Larry King to Michael Moore: 'You are Our #1 Propagandist

September 24th, 2009 11:57 AM
CNN’s Larry King fawned over Michael Moore during an hour-long interview on his program on Wednesday, calling the leftist’s latest feature “a brilliant documentary,” and went on to label the director “our number one propagandist.” King encouraged all of his viewers to see Moore’s “Capitalism: A Love Story,” which was released in New York City and L.A. earlier that day.The CNN anchor led his 9 pm…

Alternet: Christians are the Real Haters

September 22nd, 2009 10:25 AM
It takes a breathtaking lack of self-awareness, or selective amnesia, or just bald hypocrisy for the left-wing blogosphere to speculate on the cause of “right-wing hatemongering.” But there it was on Sept. 21 – an article asserting that the “anti-Obama hyperventilating” was the result of … Christianity.Appearing on, Frank Schaeffer’s “Right-Wing Hatemongering Fueled by Christianity…

CNN's Sanchez Again Bashes Fox News, 'Pudgy-Faced' Glenn Beck

September 21st, 2009 7:00 PM
CNN anchor Rick Sanchez again attacked Fox News on Monday’s Newsroom, implying the channel wasn’t a “real news organization,” and bizarrely labeled Glenn Beck “pudgy-faced.” Unsurprisingly, Sanchez continued his silence concerning his own network’s left-wing bias [audio clips from the segment are available here].The anchor began the segment by summarizing his attack on the Fox News Channel from…

Tanenhaus Sees Conservative 'Rigor Mortis' Despite Protests, Floats Co

September 21st, 2009 3:58 PM
Left-wing PBS omnipresence Bill Moyers, host of "Bill Moyers Journal," interviewed New York Times editor Sam Tanenhaus about his new book "The Death of Conservatism," which Times Watch found intellectually dishonest, unnecessarily hostile, and already dated. Tanenhaus, who edits two Sunday sections, the Book Review and the Week in Review, insulted today's conservative movement the same…

Rick Sanchez Blasts Fox News, But Glosses Over CNN's Own Bias

September 18th, 2009 7:15 PM
On Friday’s Newsroom, CNN’s Rick Sanchez correctly pointed out that a full-page color ad by the Fox News Channel incorrectly claimed that his network missed the massive September 12 Tea Party rally in Washington, DC, but went on to paper over CNN’s own double-standard on covering left-wing protests versus conservative protests. Sanchez also accused Fox News of trying to “promote” the Tea Parties.…

Down Steeply Since Late Jan., Big 3 Evening Newscasts Stuck at Low Sum

September 17th, 2009 5:16 PM
After a summer swoon, you would think that the evening newscasts of the Big 3 networks would start to recover a bit now that many Americans are back from vacations, kids are back in school, and fall routines are getting established or re-established. So far, you would be wrong. It's early, and there's still plenty of time this fall to recover, but during the time period after Labor Day, the…

Joe Klein's Moral Compass Always Points Left

September 17th, 2009 4:43 PM
Time Magazine's Joe Klein leveled another accusation of racism against Tea Party protesters today, employing fallacious arguments that could be torn apart by any student of basic logic.Tea Party protesters, by Klein's account, are similar to the caricature of the 1990s religious right: "largely poor, uneducated, and easy to command," in the words of the Washington Post. Klein takes that WaPo…

RNC's Steele Rebukes CNN’s Blitzer on Race

September 16th, 2009 9:08 PM
RNC Chairman Michael Steele shot back at CNN’s Wolf Blitzer after the anchor tried to smear conservatives with racism on Wednesday’s Situation Room. The CNN anchor pointed out a racist sign at a Tea Party, and Steele replied, “Don’t hold up one person as an example of behavior by everyone.” The RNC chairman also rebuked Blitzer after the anchor pointed out the GOP’s dearth of minorities in…

Media Double Standard: Only the Right's Signs Are Worth Covering

September 16th, 2009 10:49 AM
After systematically ignoring the outrageous and offensive signs used by leftist protesters at anti-war demonstrations journalists and bloggers are now devoting an immense amount of attention to a small minority of Tea Party protesters carrying signs far outside of the mainstream.Brian Williams and Chris Matthews think the Tea Party goers are racists, CBS's Nancy Jiles called the protests "a…

No Caption Needed

September 15th, 2009 12:52 PM
Seen at the massive Tea Party in Washington, DC on September 12:

Washington Examiner's Carney Rips MSNBC Host for Denigrating 9-12 Marc

September 15th, 2009 7:02 AM
You might have figured this was coming, that when dust settled from the Sept. 12 march on Washington, D.C., the brain trust at MSNBC would attempt to frame it as negatively as possible. And MSNBC's resident left-wing curmudgeon-in-training David Shuster didn't disappoint. The former host of the canceled "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue" took a report from the Huffington Post debunking attendance…

The Rush Limbaugh Proposition: Take the Next Conservative Protest to t

September 15th, 2009 12:26 AM
There's no doubt the so-called mainstream media turned their collective noses up at the Sept. 12 march on Washington, D.C. to protest the policies of Democratic-controlled federal government - whether in the form of denigration, downplay or outright ignoring the event. However, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh has suggested a different tactic. On his Sept. 14 show, Limbaugh proposed a…

CNN Zeroes-In on 'Dark Undercurrent' of Tea Parties

September 14th, 2009 6:26 PM
CNN’s Jim Spellman did his best to paint the participants of the Tea Party Express’s rallies across the nation in late August and early September as a bunch of extremists on Saturday’s Newsroom. Spellman played clips which zeroed-in on the protesters who called President Obama a Nazi, carried guns, or forwarded “outlandish conspiracy theories,” and labeled all of them “a dark undercurrent.”The…

ABC’s Bill Weir Frets Over 9/12 Rally Rage and ‘Anger;' Worries Ab

September 14th, 2009 6:04 PM
Over the weekend, ABC provided hyperbolic, worried reporting on the 9/12 protest in Washington D.C. And while the other networks had mixed results, Good Morning America co-host Bill Weir opened the program on Saturday by fretting, "This morning, outrage. Protesters descend on Washington to rally against the President's health care plan. As civility gives way to shouting, what's fueling all this…