Reuters Wonders If Chavez Can Measure Up to Castro's 'Heroic Status

February 21st, 2008 5:13 PM
"Chavez inspires left but [is] no icon," insists the headline for a February 21 story by Reuters reporter Frank Jack Daniel. Daniel took time to examine what role Chavez could play in rallying Latin American leftists now that the Fidel Castro has kindly retired to let little hermano Raul take the wheel for a while indefinitely.Daniel practically makes Chavez sound like the Barack Obama of Latin…

Bombings in Chavez’s Venezuela Go Unnoticed by Major Media

February 19th, 2008 5:41 PM
On February 18, the Zenit News Service reported that the apostolic nunciature in Caracas, Venezuela - the Holy See’s equivalent of an embassy in the country - was bombed on Thursday [February 14]. The bombing "caused only minor damages. The facade of the structure was also vandalized by political graffiti." The Zenit story was one of only four items on the bombing that came up during a Google…

CBS’s Rodriguez Asks Chavez’s Ex-Wife: ‘Is He a Communist

February 15th, 2008 5:24 PM
During a two part interview on the Thursday and Friday CBS "Early Show," co-host Maggie Rodriguez asked Hugo Chavez’s ex-wife, Marisabel Rodriguez, "Is Hugo Chavez a charismatic leader or a mad man?" This was followed later by the question, "Is he a Communist?" To which Marisabel Rodriguez responded: "If he's not, he's very similar to one."Maggie Rodriguez, who is Cuban-American, had several…

Sean Penn Slams Paper That Mocked Celebs Sucking Up To Chavez

January 16th, 2008 11:39 AM
One of the most liberal newspapers in America recently mocked "celebrities making asses of themselves...hanging out with the world's most notorious dictators and other authoritarian figures." One such a-a-actor, Sean Penn, who has actually written for the paper in question, struck back Monday by calling the outlet "lame-brain," "desperate," and having "become Mad Magazine for small-minded…

Barbara Walters: Chavez Still Fascinating, But His Harshness Is Edited

December 8th, 2007 1:43 PM

NYT's Cohen: Hugo Si! Jorge No

December 6th, 2007 8:09 AM
After the Venezuela referendum, I 'd been waiting for the first MSMer to make an invidious comparison between Hugo Chavez and George W. Bush.Didn't take long:"[D]emocracy was alive and vital in Venezuela on Sunday in a way foreign to President Bush’s America."That's Roger Cohen writing in today's New York Times, reacting to Chavez's apparent acceptance of the referendum results that turned thumbs…

Barbara Walters: Hugo Chavez 'Charismatic' and Does 'Positive Things

December 5th, 2007 3:07 PM

Live Blog of President Bush's December 4 News Conference

December 4th, 2007 10:05 AM

LA Times, AP, WaPo Call Defeated Chavez Power Grab 'Reforms

December 3rd, 2007 12:49 PM
The Associated Press, Los Angeles Times, and Washington Post are all referring to a package of recently-defeated Venezuelan constitutional amendments as "reforms." In reality, those so-called reforms were all bent on amassing more power and influence in the hands of Hugo Chavez. Washington Post's Juan Forero gave readers early of the December 3 Home Edition article (published before the outcome…

Weekend Captionfest II

November 24th, 2007 4:00 PM
Hugo Chavez and Mahmound Ahmadinejad attended the OPEC summit, where they said the fall of the dollar is a sign that "the U.S. empire is coming down."

LAT Distorts Chronology of Juan Carlos/Hugo Chavez Incident

November 17th, 2007 8:17 PM

Sean Penn: Hugo Chavez Is 'Much More Positive' for Venezuela Than Nega

November 16th, 2007 4:06 PM
Dictator-groupie Sean Penn told Australia's The Age that Venezuelan autocrat Hugo Chavez is “much more positive for Venezuela than he is negative” and the Chavez-crafted constitution is “a very beautiful document.” Yes, that's the same leader who is a student of the Robert Mugabe School of Economics, shut down a TV station that criticized him and just installed himself El Presidente for life. …

Reuters Calls Socialist Dictator Chavez a 'Folksy President

November 15th, 2007 11:25 AM
Folksy can accurately describe many a politician, foreign or domestic. But a Fidel Castro-loving, Bush-hating, suppresser of free speech who has carte blanche to rule by decree? If you ask Reuters, well, yes. (h/t Taranto's November 15 Best of the Web).The November 13 article in question by writer Enrique Andres Pretel dealt with how Venezuela's Hugo Chavez is demanding an apology from Spain's…

NYT’s Love Letter to Hugo Chavez and Oil Socialism – Or Is It

November 4th, 2007 11:02 PM
New York Times Magazine published a rather fascinating article Sunday about the rise of nationalized oil throughout the world. Predictably, it initially came off as a love letter to Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and his new brand of oil socialism. Yet, if you dig deeper - unfortunately offshore deeper in a very lengthy piece - author Tina Rosenberg ended up rather dissatisfied with "petrocracy," and,…