CNN: Furloughed Federal Employees Will Get Unemployment Benefits, Unde

May 29th, 2013 9:40 PM
The pity party for furloughed federal employees should be toned down. A story at notes something I don't expect will be only rarely be reported anywhere else, namely that there has been a concerted and likely largely successful effort on the part of federal employee unions to ensure that as many of their members as possible will be eligible to collect unemployment benefits during…

AmSpec Scoop: Obama 'Met With Anti-Tea Party IRS Union Chief the Day B

May 20th, 2013 11:20 AM
Jeffrey Lord at the American Spectator has reviewed the White House logs looking for a relationship between meetings listed there and the timeline found in the Inspector General's report on the targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups issued last Tuesday. Lord's work represents yet another example of alternative media scooping a lazy or negligent establishment press. What Lord has found…

Newspaper Guild Worried About Possibility of 'Harsh Right-Wing Positio

April 30th, 2013 11:34 PM
Today, The Newspaper Guild & Communications Workers of America issued a statement which began as follows: "Recently you’ve seen many petitions asking that Warren Buffett and his executives not be allowed to buy the Tribune Company’s newspapers. We understand why Buffett's group breeds this distrust. They are active political proponents of harsh left-wing positions. We’re also not certain…

AP Excerpts LA Times Editorial on Atlanta Cheating Scandal, Leaves Tea

April 8th, 2013 7:14 AM
In a roundup of editorial commentary published on Wednesday, the Associated Press excerpted an editorial at the Los Angeles Times condemning the Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal, which has thus far led to 35 arrests, including that the of the district's former superintendent. "Somehow," the excerpt omitted the specifics of the excuse-making on the part of the American Federation of…

Politico's Tau Pretends Big Labor 'Targets' Obama, When It Just Doesn

April 7th, 2013 12:56 PM
I guess Byron Tau thought he had to make it look like Big Labor is really, really mad at President Barack Obama and the White House so he could make Obama look like he's a moderate on economic and fiscal issues. Thus his Sunday morning post's headline: "Labor targets Obama over proposed benefit cuts." Of course, they aren't "cuts" at all, though they are being portrayed as such. All Obama has…

Psst, Ed Schultz - Reagan Wanted Higher Pay for Air Traffic Controller

March 28th, 2013 11:01 PM
So much of liberalism hinges on the willingness of liberals to engage in collective amnesia. Fortunately, many conservatives prefer to remember. Ever since the sequester's cuts took effect, Ed Schultz has railed about their impact to the economy, particularly air travel. Since he frequently flies his own plane from Minnesota to work in New York City and to a fishing lodge he bought in Canada…

AP Report on Latest Hostess Asset Sale Tags the Wrong Union With Blame

March 22nd, 2013 11:33 PM
I don't know whether AP Food Industry Writer Candice Choi misidentified the union responsible for the final demise of Hostess late last year deliberately or out of ignorance. But in the final five paragraphs of her report on the company's sale of several of its best-known brands to two investment groups, Choi definitely blew it (bolds are mine throughout this post):

Rahm Emanuel 'Murdering Schools' in Chicago, Rants Teachers Union Head

March 22nd, 2013 8:25 PM
This has already gotten ugly, even by Chicago standards. Fifty-four public schools in the Windy City are closing due to a $1 billion budget shortfall and the president of the Chicago Teachers Union is putting the blame squarely on Mayor Rahm Emanuel. (audio clip after page break)

AP's Bauer Bitterly Covers Scott Walker's Exoneration, Ignores Disgust

March 3rd, 2013 1:20 PM
On Friday morning, Milwaukee County District Attorney, a Democrat, announced that an investigation into illegal campaigning and other illegal acts while current Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker was the county's executive had concluded nine days earlier. Three former Walker aides, a political appointee, and two private citizens were sentenced. Two county officials pled guilty to crimes relating…

IBD: DOL Decision to Grant Hostess Workers 'Trade Adjustment Assistanc

February 25th, 2013 12:37 PM
An Investor's Business Daily editorial on Friday confirmed a couple of items which seemed intuitively obvious but which I didn't prove on Thursday in my post (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog) about the Department of Labor's outrageous decision to grant unionized workers at now-liquidating Hostess Bakeries "Trade Adjustment Assistance" (TAA). The first is that it will cost a lot of money,…

Former Striking Hostess Workers' Eligibility For Govt. 'Trade Adjustme

February 21st, 2013 9:36 AM
Yesterday, the Department of Labor announced that it had certified "more than 18,000 former Hostess workers around the country as eligible to apply for Trade Adjustment Assistance." I'll save excerpts from DOL's inane announcement for after the jump. The story has garnered some local coverage in areas affected by Hostess plant closures late last year, including a couple of regional Associated…

Open Thread: The Continued Steep Decline of Unions

January 29th, 2013 9:55 AM
Writing at National Review, John Fund has an important piece on the declining power and influence of labor unions. Given their significant contribution to aiding and funding the growth of government, this is a positive trend that deserves to be highlighted amidst much of the negative news that conservatives have faced recently, especially considering that this is truly a historic slide to…

Union-Represented AP Reporter Bemoans Decline in Union Membership, Adm

January 25th, 2013 9:26 AM
File this under "careful what you wish for." In 2012, with a Democrat in the White House, union membership declined, not only as a percentage of the workforce, but in absolute numbers. Even though the related report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that the number of employed wage and salaried workers increased by almost 2.4 million, union membership fell by just under 400,000.…

Steven Crowder Releases Unedited Video of Confrontation With Lansing U

December 21st, 2012 10:15 AM
Two weeks after he clashed with pro-union demonstrators protesting a law that gives workers in Michigan the choice of whether or not to join a union, Fox News contributor Steven Crowder has posted almost nine minutes of raw, vulgarity-laden footage. Throughout the video, which was released to prove that Crowder and other conservatives in Lansing that day were attacked by union thugs, there's…