Andrea Mitchell Scolds DNC Chair: How Can You Pick Anti-Labor North Ca

February 1st, 2011 2:01 PM
Andrea Mitchell invited on DNC Chairman Tim Kaine, on Tuesday's Andrea Mitchell Reports, to announce the Democrats have picked Charlotte, North Carolina to host their 2012 convention but the MSNBC host couldn't resist hitting Kaine from the left as she scolded Democrats for selecting a right-to-work state. Mitchell, taking up for Big Labor, even challenged Kaine: "I defy you to find a labor…

At AP, 'Waivers' Are For Sports, Not Health Care; NYT Saves Outrage fo

January 31st, 2011 10:53 AM
It would appear that if it weren't for the center-right blogosphere, Fox News, a few business dailies, a few conservative pundits, and talk radio, very few people would know about the hundreds of waivers granted by the Obama administration to companies, unions, not-for-profits, states, and other entities wishing to be spared the burdens of complying with Obamacare for at least another year.…

HuffPo Blogger Fired for Using Press Creds to Abet Union Protesters

January 24th, 2011 7:00 PM
Just because the site was founded by an alleged plagiarist doesn't mean it's totally devoid of ethical clout. Though you do have to wonder: from where does the Huffington Post recruit its bloggers? The site reportedly informed one of its unpaid contributors last week that he was being let go. The offense: he had used his press credentials as a HuffPo blogger to get labor union demonstrators…

AP Coverage of Govt. Union Membership Report 'Somehow' Omits Organized

January 21st, 2011 3:19 PM
I was reading Associated Press reporter Sam Hananel's coverage ("Unions see sharp membership declines again") of Uncle Sam's latest report on union membership, and I came to this paragraph about what happened with private-sector union representation in 2010: Union membership in the private sector fell from 7.2 percent to 6.9 percent, a low point not seen since the infancy of the labor…

Pro-union Harper's Publisher Changes Tune as His Employees Unionize

January 19th, 2011 1:58 PM
If liberalism is more "academic" than conservatism, it's because it looks a lot better in a classroom (or a newsroom) than it does in real life. Just ask Harper's Magazine publisher John "Rick" MacArthur. In a recent article, New York magazine detailed an ongoing fight at Harper's between MacArthur and his recently-unionized staff. MacArthur fought hard against unionization, and is now trying…

NYC Sanitation Workers Absenteeism Double the Norm, As Union Head Says

January 2nd, 2011 6:17 PM
From the New York Times on Thursday, in an item put together with the help of a half-dozen Times reporters ("Inaction and Delays by New York as Storm Bore Down"; bold is mine): ... Harry Nespoli, president of the Uniformed Sanitationmen’s Association, said the problems late Sunday (during the initial stages of the Northeast's post-Christmas snowstorm -- Ed.) underscored how the city could…

As NY Post Builds on Snow Removal Slowdown Story, NYT Calls It All 'Ru

December 31st, 2010 7:07 PM
The dictionary says that a rumor is: - a story or statement in general circulation without confirmation or certainty as to facts. - gossip; hearsay The dictionaries in use at the offices of the New York Times must include the following backup definition: "Any set of facts and/or allegations reported by the New York Post." After yesterday's blockbuster report ("Sanitation Department's slow…

NYT Begins Playing Defense for Bloomberg, Union in Snow Response Cover

December 30th, 2010 9:22 PM
Today, New York Post reporters delivered a bombshell story addressing why New York City's snow cleanup performance has been so poor: Sanitation Department's slow snow cleanup was a budget protest   Selfish Sanitation Department bosses from the snow-slammed outer boroughs ordered their drivers to snarl the blizzard cleanup to protest budget cuts -- a disastrous move that turned…

WaPo Laments 'Class War' Rhetoric Against Government Employees

December 21st, 2010 3:52 PM
When businesses, families and individuals face tough economic times, they have to tighten the belt. Businesses lay off workers and/or trim pay and benefits while families and individuals prioritize their budgets by foregoing vacation and entertainment spending. The government sector, not so much, and the electorate are angry about it. Accordingly, governors and governors-elect throughout…

Name That Party: In Iowa, With Lame Duck Raise-Granting Dem Gov, Drudg

November 21st, 2010 10:47 AM
The seemingly endless variety of "name that party" stunts has yet another wrinkle. In this case, Matt Drudge is currently linking to a Des Moines Register story ("Culver OKs state pay raises"; also saved here at host for future reference) about how outgoing Iowa Governor Chet Culver has decided to rush through union contracts granting thousands of state employees 3% raises (before considering…

USAT Report on Federal Employees Paid $150k+ Per Year Makes Key Points

November 11th, 2010 12:33 PM
Before critiquing, I should recognize that USA Today, while most of the establishment press has snoozed, has done a very creditable job of exposing the wide differential between federal employee and private-sector pay (Aug. 10, 2010; "Federal workers earning double their private counterparts"), and of identifying the outrageous degree by which salaries in the upper levels of Uncle Sam's empire…

Talk Show Host Richard Bey Claims Obama Cherishes Debate and Welcomes

October 28th, 2010 6:09 PM
Sometimes the liberal media's bias is subtle and nuanced, even, dare I say, clever. This is not one of those times. On Sirius host Lynn Samuels's eponymous program yesterday, Richard Bey, a liberal talk show host, peddled the laughable assertion that, compared to former President George W. Bush, President Barack Obama has governed as an inclusive, consensus-building chief executive. "We…

UAW Workers to Picket ... the UAW; They Should Also Picket the White H

October 11th, 2010 10:50 AM
Following up on yesterday's post ("Government/General Motors, UAW Hose Long-Time Members Twice in Two Weeks"; at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog) -- What a "revolting" development this is, as reported in the Detroit News: GM Orion assembly workers to picket UAW over two-tier wage structure In an unprecedented move, Government/General Motors and the UAW are imposing a two-tiered wage structure…

Government/General Motors, UAW Hose Long-Time Members Twice in Two Wee

October 10th, 2010 8:54 PM
Solidarity, schmolidarity.  It was one thing when the United Auto Workers agreed many years ago to temporary "two-tiered" wage structures at the plants of Detroit's Big Three automakers. After all, it was argued, they'll be brought up to a level of full pay and benefits in several years, and new employees aren't as productive as the veterans.