
Obama Thanks Press Corps for Being ‘Skeptics’ Not ‘Sycophants’

January 18th, 2017 5:43 PM
In his final press conference as president on Wednesday, Barack Obama laughably congratulated the White House Press Corps for not being “sycophants” during his administration, but acting as “skeptics” whose reporting “keeps us honest.”    

Journalists to Obama: Just How 'Fearful' Are You About Trump?

January 18th, 2017 4:40 PM
On Wednesday, Barack Obama conducted his final press conference as president and journalists demanded accountability... from his Republican successor. While just one question was asked about Obama’s decision to pardon Chelsea Manning, there were five queries worrying about what Donald Trump will do when he’s in charge. 

CNN's Cuomo Hits Conservative Guest From Left on Health Care

January 18th, 2017 3:39 PM
On Wednesday's New Day, CNN's Chris Cuomo ripped a proposal to let health insurance companies compete across state lines. Cuomo pointed out to Matt Schlapp that Rep. Marsha Blackburn cited "one of my favorite bills — let's open up the state lines, and let all the companies compete....not only do we have some of that in the system already, but there is no proof...that that would guarantee access…

Pelley Swoons Obama ‘Is Not Going Gently into that Good Night’

January 18th, 2017 3:33 PM
Prior to President Obama’s final press conference, CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley seized the opportunity to gush that Obama “will be leaving the presidency in less than 46 hours and he is not going gently into that good night.” 

CBS Swoons Over Josh Earnest’s ‘Matinee Good Looks'

January 18th, 2017 12:35 PM
The journalists at CBS This Morning on Wednesday agreed with Barack Obama: White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest is a good looking man. This not-so confrontational assessment came as Earnest bragged about the importance of “friction” between any White House and the press corp.  Reporting live from the briefing room, co-host Charlie Rose touted Obama’s praise of Earnest: “He's just got that all…

Nets Warn ObamaCare Repeal Will Cause ‘Millions’ to Lose Health Care

January 18th, 2017 12:13 PM
Media fearmongering over Republican plans to repeal and replace ObamaCare reached a fever pitch on Tuesday, as all three network morning shows seized on a Congressional Budget Office report that selectively examined the impact of repealing the law without passing replacement legislation. Despite that being in direct contradiction with GOP proposals, the hosts and correspondents ran with the news…

MSNBC’s Williams Declares Trump Brought a ‘Dark Mood’ to This Week

January 18th, 2017 12:58 AM
On Tuesday, disgraced MSNBC journalist Brian Williams had a very poor outlook for the week of the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump. “There is a kind of a dark mood surrounding this week for a lot of people,” he whined on The 11th Hour, “The approval rating of Donald Trump is at 40 percent, it's the lowest of recording polling.” Williams was venting to Princeton University Professor…

NBC Praises Manning Release, Nets Ignore Terrorist’s Commutation

January 17th, 2017 10:51 PM
Late Tuesday afternoon the White House announced a list of 64 convicted criminals they planned to pardon, including 209 others whose sentences were being shortened. “The Obama presidency is ending on a note of forgiveness,” declared anchor Scott Pelley at the start of CBS Evening News. One of the most controversial sentence commutations was that of Private Chelsea Manning, who stole and released…

Hill: Trump Uses 'Mediocre Negroes' in 'Campaign Against Black People'

January 17th, 2017 1:13 PM
Marc Lamont Hill launched an inflammatory attack on another guest on Monday's CNN Tonight as part of a diatribe against Donald Trump. Hill claimed that the President-Elect's meetings with African American celebrities were "demeaning" to blacks: "Bring some people up there with some expertise...don't just bring up people to entertain." The BET News host unleashed after Trump supporter Bruce LeVell…

AP Wrongly Claims There Was No Boycott of Bush 43 Inauguration

January 17th, 2017 11:29 AM
On January 13, Kevin Freking at the Associated Press reported that Congressman John Lewis (D-Ga.) would be "joining several other Democrats who have decided to boycott" the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump. It further reported that Lewis "said it will be the first inauguration he has missed in three decades as Democrats and Republicans took the oath of office." The fact is that John…

Matthews Tees Up Waters to Float Possible Trump Impeachment

January 17th, 2017 12:47 AM
President-elect Donald Trump was four days out from taking the oath of office and liberals were already scheming for his impeachment on MSNBC. During Monday’s Hardball, host Chris Matthews peddled in conspiracy theories of Russian “collusion” with the Trump campaign while teeing up Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters to attack the president-elect. “Does that make Trump subject to impeachment?…

MSNBC's Matthews and Williams Fawn for ‘So Smooth and So Cool’ Obama

January 16th, 2017 10:17 PM
With the ingurgitation of President-elect Donald Trump just a few short days away, Brian Williams put together a program looking back at The Obama Years slated for late Monday night. Williams appeared on Chris Matthews’ Hardball to promote it, and the two of them took the time to gush about President Barack Obama’s time in office. “What do you think he thinks about how he fits the job, how…

Atlanta Journal-Constitution Botches Crime Stats in Defending Lewis

January 16th, 2017 10:12 PM
On Friday, Georgia Congressman John Lewis, whose 5th District includes the City of Atlanta, said of Donald Trump that "I don’t see the president-elect as a legitimate president." Trump characteristically fired back with a two-part tweet firing back at Lewis. As would be expected, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution rushed to Lewis's defense. In its apparent haste to do so, a pair of journalists at…

Reporters Repeatedly Beg MLK III to Attack Trump for Lewis Tweets

January 16th, 2017 3:38 PM
On Monday afternoon, reporters stationed inside Trump Tower begged Martin Luther King III to attack President-elect Trump over tweets concerning Democratic Congressman John Lewis (Ga.) following a meeting on the day honoring King’s father, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.