MSNBC Applauds Warren's New $52 Trillion Health Care Plan

November 2nd, 2019 10:06 AM

On Friday, Democratic presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren revealed how she expects to pay for her $52 trillion health care plan that is said to include $20.5 trillion in new federal spending without raising middle class taxes. For MSNBC Live host Hallie Jackson and Warren campaign reporter Ali Vitali, the plan was not a left-wing fairy tale, but rather the "ultimate clapback to her critics…


MSNBC: Biden ‘Furious’ With ‘Media Even Covering’ Corruption Claims

October 5th, 2019 3:35 PM

During her 10:00 a.m. ET hour show on Friday, MSNBC anchor Hallie Jackson informed viewers that the Joe Biden’s presidential campaign was “furious” that the “media is even covering” any allegations of corruption against his son Hunter. Later in the day, fellow anchor Andrea Mitchell touted a reporter sympathizing with Biden about the “brutal” campaign.


CBS Dismisses Warren’s ‘DNA Flap’ as ‘Much Ado About Nothing'

August 19th, 2019 3:16 PM

CBS This Morning journalists on Monday attempted to downplay Elizabeth Warren’s repeated efforts to pass herself off as a Native American, calling it a “flap” and insisting that many think it’s “much ado about nothing.” Warren appeared at a Native American forum on Monday in Iowa. This is the same woman who tried to be seen as a Cherokee and who appeared in the cook book Pow Wow Chow. 


MSNBC Touts Host Sharpton Holding Campaign Event for 2020 Dems

April 3rd, 2019 6:00 PM

Unburdened by basic journalistic ethics, on Wednesday, a series of MSNBC hosts eagerly promoted 2020 Democratic candidates lining up to speak at the annual National Action Network conference in New York City – put on by their fellow MSNBC host Al Sharpton. Not concerning themselves with the obvious conflict of interest presented by the event, the anchors hailed it as an “influential” forum for…


MSNBC: It’s ‘Crazy,’ ‘Racist’ to Decry Reporters Shopping With Harris

February 18th, 2019 12:07 PM

MSNBC journalists and analysts on Monday lashed out at conservative complaints of reporters picking out an “amazing” coat for Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris. MSNBC Live co-host Chris Jansing called the reaction “crazy” and guest Mark Thompson attacked it as racist. 

Fangirls? TV Reporters Help Kamala Harris Pick Out 'Amazing' Coat

February 17th, 2019 7:54 AM

Twitter continues to provide unmissable examples of media adoration of Democrats. Female reporters from CBS, CNN, and NBC gushily tweeted on Saturday about picking out an "amazing" jacket for Kamala Harris on the campaign trail. Does anyone think this happened for Michelle Bachman in 2011? Carly Fiorina in 2015? The professional excuse was Harris was touring small businesses in South Carolina…


MSNBC Pundit: ‘Absolutely Racist’ DeSantis Must Quit Florida Campaign

August 30th, 2018 10:36 AM

At the top of the 11:00 a.m. ET hour on Wednesday, MSNBC anchor Ali Velshi gave his left-wing guests free rein accuse Florida Republican gubernatorial nominee Ron DeSantis of being “blatantly racist” due to a poor choice of words he used in a Fox News interview. One of the pundits, left-wing SiriusXM host Mark Thompson, a regular on the cable channel, even demanded that the GOP congressman…


NBC’s Today Skips Own Scoop That 50 Dem Candidates Oppose Pelosi

August 10th, 2018 3:47 PM

On Friday, NBC’s Today show could not find any time to cover an exclusive report from its own network showing major trouble for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. An NBC News survey found that over 50 Democratic congressional candidates have pledged to oppose Pelosi as Speaker of the House if they win a majority in November’s midterm elections.

Joyless Journalists Grump About Trump Pardoning Thanksgiving Turkey

November 22nd, 2017 9:32 AM

The tradition of the presidential turkey pardoning every Thanksgiving should be a light-hearted, fun event devoid of politics. But because of the media’s hatred for President Trump, even this event has been turned into a political gripe fest. 


ABC and NYT Reporters Push Misinformation About Texas Shooting

November 7th, 2017 10:01 PM

Since Sunday's deadly mass shooting in Texas, the liberal media have been desperate to get the ball rolling on ineffective gun control measures. They’ve become so frantic that they have taken to lying about the current federal gun laws on the books and what actually happened during the shooting. On Tuesday, ABC wanted “extreme vetting” for prospective gun buyers and New York Times reporter…

NBC: Poland Taps 'Communist Party Playbook' to Bus In Trump Fans

July 3rd, 2017 6:08 PM

NBC News demonstrated again this morning that it's wildly anti-Trump. Check out this headline: "To Welcome Trump, Poland Taps Old Communist Party Playbook." So not only does NBC and MSNBC compare Trump to communist (and fascist) dictators, now foreign leaders who might make him look good are like communists.


NBC News: Trump Ditching Press for Dinner Shows 'Lack of Transparency'

November 16th, 2016 10:32 AM

Brace yourself, it's already begun -- The Purge. Only a week since Donald Trump's unlikely ascension to the presidency, he's already taking aim at the very heart of democracy, as those working in journalism so often claim they embody. Late last night, NBC Nightly News ran a story with this deeply troubling headline -- "As Trump Leaves Press Behind for Steak Dinner, Incoming Admin Already…


NBC Slams Republicans as Violent Following GOP Office Firebombing

October 17th, 2016 10:31 PM

Liberal NBC finally dedicated a serious amount of time to the “political terrorism” committed against the North Carolina Republican Party over the weekend, in the form of a firebombing of an HQ office. But instead of focusing on the heinous act, they decided to paint Republicans as the ones stoking the violence. “Tensions have been rising all year in a campaign that's seen undertones of…

By 15:1 Margin, Nets Blame Trump, Not Lefties, for Campaign Violence

March 14th, 2016 4:37 PM

Since Friday night’s mayhem in Chicago, all three broadcast networks have made the violence surrounding Donald Trump’s rallies the near-exclusive focus of their campaign coverage. But an MRC analysis of ABC, CBS and NBC news coverage found that the left-wing protesters who forced the cancellation of a presidential campaign event escaped nearly all blame, as reporters dumped 94% of the blame on…