Al Neuharth

USA Today Founder’s Entire Family Backed Obama, Daughter Would’ve
November 24th, 2012 12:49 AM
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, so it’s hardly shocking that the children of a journalist would prefer President Barack Obama’s re-election, but instead of being embarrassed by such stereotype-confirming views, Al Neuharth embraced them and decided to follow their advice in casting his vote – as if there were any doubt.
In his weekly column back on Friday, November 9, the 88-year-…

USA Today’s Neuharth Slams Newsweek as ‘Inaccurate and Unfair Left
August 19th, 2011 2:09 PM
Prompted by Newsweek’s Michele Bachmann cover picture choice, in his weekly Friday column, USA Today founder Al Neuharth, a pretty consistent liberal, recognized the magazine’s political agenda.
“When Newsweek was owned by the Washington Post, it was predictably left-wing, but it was accurate,” Neuharth observed before slamming the new owner/editor who picked a picture to make Bachmann look…
USAT's Neuharth Blames Everyone But the Tucson Killer; MSNBC Response
January 14th, 2011 4:17 PM
On Wednesday (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), in commenting on USA Today's poor decision to quote a paragraph from a New York Times op-ed by former Congressman Paul Kanjorski (D-Pa.) -- a bad decision because Kanjorski's call for "civility" directly contrasts with his call for someone to shoot Florida gubernatorial candidate Rick Scott just a few months ago -- I wrote that USAT Founder Al…
USAT Cites Kanjorski NYT 'Civility' Op-Ed As 'Smart Insight'; Former C
January 12th, 2011 10:25 AM
The folks at USA Today really ought to vet their candidates for the "Et Cetera -- Smart insights on the news of the day" section of the print edition of its editorial page a bit more thoroughly.
Wednesday morning's opener in that section (apparently not available online) featured two paragraphs from a New York Times op-ed by former Pennsylvania Congressman Paul Kanjorski, including this final…
USA Today’s Neuharth Ridicules ‘Ludicrous’ and ‘Laughable’ L
August 7th, 2010 2:15 PM
USA Today founder Al Neuharth used his weekly column on Friday to ridicule Rush Limbaugh, marking the 22nd anniversary of Limbaugh’s national radio show by denouncing the conservative talk titan for “ludicrous” assertions and deriding him for having “the best comedy show on radio.” In the column titled “Limbaugh anniversary is a laughing matter,” Neuharth condescendingly maintained: “I'm not a…
USA Today's Neuharth Blames Iraq for Economic Downturn
March 14th, 2009 4:25 PM
The current “money mess” is “primarily because we've spent or authorized more money on the Iraq war (its sixth anniversary is next Thursday) than we're putting into the stimulus program,” USA Today founder Al Neuharth contended in his weekly “Plain Talk” column on Friday. While “many Democrats as well as nearly all Republicans in Congress gave Bush” the authority to go to war in Iraq, “by…
Neuharth: 'Media Owe Mea Culpa' for Not Warning of Bush's 'Misdeeds
January 10th, 2009 11:30 PM
In his weekly Friday column confusingly titled “Media should offer Bush a mea culpa,” USA Today founder Al Neuharth contended “many of us in the media owe a mea culpa to Bush -- and to you -- for failing to properly inform” him and the public “of the possible consequences” of Bush's “major misdeeds.” We've lacked enough critiques of Bush policies? Bush, Neuharth condescendingly opined, “simply…
So Eager for Obama, Wants Inauguration Moved to December
November 15th, 2008 11:52 PM
“People who elect a new President are eager for the change to take place. The sooner the better,” USA Today founder Al Neuharth argued in his Friday column in which he asked, coincidentally just a week-and-a-half after Barack Obama's election: “Why wait until late January to turn the Oval Office over to a new President elected in early November?” He proposed: “We should move the President's…
Al Neuharth's Hysterical 'Plain Talk': News Coverage Used to Be Slante
October 31st, 2008 2:19 PM
Al Neuharth's Friday mini-column in USA Today should have been in a section the paper doesn't have: the comics.Neuharth claimed that today's newspapers play the news straight, while in the "olden days" they didn't.Put down all drinks before reading (bolds are mine): Fewer newspapers try to dictate votesPlain Talk by Al Neuharth More newspaper bosses across the USA have wised up to the fact that…
Neuharth: Olympics Beat Naziism & Communism, Now Ping-Pong
August 10th, 2008 3:15 PM
USA Today founder Al Neuharth suggested in his weekly column for the paper on Friday that, as the 1936 Olympics in Berlin preceded the rise of the German democracy and the 1980 Olympics in Moscow preceded Russia's move toward democracy, the Olympic games this year in Beijing “will bring 1.3 billion closer” to the end of communism. In the “Other Views” below Neuharth's column, Foundation for…
Neuharth: Raise Income Tax So Iraq War Hawks Will Become Doves
June 30th, 2008 12:52 AM
Regretting that “few grownups are concerned about the $526 billion cost so far for the Iraq war without end” because “President Bush and his rich buddies have made sure most of the monetary burden will be borne by our children and grandchildren,” USA Today founder Al Neuharth, in his weekly column on Friday, recommended “a stiff income tax surcharge” to pay for the war. But Neuharth made clear…
Neuharth Hails 'Shrewd, Slick’ Castro, Recalls Telling Him: 'Touche
February 22nd, 2008 8:25 PM
In his weekly Friday column, USA Today founder Al Neuharth hailed Fidel Castro for how “he outfoxed 10 consecutive U.S. Presidents” and, recalling a meeting with him 20 years ago, Neuharth wrote that he found him “brilliantly briefed” with a “quick, slick comment” after Neuharth told him that profits from Gannett’s other papers subsidized losses at USA Today: “Aha, your company and my country are…
Does USA Today's Al Neuharth Have a Messianic Complex
October 25th, 2007 2:55 PM
USA Today founder Al Neuharth (file photo at right), who in February blustered that George W. Bush should be "planted firmly at the top" of the list of the worst U.S. presidents, reportedly dressed up as Jesus Christ --crown of thorns and all-- at a dinner with USA Today senior staff in the newspaper's infancy. The October 25 Washington Post "The Reliable Source" column relayed the account by…