
Univision Uses Flimsy Premise To Push Climate Agenda

February 21st, 2017 8:39 AM
Univision's news division is quick to remind us, as we recently saw, that it has a political agenda that extends far beyond immigration. 

Noticia Falsa: Univision tergiversa derogación de reglamento antiarmas

February 18th, 2017 10:01 AM
Univision acaba de presentar un informe tan sesgado y engañoso que, después de verlo, uno se queda con la impresión de que el presidente Donald Trump se apresuró al tachar a CNN de "Noticias Muy Falsas".

Very Fake News Alert: Univision Misrepresented SSA Gun Rule Repeal

February 18th, 2017 9:50 AM
Univision has just sprung a report so awfully biased and deceptive that after watching it, one is left with the impression that President Trump may have been a bit too hasty in bestowing his coveted "Very Fake News" label upon CNN.

Shep Unhinged, Claims Trump Staff Was Calling Russia During Hackings

February 16th, 2017 9:33 PM
The media were at DEFCON three Thursday following a lengthy and heated press conference with President Donald Trump where he went toe-to-toe with the biased press. Trump’s tongue lashing of the media had Fox News’ Shepard Smith frothing at the mouth with anger as he accused the President with a dubious smear during his show. “Your opposition was hacked and the Russians were responsible for it and…

CNN Mocks Trump’s Rocky Start, Compares to Others’ First 100 Days

February 16th, 2017 12:04 AM
CNN took the time during Wednesday’s edition of The Lead to take jabs at President Donald Trump for not being able to get much done during his first three and a half weeks besides create controversy. When asked by host Jake Tapper to walk him through the events of Trump’s first month in office, reporter Tom Foreman joked that “it's more like staggering than walking cause it's quite an experience…

Presentador de Univision difama a ayudante hispana de Trump

February 15th, 2017 2:03 PM
Cuando de promulgar niveles indignantes de sesgo progresista y desinformación crasa se trata, el presentador principal de Noticias Univision en Washington, D.C. está de racha.

Univision Anchor Smears Trump's Top Hispanic Media Aide

February 14th, 2017 5:15 PM
When it comes to peddling galling amounts of liberal bias and misinformation, Univision's lead Washington anchor is on a roll. The latest blunder by anchor Enrique Acevedo came in his twisted portrayal of White House Director of Media Affairs Helen Aguirre-Ferré's comments regarding the racial and ethnic make-up of Trump's Cabinet.

NYT Celebrates Elizabeth Warren, ‘Avatar of the Liberal Resistance'

February 10th, 2017 9:55 AM
Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell may have temporarily silenced Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, formally rebuking her for breaking Senate rules in her demagogic criticism of her colleague Sen. Jeff Sessions, before he was confirmed as President Trump’s attorney general. But the New York Times won’t shut up until Warren is seen by everyone as a feminist heroine.Times reporter Matt…

Chris Cuomo: Calling Journalist 'Fake News' Like Using an Ethnic Slur

February 9th, 2017 7:56 PM
During Thursday morning's edition of the New Day program on the Cable News Network, co-host Chris Cuomo responded to a tweet from President Donald Trump that accused him of producing “fake news” by declaring that is “the worst thing you can call a journalist.” “It's like an ethnic disparagement,” Cuomo stated. “We all have ugly words for people, and that's the one for journalists.”

Sean Spicer Slammed in Video Containing His Bungled 'Alternate ABCs'

February 8th, 2017 7:56 PM
After Sean Spicer's first few weeks on the job, he's become one of the targets for the “mainstream media” in their many attempts to smear and bring down the Republican occupant of the Oval Office. Along these lines, the press secretary was lampooned in a video posted on the GQ website Wednesday morning that contained 10 words he has mispronounced or misstated in his many hours at the podium,…

NYT Blasts DeVos: ‘Wealthy Republican Donor With Almost No Experience'

February 8th, 2017 6:16 PM
A full-court press by the left and congressional Democrats failed to take down the nomination of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, and the New York Times is bitter. Emmarie Huetteman and Yamiche Alcindor on the front of Wednesday’s paper: "Betsy DeVos, a wealthy Republican donor with almost no experience in public education, was confirmed by the Senate as the nation’s education secretary on…

NYT Reporter Jumps From Liberal Slate, Keeps Mocking Trump's Ed Pick

February 4th, 2017 7:33 PM
Democrats are looking for a scalp among President Trump’s cabinet nominees, and seem to have settled on his pick for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, a firm conservative and advocate for charter schools in her home state of Michigan. Dana Goldstein, an education journalist who recently came aboard from the liberal site Slate, contributed to the liberal mockery of DeVos and slammed school…

The Economist Cover Shows Trump Throwing Molotov Cocktail

February 4th, 2017 3:43 PM
The Economist magazine, based in the United Kingdom, must have been jealous of the deranged cover of Der Spiegel featuring Donald Trump holding a machete in one hand and the head of the Statue of Liberty in the other hand. In order to attempt to surpass them in the field of Trump derangement they have featured Trump throwing a Molotov cocktail on their cover. In fact The Economist editors are so…

CNN's Report on Rescinded Coal Rule: Comical, But Also Very Incomplete

February 4th, 2017 3:33 PM
UPDATE, Feb. 7: On Feb. 5, Jake Tapper tweeted that "if you're concerned about things being 'incomplete' maybe consider adding into your post Manchin on same show response to rule." I attempted to find that video, and could not. If it was so important, and in the interest of balance, one would hope it would be part of the CNN video at the web link cited below — and it's not. As Nicholas…