Another Day, Another Front-Page Expose of a Tea Party Group From the N

March 31st, 2011 4:23 PM
Thursday’s front-page story by New York Times investigative reporter Mike McIntire, “Odd Alliance: Business Lobby And Tea Party.” accused a Tea Party group, the Institute for Liberty, of pushing the agenda of Asia Pulp & Paper, an Indonesian corporation fighting U.S. tariffs. Whatever the merits of this particular complaint, this sort of prominently placed, hostile investigation of a…

Bill Maher: Obama is GOP's 'Best Friend,' Doesn't 'Blame Them For Anyt

March 23rd, 2011 1:31 PM
On Tuesday's In the Arena on CNN, Bill Maher channeled the far left's frustration with President Obama: "This is one of my big problems with our president. He never blames the Republicans for anything. He's their best friend....There's an oil rig that blows up in the Gulf of Mexico, and the party of drill, baby, drill does not get blamed." Host Eliot Spitzer also joined Maher in bashing the Tea…

CBS Finally Covers NPR Scandal...On 4 A.M. News Program

March 18th, 2011 11:18 AM
Following the March 8 release of an undercover sting video of NPR executive Ron Schiller calling Tea Party members "racist," CBS initially gave no coverage to the ensuing scandal and resignations of him and NPR President Vivian Schiller. However, it turns out that the controversy was covered by a CBS News broadcast, the barely-watched 4 A.M. Morning News. On Thursday's CBS Evening News,…

ABC's Stephanopoulos Paints Tea Party With Birther Brush

March 17th, 2011 12:52 PM
ABC's George Stephanopoulos still doesn't understand the difference between the Tea Party movement and the birther movement. On the March 17 edition of "Good Morning America," the former Bill Clinton campaign operative characterized Donald Trump's political maneuvering as an attempt to court the Tea Party by pandering to birthers.

NPR Resorts to Using Glenn Beck's Publication for Damage Control

March 14th, 2011 5:22 PM
The damage control effort over at National Public Radio (NPR) is at such a state that they've consulted a piece from Glenn Beck's to argue it's the victim of a smear operation. On Sunday morning's "Weekend Edition," NPR delved into the report. When a sting operation launched by conservative James O'Keefe recorded a top NPR Foundation fundraiser making disparaging comments about…

CBS Ignores, NBC Downplays Sting Tape of NPR Exec Slamming 'Racist' Te

March 9th, 2011 10:32 AM
Only ABC's Good Morning America on Wednesday highlighted claims by a NPR executive, caught in an undercover sting operation, that Tea Party members are "seriously racist" people. CBS's Early Show completely skipped the subject. NBC's Today allowed a brief mention during a news read. GMA's Jake Tapper extensively highlighted quotes by the outgoing Ron Schiller: "The current Republican Party,…

NYT's Kate Zernike Switches From Tea Party to Wisconsin, Maintains Hos

March 7th, 2011 1:46 PM
Kate Zernike, Tea Party-beat reporter for the New York Times, whose reporting on the movement is marked by hostility and unfounded suspicions of racism, switched to the pro-union left-wing protests in Wisconsin for the front of the Sunday Week in Review,  “As Goes Wisconsin...” The subhead: “The Midwest’s legacy of labor activism -- and conservative pushback -- are both in play today at the…

Time’s Stengel: GOP Nominee Will Treat Tea Party Like Sister Souljah

March 6th, 2011 11:23 AM
 Appearing as a panel member on the syndicated Chris Matthews Show on Sunday, as host Matthews led the group in discussing potential Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s recent gaffe about President Obama growing up in Kenya, Time magazine managing editor Richard Stengel predicted that the eventual Republican nominee would have a "Sister Souljah moment with the Tea Party." Stengel…

New MSNBC Host Martin Bashir Lashes Out at 'Disingenuous' Move by Tea

February 28th, 2011 5:07 PM
On his first day at MSNBC, new host Martin Bashir immediately adopted the network's liberal line, attacking a conservative Congressman for advocating severe spending cuts, deriding it as "the most disingenuous play on the American people." Previewing the interview with Representative Joe Walsh of Illinois, Bashir noted that he has refused congressional health care. The anchor solemnly wondered…

Media Mash: Wis. Protest Edition; Bozell and Hannity Analyze Media's B

February 25th, 2011 10:53 AM
"It's like they have the same writer!" Fox News' Sean Hannity marveled after watching a montage of liberal journalists comparing the labor union protests in Madison, Wisconsin, with the anti-Mubarak demonstrations weeks ago in Cairo. "Sean, this is really goofy. These reporters should be embarrassed," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell agreed on last night's "Hannity." "If you want to find…

New York Times Reporting Dotted With Warnings of 'Far-Right,' 'Hard-Ri

February 24th, 2011 4:07 PM
A couple of loaded ideological labels made it into Wednesday’s New York Times. On the first page of the National section, Sabrina Tavernise and A.G. Sulzberger (son of Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr.) collaborated on the latest news from Wisconsin: “Thousands March on Capitols as Union Turmoil Spreads.” But Republicans could also gain, said Gene Beaupre, a political science professor at…

Elderly 'Teabaggers' Not Dying 'Fast Enough' Laments Libtalker Mike Pa

February 23rd, 2011 9:41 PM
Looks like yet another left-winger missed the meme on the New Civility. Attorney and "Ring of Fire" radio show co-host Mike Papantonio, guest-hosting on Ed Schultz's radio program yesterday, revealed two things -- he hates old people and wants tea party retirees to hurry up and die. Don't take my word for it, listen to Papantonio's remarks after a caller said he saw "one of these baggers…

ICYMI: MRC's Graham Discussing Wisconsin Protest Bias on Feb. 21 'Your

February 22nd, 2011 4:12 PM
The liberal media have virtually ignored the scandal of medical doctors handing out fraudulent sick notes to labor union protesters in Madison, Wisconsin, NewsBusters senior editor Tim Graham noted on yesterday's "Your World with Neil Cavuto." What's more, while the media have been quick to portray Wisconsin public sector employees as victims, media outlets have ignored the perspective of…

Bozell Tackles Media Bias in Wis. Protest Coverage, Slams Media for Ig

February 21st, 2011 12:30 PM
"The mainstream media was late to the party when it came to covering" the Wisconsin budget protests, Fox Business Network's Stuart Varney noted as he introduced NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell earlier today on the February 21 edition of "Varney & Co." But are the media now skewing coverage in favor of the perspective of the public sector labor unions, Varney asked. Most certainly…