Harvard Law Prof Charles Ogletree Gushes Over 'Generosity' of Hugo Cha

March 7th, 2013 6:50 PM
Gee, why would anyone get the impression -- GOP Sen. Ted Cruz, for example -- that Harvard Law School is fertile wetlands for left-wing politics? In Cruz's case, his suspicions are well-founded -- the man graduated from the school in the mid-1990s. For those of us who aren't Harvard alum, its faculty members often supply evidence to bolster that perception. (audio clip after page break)

AP: Chavez Procession an 'Epic Farewell to a Larger-than-life Leader

March 6th, 2013 9:19 PM
It's as if Associated Press reporter Paul Haven saw colleague Frank Bajak's pathetic obituary of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez earlier today (covered by Matthew Balan at NewsBusters) and said: "Oh yeah? I can outdo you." That he did, in an execrable report excerpted after the jump which should be saved to the hard drive and shown as evidence that anyone who calls the wire service "the…

NY Times Credits 'Populist' Despot Hugo Chavez for 'Empowering...Milli

March 6th, 2013 3:08 PM
Venezuelan despot Hugo Chavez is dead of cancer at age 58, the end of a bizarre odyssey that took him to Communist Cuba in a failed attempt at a cure. William Neuman's off-lead story in Wednesday's New York Times credited the left-wing dictator for having "changed Venezuela in fundamental ways, empowering and energizing millions of poor people who had felt marginalized and excluded." The…

ABC and NBC Tout ‘Larger Than Life’ Chavez Who ‘Never Backed Dow

March 6th, 2013 12:38 PM
 ABCNews.com on Wednesday greeted the death of Hugo Chavez by avoiding the word “socialist.” Instead, journalist Brandi Hitt touted the repressive leader as someone who “appeared to never back down from a challenge.” The reporter never mentioned Chavez’s crackdown on free speech or democracy. Instead, she featured a woman in the streets of Venezuela gushing, “He’s a man that cared about us…He…

AP Sanitizes Joseph Kennedy II's Quote on Chavez's Death, Avoids Notin

March 6th, 2013 11:25 AM
CNN, which if I recall correctly severed formal ties with the Associated Press some time ago, quoted former congressman Joseph Kennedy II's reaction to the death of Venezuela's authoritarian leader Hugo Chavez as follows: "President Chavez cared deeply about the poor of Venezuela and other nations around the world and their abject lack of even basic necessities, while some of the wealthiest…

AP Pays Tribute to 'Master Communicator' and 'Fine Baseball Player' Hu

March 5th, 2013 6:41 PM
Frank Bajak of the AP lionized Venezuelan autocrat and "fighter" Hugo Chavez minutes after his death on Tuesday, playing up in the second sentence of his item how the "former paratroop commander and fiery populist...outsmarted his rivals time and again." Bajak later hyped Chavez as a "master communicator and savvy political strategist."

Wash Post's Eugene Robinson Appears on MSNBC to Praise 'Quick,' 'Popul

March 5th, 2013 6:12 PM
Within minutes of the death of death of repressive socialist Hugo Chavez on Tuesday, MSNBC featured ex-Washington Post managing editor Eugene Robinson to fawn over the "quick," "popular" leader. Though Robinson allowed that "freedom of speech suffered greatly" under Chavez, he praised, "He provided medical attention that the poor of Venezuela hadn't received before, and, and, frankly, it was…

Weekend at Hugo's: AP Misses That Chavez Decree Was Supposedly Signed

January 17th, 2013 10:55 AM
Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead! But is Presidente Hugo Chavez of Venezuela still alive? In what might be a case of life imitating art, could the vice-president of Venezuela be attempting to replicate "Weekend At Bernie's?" To refresh your memory of that entertaining comedy movie, two young insurance executives are desperate to maintain the fiction that their boss, Bernie, is still…

AP Calls Chavez Reelection in Venezuela Result of 'Masterful Political

October 8th, 2012 10:08 PM
Earlier today, when I wasn't in a position to save what I was viewing, I came across an Associated Press item about Venezuela's Sunday election results that I knew I would have to find again at the first opportunity. Readers will see why shortly. Because the AP has a habit of quickly replacing items at its national site while failing to leave the original behind -- especially true when the…

NBC: Chavez Reelection 'An Emotional Moment in History' for Supporters

October 8th, 2012 4:39 PM
In Caracas reporting on Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez winning an "unprecedented third term" for Monday's NBC Today, reporter Kerry Sanders seemed to be swept up in the excitement: "For Chavez's supporters, his reelection is an emotional moment in history. Fireworks filled the skies as a street party continued well into the early morning hours. A Chavez victory, say supporters, means his…

As Gas Prices Spike, Bloomberg Cites Hurricane Isaac, Worries Over Oba

August 30th, 2012 2:12 PM
Gas prices have risen to a nationwide average of $3.80 per gallon, per gasbuddy.com early this afternoon, and an Ohio average of over $3.90. Is Asjylyn Loder at Bloomberg worried about the effects on drivers' pocketbooks and travel plans over Labor Day? Don't be silly. Loder is worried about its impact on Dear Leader's presidential reelection prospects, and avoids the implications of the ten-…

Hardly Reported: Venezuelan Refinery Disaster Has Chavez on Defensive

August 27th, 2012 1:29 PM
The Associated Press, in a Sunday evening dispatch, reported that the refinery explosion in Venezuela, which has thus far killed "at least 39 people" and injured "more than 80" (as of 10 a.m.; now it's at 41)  is "Venezuela's deadliest refinery blast ever." I'm sure that I join all readers here in expressing deep condolences and prayers for the victims and all who have been affected.…

Maria Conchita Alonso: Obama Reelection Moves U.S. Towards Becoming Ch

August 9th, 2012 8:53 AM
As NewsBusters has reported over the years, Venezuelan actress Maria Conchita Alonso is no fan of her native country's current despotic ruler Hugo Chavez. During a Spreecast interview with Steve Malzberg Wednesday, Alonso said that if Barack Obama wins reelection in November, America would be making a step towards becoming like Chavez's Venezuela "in the near future" (video follows with…

Sean Penn Campaigns for Hugo Chavez's Reelection in Venezuela

August 7th, 2012 9:49 AM
Venezuelan despot Hugo Chavez is one of America's sworn enemies. Despite this, actor Sean Penn visited Venezuela Sunday to campaign for one of the world's most despised dictators. Reuters reports: