Aaron C. Davis
D.C. Council Considering a New ObamaCare Tax; WashPost Buries Story on
May 6th, 2014 12:52 PM
Claiming that the District of Columbia's ObamaCare exchange is just too darn small in size to pay for itself, Mayor Vince Gray (D) is proposing the city council "approve legislation granting the District's exchange board broad new power to tax any health-related insurance product sold in the city -- regardless of whether it's offered on the exchange," Washington Post staffer Aaron Davis…

WashPost Buries D.C. Mayor's Scandalous Fundraiser At Home of Jailed M
March 2nd, 2014 6:28 PM
Washington Post Metro reporter Aaron Davis has an excellent story in today's paper about ethically-deficient D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray (D) attending a reelection campaign fundraiser at the home of an "incarcerated real estate mogul" who is guilty of having "prey[ed] on homeowners facing foreclosure." Said home, by the way, is $36,000 in arrears on D.C. property taxes. Last year some of Davis's…

WashPost Smoothes All the Edginess of Muslim Radical Leftist Running f
February 4th, 2014 8:05 AM
In Tuesday’s Washington Post, political reporter Aaron C. Davis promoted radical Iraqi-American Muslim restaurant owner Anas “Andy” Shallal in his dark-horse campaign for mayor of Washington. The headline on the front page of Metro for this “scientist turned poet, painter, activist, and multi-millionaire restaurateur” was simply “Novice making unconventional bid.”
Shallal wasn’t a radical,…

WashPost Rewards Gov. O'Malley's 'Personal Push' for Gun Ban, Licensin
April 8th, 2013 7:22 PM
As if it weren't enough for the Washington Post to cheerlead for Maryland's new stringent gun control law in the editorial pages and in biased news accounts, staff writers Aaron Davis and Paul Schwartzman today rewarded liberal governor and potential 2016 presidential contender Martin O'Malley with a 62-paragraph front-page victory lap headlined "Behind Md.'s tough gun law, a personal push…

WaPo Calls Maryland Gun Law "Victory for Public Safety," Ignores The B
March 22nd, 2013 6:35 PM
Today, the Washington Post's Ann Marimow and Aaron Davis published a rather celebratory piece on the Metro section front page claiming that a federal court panel's upholding of Maryland’s restrictive "may issue" concealed carry law is a “decision seen as [a] victory for public safety.” "'This is huge' for advocates of gun control," gushed the headline on the jump page, B8. Ever since Newtown,…

WashPost's Aaron Davis Grouses About Amendments That Would 'Gut' Md. L
March 20th, 2013 6:53 PM
A funny thing happened on the way to banning assault weapons in the deep blue state of Maryland. Some Democrats in the overwhelmingly-Democratic House of Delegates are considering amendments to reform the bill to carve out some exemptions. Given the composition of the state government, it may be the best bet that gun rights advocates in Maryland can realistically hope for in the short term, but…

Name That Party: WaPo Leaves Out the D In Maryland Scandal
September 24th, 2011 10:04 AM
"Gay marriage" advocates are probably delighted, but The Washington Post once again can't find any place to put a troublesome "D" next to the name of a Maryland state delegate charged with theft. Aaron Davis reported:
A young Prince George's [County] politician who seemed to embody Maryland's crisis of conscience over approving same-sex marriage was charged Friday with stealing campaign funds…

Democrat Lawyer, Alleging Fraud, Sues Md. to Overturn DREAM Act Refere
August 2nd, 2011 11:45 AM
The illegal immigrant advocates at CASA de Maryland have really called in the big guns with their lawsuit in Maryland aimed at thwarting a popular voter referendum on the so-called Maryland DREAM Act, which provides for in-state tuition for illegal immigrants.
The law firm for which former Democratic National Committee (DNC) general counsel Joseph Sandler works has taken up the case, the…