Pundit Contrasts Obama’s ‘Reasoned’ Approach With GOP’s ‘Meltdown’

March 24th, 2016 8:37 PM
In early 2008, Barack Obama annoyed many liberals when he said that President Reagan (but not President Clinton) had “changed the trajectory of America.” New York magazine’s Chait no doubt will irritate many conservatives by suggesting Obama has done the same over the past seven-plus years. In a piece for the March 21 issue, Chait commented, “Obama hasn’t so much moved from the center to the left…

Zakaria Continues Media’s Flawed Attempt to Compare Trump to Goldwater

March 20th, 2016 5:06 PM
CNN host and liberal columnist Fareed Zakaria opened his eponymous Sunday talk show by rekindling the extremely flawed comparison made by the liberal media that 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is similar to the conservative Barry Goldwater’s campaign against then-President Lyndon Johnson in 1964.

Lowry, Will Unload on ‘Vichy’ Republican ‘Rats’ Capitulating to Trump

March 20th, 2016 2:19 PM
On two separate Sunday morning talk shows following the third Super Tuesday, conservative writers George Will and Rich Lowry expounded upon their frustrations with the “rats” and “Vichy Republicans” in the GOP and conservative movement for their opportunistic bowing to presidential candidate Donald Trump.

MSNBC Panel Attacks 'Vulgarian' Erickson for Leading Anti-Trump Effort

March 18th, 2016 1:32 AM
On two occasions Thursday night during the opening panel segment of MSNBC’s The Last Word, liberals Charles Pierce of Esquire and MSNBC’s Joy Reid mocked radio talk show host and Resurgent writer Erick Erickson for leading the anti-Donald Trump movement when he himself is “quite the vulgarian” like Trump.

NYT Gleeful Over GOP Reaping What They Sow With Tea Party, Trump

March 4th, 2016 8:07 AM
Republicans reaping what they sow was the theme of two New York Times stories on Thursday. Reporter Jennifer Steinhauer’s “Congressional Memo” suggested turnabout was fair play: “Ryan Now Faces Tea Party Forces He Helped Unleash.” It’s what Speaker Paul Ryan and the GOP get for setting off “flare-ups over racially charged issues” and trying “to roll back voting rights.” And reporter Michael…

Bee Uses Bathroom Jokes to Bemoan GOP for Not Compromising Post-2010

February 29th, 2016 11:50 PM
Instead of going on a tirade against Donald Trump or the horrors of ISIS, TBS’s Full Frontal host Samantha Bee chose to resume her vile attacks on conservatives with her latest show on Monday night featuring video of an elephant pooping to describe Republicans elected in the 2010 midterms. Specifically, Bee dubbed Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy (S.C.) as the “Benghazi queen” and the House…

Bill Maher: Cruz Uses His ‘High Intelligence In the Service of Evil’

January 15th, 2016 11:15 AM
Broadcast-network comedy-talk programs such as The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon took two weeks off over Christmas and New Year’s. Real Time With Bill Maher got a winter break college students would envy (two months -- remember, it’s not TV, it’s HBO) but the show returns Friday night, and to promote it, Maher gave an interview to The Daily Beast. He and the Beast’s Marlow Stern talked…

Lefty Professor: ‘Fox News Has Finally Destroyed Television News’

January 5th, 2016 9:56 PM
The left often downplays or overlooks differences among Republicans. For instance, plenty of liberals assumed that John McCain chose Sarah Palin mostly in an effort to attract disgruntled Hillary Clinton supporters, rather than for the likelier reason that McCain needed to reassure his party’s righty base. Similarly, Penn State's Sophia McClennen lumps Fox News with Donald Trump, whose…

Blogger: On the Right, Con Jobs Are Just ‘Part of the Culture’

January 3rd, 2016 12:23 PM
Ben Carson seems to be joining the likes of Michele Bachmann and Howard Dean on the list of presidential candidates who generated a lot of early buzz but became distant also-rans well before a nominee was chosen. According to Washington Monthly blogger David Atkins, Carson’s campaign also offers yet more proof that conservatives tend to be easy marks for scammers. “The libertarian-conservative…

Dean: GOP Has Had ‘Strong Authoritarian Bent' 'for a Very Long Time'

November 27th, 2015 4:36 PM
Joining host Chris Hayes on Wednesday’s pre-Thanksgiving edition of MSNBC’s All In, MSNBC political analyst and former Democratic Vermont Governor Howard Dean tried to trash the Republican Party as nothing but “an authoritarian party” “for a very long time” due to their policy positions on voter I.D. and abortion to name a few.

CNN's Tapper Spotlights Professor's 'Shocking' Attack on Reporter

November 10th, 2015 6:12 PM
On Tuesday's The Lead, CNN's Jake Tapper zeroed in on University of Missouri Professor Melissa Click's attack on a student journalist, after he tried to cover anti-racism protests on campus. Tapper bluntly stated, "I have to say that I found this video shocking — not just this mob of students trying to intimidate this student journalist — but they had faculty help!" The anchor later asked…

ESPN's Kornheiser Sees Tea Party as Being Like 'ISIS'

October 26th, 2015 6:29 PM
It was a Friday on local sports radio in Washington, DC. The last broadcast before a Redskins game. So, naturally, ESPN 980’s Tony Kornheiser decided to have political journalist and editor Howard Fineman of the Huffington Post on to talk about Paul Ryan and the Tea Party. Kornheiser, a long time Washington Post sports columnist before moving to radio, wondered: “Are they like ISIS trying to…

Networks Censor Justice Department Ending Probe Into IRS Scandal

October 23rd, 2015 8:56 PM
ABC, CBS, and NBC's evening newscasts on Friday all failed to cover the Justice Department announcing that it would be ending its investigation into the IRS's targeting of conservative groups. The Big Three networks' news program did find time to air reporting on the top Google searches for Halloween costumes, the fewer number of turkeys available for upcoming Thanksgiving dinners, and the…

Lefty Prof: Ben Carson the ‘Antithesis of the Civil Rights Struggle'

October 20th, 2015 9:54 PM
Daily Kos writer Denise Oliver-Velez has two plans related to New York state’s primary election next April: vote for Democrats, and give Ben Carson the finger. Carson won’t see it, but that’s not the point -- it’s a therapeutic gesture. In a Sunday screed, Oliver-Velez, an adjunct professor of anthropology and women’s studies at SUNY New Paltz, charged that Carson “has become the antithesis of…