Tom Brokaw Warns 'Income Inequality' Could Lead to 'Class War

December 18th, 2011 9:34 PM
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's Piers Morgan Tonight on CNN ,as he discussed the Occupy Wall Street protests, former NBC anchor Tom Brokaw warned that a "class war" could develop unless "income inequality" is addressed. Brokaw:

Such a Double Standard: Tea Party Was 'Extremist' But OWS 'Protester

December 16th, 2011 11:31 AM
Americans need only to open the daily newspaper or turn on the nightly news in order to see the media’s double standard. Each day we continue to hear the Occupy Wall Street movement’s hijacked the slogan of "the 99 percent" which has been forced it into our lexicon and the media’s daily lingo. And almost comically, Time magazine has decided that "The Protester" is 2011's Person of the Year.…

Rep. Allen West: Conservatives Get Flak From Liberal Media Because The

December 9th, 2011 4:31 PM
"You know, we have a saying in the military: You don't receive flak unless you're over the target," retired Army colonel Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) told NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell in an interview earlier this week. "I think that too often on the Republican side of the House" that conservatives have been gun-shy about "taking the flak" from the liberal media for their conservatism. "When…

NYT Covers Falling Tea Party Support, Ignores Polls Showing Sharp Down

November 30th, 2011 2:52 PM
Kate Zernike, whose reporting on the Tea Party for the New York Times is often hostile, on Wednesday devoted a full story to an outside poll, from the Pew Research Center, claiming falling support for the Tea Party “may be dragging down the Republican Party heading into a presidential election year." (“Support for Tea Party Falls In Strongholds, Polls Show.”) Yet the Times has ignored recent…

Classy: Frequent NYT Book Reviewer Compares Tea Party to KKK

November 29th, 2011 8:35 AM
Kevin Boyle reviewed two new books on the Ku Klux Klan for the Sunday Times Book Review under the heading “The Not-So-Invisible Empire.” Boyle, an Ohio State University history professor and frequent contributor to the Times Book Review, compared the Tea Party to the Ku Klux Klan. Boyle's review started and ended offensively:

Black Conservative Has Campaign Billboard Vandalized With ‘KKK’, P

November 18th, 2011 4:33 PM
Bill Randall is a candidate for Congress, running in North Carolina’s 13th Congressional District.  Mr. Randall also happens to be an African-American.  In early October, Randall had a campaign billboard vandalized with a spray-painted, vulgar phallic symbol, accompanied by the letters "KKK”. It was the kind of message that would normally launch the media into full-blown racial apoplexy.  One…

'Balanced' New York Times 'Reporter' Kate Zernike Waxes Sarcastic on T

November 18th, 2011 4:03 PM
Tea Party beat reporter Kate Zernike was back on the reporting scene in a Thursday afternoon “Caucus” post, “A Tea Party ‘Hearing’ in the Senate That Wasn’t.” Zernike surely used up her monthly quota of sarcastic quote marks in this snarky post mocking the unofficial hearings (sorry, “hearings”) held by congressmen who support the Tea Party. By contrast, Times reporter Scott Shane was quite…

Maxine Waters' 'That's Life' Reax to OWS Deaths, Violence, and Crime I

November 17th, 2011 11:22 PM
This one's utterly predictable, but still needs to be noted. As Edwin Mora at CNS News reported on Wednesday, California Congresswoman Maxine Waters, after a Congressional Progressive Caucus-sponsored event at the Capitol, “when asked to comment ... about the deaths and crimes that have occurred around Occupy protests being held across the country, … said 'that’s life and it happens.'" What's…

Matthews, Who Once Compared Tea Party to the Muslim Brotherhood, Now A

November 17th, 2011 6:44 PM
Chris Matthews, who has repeatedly denounced the "hateful" Tea Partiers and once compared them to the Muslim Brotherhood, admitted on Thursday that the conservative protesters have "a point." The admission came during an attempt to suggest that both the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street have failings. [MP3 audio here.] The Hardball host conceded, "I may surprise some people with this, but…

The Left's Many Double Standards

November 11th, 2011 3:59 PM
Today's liberals would have you believe they occupy the moral high ground on every political and cultural issue. But have you ever taken inventory of their double standards? The left's inconsistency in applying their principles based on the party affiliation of those they're judging, gives fuller meaning to the concept of moral relativism. The only thing that's consistent is their reliable…

Time's Top Editor Stengel Asks Bill Clinton Why He Isn't Tea Party 'He

November 11th, 2011 3:42 PM
In a recent interview, Time magazine's Richard Stengel asked former President Bill Clinton why he was not a Tea Party "hero." Stengel's "criteria" were that Clinton oversaw a balanced budget and cuts to the rate of growth of the federal government. However, as CNN's Wolf Blitzer pointed out to Stengel on Thursday, Clinton did so at the behest of a Republican Congress. [Video below the break…

Occupy Troublemakers Merely Fringe, But Tea Party 'Responsible for the

November 7th, 2011 4:38 PM
The New York Times continues to treat toublemakers at Occupy Wall Street as a fringe minority, but the Tea Party was "responsible for the behavior of people" at their rallies. Sunday’s Metro section led with an above-the-fold look at the state of Occupy Wall Street as winter approaches from reporters Cara Buckley and Colin Moynihan, “A Protest Reaches a Crossroads.” They briefly noted the…

At His 'Occupy' Incident Compilation, Big Journalism's Nolte Decries D

November 5th, 2011 11:44 PM
As he accumulates his "Occupy Rap Sheet" over at, John Nolte has made some excellent points about the nature of the press's coverage which should not be missed. His incident count is up to 151. It will certainly grow based on more recent events which haven't yet made it to his compilation (this is just a sample): A $10 million arson arrest in Fort Collins, Colorado (really; HT…

NYTimes Shows Pro-OWS Ickiness: 'For Children's Sake, Taking to the St

October 28th, 2011 8:50 AM
In the New York Times's Thursday Styles section, contributor Helaine Olen talked to some liberal Manhattanites who took their children to Zuccotti Park to enrich them with “teachable moments” (i.e. using them as political props) and "to enlighten them on matters ranging from income inequality to the right to protest":“For Children’s Sake, Taking to the Streets.”