Ali Velshi
CNN, MSNBC Let Blumenthal Compare Our Times to 9/11
MSNBC Analyst: Helsinki Was JUST LIKE Kristallnacht, Pearl Harbor!
MSNBC: Trump Shouldn’t Make Court Pick While Under Investigation
MSNBC's Velshi Asks Pruitt Protester About 'Narrative' of Harassment
Matthews Predicts ‘Spanish Civil War Stuff’ With SCOTUS Seat Fight
MSNBC Features 10 Guests in 90 Minutes to Denounce Travel Ban Ruling
Within the first 90 minutes after the Supreme Court upheld President Trump’s travel ban on six countries, MSNBC brought on a total of 10 guests who condemned the high court’s decision and warned that it marked a dark day for America. One liberal pundit and politician after another were teed up to freak out over the ruling.
MSNBC: Trump Admin Is 'Weaponizing the Bible' Against Illegals
MSNBC Analyst Slams Trump’s ‘Empty Words’ on Texas School Shooting
MSNBC Freaks: Trump ‘Targeting Women’s Rights' With Abortion Rule
MSNBC Paints Arab Rioters As 'Peaceful' After Recalling Bomb Throwing
MSNBC Touts Left-Wing Israelis Accusing Israel of 'Brutal Occupation'
MSNBC Hosts Mourn NRA’s Record Fundraising Despite Anti-Gun Activism
MSNBC Eager for Anti-Gun Protesters to Vote Out GOP in November
Throughout MSNBC’s Friday coverage of student walk-outs across the country to demand gun control, the liberal cable channel’s anchors and correspondent could barely contain their excitement about the prospect of those anti-gun protesters mobilizing to vote pro-gun rights Republicans out of office in the November midterms.