Former NYT Bureau Chief Wants Greek-style Riots in US - Media Silent

May 26th, 2010 12:22 PM
The New York Times's former Middle East Bureau Chief thinks violent revolt is a laudable response to economic woes, and that murder is at least acceptable in pursuit of a far-left agenda. The media so concerned with the potential for violence from conservative groups are completely silent."Here’s to the Greeks," wrote Chris Hedges at "They know what to do when corporations pillage… Reporter Shills for Civil Rights Leader Who Sees Nativism

May 25th, 2010 4:40 PM
Reporter Devin Dwyer’s May 25 profile of Andrew Young reported the civil rights leader’s derisive remarks against the Tea Party without giving the movement a chance to defend itself.Despite the liberal activist’s claim that “ethno-centrism runs so deep in America” and that the Tea Party is “motivated by a nativism,” at no point in the piece did Dwyer include a response to the charges.…

Gainor on Fox & Friends – Rand Paul Attacks All About (2010) Race

May 24th, 2010 12:36 PM

Newsweek's Fineman Accuses Rand Paul of Picking Fight That Media Is St

May 20th, 2010 12:21 PM
A persistent meme of the liberal mainstream media this election year is that the Tea Party is steeped (pun not intended) in racism and/or neo-Confederate sympathies. Howard Fineman is more than happy to breathe new life in that storyline in yesterday's attack leveled at Kentucky Republican senatorial nominee Dr. Rand Paul in particular and Bluegrass State conservatives in general.In his May 20 "…

Rand Paul Defends Tea Parties, ‘Media Captivated More by the Outland

May 20th, 2010 8:47 AM
On Wednesday’s Joy Behar Show on HLN, Kentucky Republican Senate nominee Dr. Rand Paul appeared as a guest, and, after host Behar brought up examples of people with racist messages who have shown up at some Tea Party events whom the mainstream media have been fond of highlighting as if they were representative of the movement, Dr. Paul recounted that he had never seen such activity at Tea Party…

'Robin Hood,' the First Tea Partier? So Says NYT's Politics-Obsessed C

May 14th, 2010 10:22 AM
New York Times movie critic (and Michael Moore fan) A. O. Scott is obsessed with the right-leaning politics and anti-French attitudes he glimpses in the new "Robin Hood" movie, starring Russell Crowe. His Arts section review is titled "Rob the Rich? Give to the Poor? Oh, Puh-leeze!"You may have heard that Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor, but that was just liberal media…

Tea Party Movement Not Realizing U.S. is Bailing Out Greece, Says CNBC

May 10th, 2010 3:56 PM
The European Union and the International Monetary Fund to the rescue! The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) soars and investors breathe a sign of relief. But where's this $1 trillion in bailout funds for Greece coming from? On CNBC's May 10 "Squawk Box," host Joe Kernen channeled Rick Santelli's anti-bailout populism, suggesting it was important to note that this bailout was made possible in…

Media Ignore La Raza Immigration Protester Fomenting Violent Revolutio

May 10th, 2010 2:45 PM
Which is more newsworthy: hearsay accounts of racial slurs unsupported by video evidence of the alleged incident, or video of a protester calling for violent revolution against the federal government, the imposition of socialism, and the annexation of the Southwestern states for Mexico?If you chose the latter, you're probably not a journalist of the self-proclaimed "mainstream" variety. The…

Penn Jillette Defends Tea Party Against Rachael Harris’s Charge of

May 9th, 2010 5:57 PM
On the April 22 Larry King Live on CNN, which was rebroadcast on Saturday, magician and comedian Penn Jillette – who is a self-described libertarian – challenged assertions by actress Rachael Harris that the Tea Party movement is motivated by "racism" against President Barack Obama. Jillette: "Well, that's the magic word. Once you say ‘racism,’ the other side loses automatically. And I don't…

MSNBC Host Asks Black GOP Candidate About 'Racist' Tea Parties

May 7th, 2010 5:42 PM
In Friday's 3PM ET hour of live coverage on MSNBC, anchor Peter Alexander asked black Republican congressional candidate Allen West of Florida about "aligning" with the tea party movement: "the Tea Party has raised concerns that it may have, I guess, racism built within it. We have seen some racist signs at past events...are African-American candidates aligning themselves with the tea party?" […

AP, CNN: Tea Party 'Comes Up Short' in Primaries, But No Challenger in

May 6th, 2010 5:36 PM
CNN and the Associated Press on Wednesday and Thursday touted how the tea party movement apparently didn't get motivate voters to turn out and "throw out the bums" in Republican primaries in Indiana, North Carolina, and Ohio. Both outlets, however, omitted how senate candidate Rob Portman ran unopposed in his primary race in Ohio.Anchor Rick Sanchez brought on CNN national political correspondent…

What If George W. Bush Had Called Gay Rights Activists 'Faggots

May 5th, 2010 3:32 PM
Editor's Note: NewsBusters Publisher and Media Research Center President President Brent Bozell released the following statement today regarding the broadcast and cable news media's silence about President Barack Obama's use of a crass sexual slang term to refer to Tea Party members. For a fuller statement, click here to access Mr. Bozell's Facebook page. For the full press release at,…

WaPo Cherry-picks Poll to Portray Tea Parties as on Defensive About Ra

May 5th, 2010 3:03 PM
"Tea party groups battling allegations of racism," reads a May 5 page A3 Washington Post print headline. The online version header softened the word choice a tiny bit, substituting the word "perceptions" in for "allegations."The underlying poll data which prompted the story tells us more about the Post's prism through which it views the Tea Parties than how the public at large does.After three…

Russert Amazed Black Republicans Seek Tea Party Support, A Group Many

May 5th, 2010 12:00 PM
Listen to the surprise in Luke Russert's voice as he reports that many African-American Republican candidates for congress are seeking support from the Tea Party.  After all, says Luke, the Tea Party is a group that "a lot of folks have claimed to be racist against African-Americans."Russert expressed his amazement on MSNBC this morning, discussing a New York Times article that reports that at…