Ali Velshi
Velshi Doubles Down on Climate Change Talk as People Suffer Under Irma
MSNBC Hosts Fret There's Not Enough 'Climate Change' Discussion
MSNBC Stacks Panel With Liberals to Trash Sessions, Trump on DACA
In the aftermath of Attorney General Jeff Sessions announcing Tuesday morning that the DACA program that benefits many young illegal immigrants will be ended in six months, the left-wing news network immediately hosted several guests who trashed the decision, with guests using such words as "dark day," "shameless," "lie," "black eye for the country." One guest even invoked the "white…
MSNBC Hosts Bristle Over Deporting Illegals Arrested for Gang Activity
MSNBC Warns: Trump Rally Raising ‘Concerns About People’s Safety’
Throughout the day on Tuesday, MSNBC sounded the alarm that President Trump’s planned rally in Phoenix, Arizona could lead to violence. Hour after hour, hosts, pundits, and correspondents hyped “concerns about people’s safety” and the “combustible situation” that was supposedly being created by the presidential visit.