of the unspeakable Colorado massacre that claimed at least 12 innocent American lives and injured dozens more, ABC "news" investigative reporter Brian Ross appeared on ABC's Good Morning America and made the outrageous, irresponsible, and completely unfounded claim that the alleged gunman, 24-year-old Jim Holmes, is a member of the Tea Party. Apparently Ross has…

James Earl Jones, Voice of Darth Vader, Loves MSNBC And Knows the Tea

July 10th, 2012 11:24 PM
Actor James Earl Jones appeared on the public-radio show Smiley & West last weekend and discussed how he stuttered as a teenager. “There’s a certain terror I still have about confronting people.  I can’t debate, I can’t argue, I fall apart...I cannot be an activist, for instance, because of that.” But as Brian Maloney reported, host Tavis Smiley wanted to draw his politics out. Jones…

Columbus Dispatch Reporter from 1,000-Attendee Convention: Tea Party I

June 30th, 2012 9:59 PM
In a report currently time-stamped early Saturday morning, Emily Wilkins at the Columbus Dispatch claimed in her opening sentence covering Ohio's second We The People Convention in Columbus ("Fears fuel kinship at tea party convention") that "Tea party members are alone and scared — and to them, that’s a good thing." Well, I was there this weekend in Columbus. I didn't see "alone" or "scared…

MSNBC’s Chuck Todd: Opposition to ObamaCare is Purely ‘Political

June 28th, 2012 11:58 AM
In the minutes following the Supreme Court’s controversial decision to uphold ObamaCare, MSNBC's Chuck Todd dismissed opposition to the law as purely partisan politics.  Todd, who is the Chief White House correspondent for NBC News has decided to suddenly become a liberal pundit now that ObamaCare was upheld by the Supreme Court. [Video follows page break;  MP3 audio here.] Todd claims that…

Cal Thomas Column: Who Are You Calling, 'Extreme,' Jeb

June 14th, 2012 5:35 PM
Don't you find it odd that the word extremism seems to apply only to conservative Republicans? Terminology often drives political discourse and those who control the terms often determine the outcome. Establishment Republicans have too often been uncomfortable in their own skin. When they win elections, they sometimes seem unsure of what to do next. Democrats never seem to have this problem.…

PBS's Tavis Smiley Thinks the Tea Party Is Republican Before It Is Ame

May 23rd, 2012 4:34 PM
On his PBS show Monday night, Tavis Smiley welcomed liberal former Sen. Bill Bradley to discuss his political agenda, which began with repealing the Buckley v. Valeo and Citizens United decisions on campaign financing. But what stood out most was Smiley ripping the Tea Party as more Republican than American. Bradley suggested “even” the Tea Party are Americans first. “I’m just not sure that…

NBC's Williams: Defeat of 'Old-School Moderate' Lugar 'Ending the Era

May 10th, 2012 5:38 PM
Joining the rest of the media in mourning the primary defeat of Republican Indiana Senator Richard Lugar on Tuesday, on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams praised the "old-school moderate" who "was attacked for working to compromise with the White House" and lamented: "His defeat comes close to ending the era of centrist Republicans in the Senate."

Kid Glove Treatment For Emanuel 'Car Wash' Cleaver at KC Star; AP Has

April 9th, 2012 12:00 PM
As of 11:55 a.m., a search at the Associated Press's national site on "Cleaver" returns nothing related to an April 6 story reported at the Kansas City star (HT Nice Deb via Gateway Pundit) that Bank of America has sued Missouri Congressman and Black Caucus Chairman Emanuel Cleaver for repayment of a $1 million-plus loan relating to a car wash. The KC Star didn't exactly provide exemplary…

NYTimes Frets Over Reduced Visibility of 'Populist' Occupy Movement, T

April 2nd, 2012 2:12 PM
New York Times reporter Michael Schmidt fretted about the loss of public attention on the "populist" (not left-wing?) Occupy Wall Street movement on Sunday: "For Occupy Movement, a Challenge to Recapture Momentum." (The Times didn't exactly treat the plight of the Tea Party with such sympathetic concern.)