
MSNBC Touts ‘Game’ of Imagining Cause of Trump's Impeachment

December 22nd, 2016 6:07 PM
MSNBC flaunted their disdain of President-Elect Donald Trump Thursday afternoon when they invited leftist author Michael Lewis on to discuss the Trump bashing games he detailed in Vanity Fair. Host Kate Snow was more than happy to play along, starting the segment off with a quote from Lewis’ article, “The theme is sort of about a board game you say, ‘Will reveal the predicaments of the entire…

NBC Fears Trump Security in NYC ‘Bankrupting’ Local Businesses

December 22nd, 2016 2:03 PM
Teasing an upcoming report on Thursday’s NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer hyped fears that security measures in New York City for Donald Trump were driving local shops and restaurants out of business: “Up next, is increased security for the President-elect around Trump Tower bankrupting nearby businesses?”

Ben Ferguson Dismantles Ivanka Trump Pay-for-Play Accusations

December 22nd, 2016 12:20 AM
The liberal media had been trying to make a lot of hay out of accusations that the Trump family had tried to sell access to themselves and their president-elect father. So far such concerns seem to have little merit since all of the instances pointed to by accusers have not actually happened. But that didn’t stop it from being a topic of conversation on CNN’s OutFront on Wednesday. “This has been…

NYT Keeps Anti-Trump Hope Alive; Won Thanks to Whiter, Less Educated

December 21st, 2016 1:17 PM
In their Tuesday New York Times off-lead “news analysis,” reporters Jonathan Martin and Michael Wines tried to keep anti-Trump hope alive in “Trump’s Win, But Little Else, Is Now Settled – A Vast Divide Persists After the Electors Vote.” Bill Clinton, a former president, was posed as preaching truth to power. Another reporter took pains to explain that "Trump had an advantage in the traditional…

CBS Promotes Bernie Sanders's Slam of 'Reactionary' Trump Cabinet

December 21st, 2016 12:16 PM
Wednesday's CBS This Morning deemed a Facebook post from Senator Bernie Sanders worthy of a 55-second short report. Norah O'Donnell noted how the left-wing politician "criticized some of the Cabinet picks" from President-Elect Donald Trump. She quoted from Sanders, who asserted that "the American people are going to have to organize and fight back against this reactionary movement toward…

Hypocrisy: NBC Pounces on Trump Family Pay-to-Play Accusations

December 20th, 2016 11:39 PM
Seemingly desperate to find a new angle to bash President-Elect Donald Trump Tuesday, NBC Nightly News leaped onto accusations by TMZ that the Trump family were selling access. “Tonight the Trump transition team is pushing back after a new controversy involving the president-elect's sons,” hyped Anchor Lester Holt, “After reports surfaced that are raising questions about whether they were…

Bored CBS Knocks Trump’s Cabinet Picks for Their Wealth

December 20th, 2016 9:16 PM
With seemingly nothing else better to report with regards to U.S. politics Tuesday, CBS Evening News chose to whine about how President-Elect Donald Trump’s cabinet is comprised of millionaires and billionaires. “He's nearly finished with his cabinet, and outside national security, the billionaire president has surrounded himself with billionaires,” remarked Anchor Scott Pelley leading into…

Telemundo resuelve enigma de votantes latinos de Trump con periodismo

December 20th, 2016 4:25 PM
La pregunta sopesa sobre nuestros medios domésticos de prensa hispana: "¿Por qué votaron los hispanos por Donald Trump?" Mientras se acerca la inauguración del 45to. presidente de los Estados Unidos, nuestras dos cadenas principales tomaron rutas divergentes en pos de afrontar la pregunta.

Telemundo Solves Riddle Of Latino Trump Voters With Actual Journalism

December 20th, 2016 4:02 PM
The question hangs heavy over our domestic Spanish-language news media: "Why did Hispanics vote for Donald Trump?" As the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States continues to approach, our two leading networks took widely divergent approaches to this question.

Business ‘Savant’ Andrew Ross Sorkin Gets Elon Musk Very, Very Wrong

December 20th, 2016 1:11 PM
Andrew Ross Sorkin is considered a financial guru - a savant of all things business.  So how is he so very, very wrong about government teat specialist Elon Musk?: “Donald Trump: Please think about calling Elon Musk….Mr. Musk…(is) the real-life Tony Stark behind Tesla, the electric car company; SolarCity, the solar power provider; and SpaceX, the rocket company….” Actually, Elon Musk isn’t the…

ABC Highlights Electoral Disruptors, Shocked by Clinton Defections

December 19th, 2016 10:36 PM
As the Electoral College wrapped up its proceedings across the country Monday, it was abundantly clear that President-Elect Donald Trump had exceeded the 270 votes needed to win and that the efforts of his liberal opponents were sundered. On ABC’s World News Tonight that evening reporter Cecilia Vega highlighted the efforts of those who set out disrupt the process. “It did not come without some…

CNN's Cuomo Hypes Trump's 'Hardliner' Ambassador to Israel

December 19th, 2016 4:16 PM
CNN's Chris Cuomo contended on Monday's New Day that Trump's pick for ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, is "one of the most controversial choices the President-elect has made for his Cabinet." Cuomo labeled Friedman "hardliner" or "hardline" during a segment with former Ambassador Martin Indyk. He also pointed out the "very controversial territory" of the would-be diplomat supporting moving…

NYT Sore Loser Edition: Trump's 'Radical' Picks, GOP 'Viral Nonsense'

December 18th, 2016 4:21 PM
Sunday’s New York Times may as well have been the sore loser edition, still obsessed with conjuring up links, no matter how tenuous, between Donald Trump and Russia, as shown in the off-lead story by Mike McIntire, “How Putin Fan Peddled Trump From Overseas – ‘Patriot’ Site Promoted Hoaxes to Americans.” Two other stories complained of Trump's "radical" and "hard-line" staff picks.

NY Times, AP Mum on 9/11 Resumé Fabrications of Faithless Elector

December 18th, 2016 7:51 AM
On December 5, the New York Times published an op-ed column by Republican Texas Elector Christopher Suprun entitled "Why I Will Not Cast My Electoral Vote for Donald Trump." The Times celebrated Suprun's "courageous stand" in a December 6 editorial. In that op-ed, Suprun claimed that "Fifteen years ago, as a firefighter, I was part of the response to the Sept. 11 attacks against our nation." The…