Alissa Rubin

NYT's Brussels Reaction: Sanctimonious Soft-Pedaling of Islamic Terror
March 22nd, 2016 7:36 PM
Americans woke up to horror -- the deadly bombings in Brussels, for which Islamic State has claimed responsibility. Even after the capture, there were ominous hints about Brussels’ continued vulnerability in Tuesday’s New York Times, in a story by Alissa Rubin which went to press before the latest terror. Yet Rubin still managed to downplay the insular, hostile, terrorist-breeding ground nature…

NY Times Finally Finds ‘Terrorists’ in Israel: Jewish Ones
January 14th, 2016 8:18 AM
The New York Times has long maintained a gross double standard of coverage when it comes to Israel’s security. Palestinian terrorists who target Jewish civilians are rarely if ever described as terrorists. Even violently anti-Israel groups like Hamas are at worst “militants” in the Times, or even noted for their “roots in charity.” The ultimate Palestinian terrorist, PLO leader Yassir Arafat, was…
One of NYT's Guantanamo Bay 'Innocents' Turned Suicide Bomber on Relea
May 8th, 2008 5:30 PM
Nicholas Kristof's Sunday column on Guantanamo prisoners, "A Prison of Shame, and It's Ours," makes the case, in typically arch prose, that his New York Times colleague Barry Bearak got off easy. The Mugabe regime in Zimbabwe imprisoned Bearak in disgusting conditions for four days, but Kristof thought it could have been worse: It could have been Guantanamo Bay.My Times colleague Barry Bearak…