Dr. Jonathan Reiner CNN New Day 9-14-20

VILE CNN: Trump Guilty of 'Negligent Homicide"

September 14th, 2020 10:49 AM

On New Day, CNN medical analyst Dr. Jonathan Reiner accuses President Trump of "negligent homicide" for holding a rally in Nevada without imposing a mask mandate. Host Alisyn Camerota chips in to suggest that Trump might lack the "energy"  to conduct contact tracing. That's in line with the liberal media's pattern of trying to turn Biden's obvious decline back on Trump.


CNN Lauds Author Blaming Racism for Poor Whites Voting GOP

September 6th, 2020 5:02 PM

On Friday, CNN's flagship morning show, New Day, concluded another heavily biased week by devoting a segment to liberal author Isabel Wilkerson to promote her new book, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, in which she argued that racism began in the United States as people of different races began living in the same country.


Scott Jennings Upset CNN Libs by Raising Bidenites Bailing Out Rioters

September 5th, 2020 10:12 AM

On Tuesday's New Day on CNN, conservative analyst Scott Jennings was infuriating the liberals on set by raising the issue of Kamala Harris and the Biden campaign staff bailing rioters out of jail. Liberal analyst Bakari Sellers jumped all over Jennings, pretending he had no point, and that Democrats were bailing out peaceful protesters in the style of John Lewis. 

Nancy Pelosi CNN New Day 9-3-20

Even CNN Not Sold on Pelosi's Salon Trip, But Complains It's Exploited

September 5th, 2020 6:38 AM

Bad news for Nancy Pelosi. Even CNN is not totally sold on her excuses for violating San Francisco's coronavirus lockdown rules by having her hair done indoors at a salon, and at least at times without a mask. But anchor John Berman complained "people are making this a partisan issue."


Goldberg Defends Anonymous Sources: They Feared 'Angry Tweets'

September 4th, 2020 6:20 PM

On Thursday, The Atlantic ran a truly damning piece accusing President Trump of saying that a cemetery of marines who died at the Battle of Belleau Wood, one of the most important battles of World War I and in the history of the Marine Corps, is "filled with losers" and that they were "suckers" for getting killed. However, there was a problem. Editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg's…


CNN Hack Only Fact-Checks Trump Supporters on Voter Panel...Again

September 2nd, 2020 2:48 PM

CNN New Day co-host Alisyn Camerota revealed even more of how much CNN hates conservatives during part two of the voter panel discussion that she began on Tuesday’s show. Just like on the first part of the interview that aired yesterday, Camerota refused to fact-check the Joe Biden supporters’ statements but was combative and hostile to the Donald Trump supporters on the panel.


Top 21: Panicked About President Trump Going ‘Postal’

September 2nd, 2020 9:00 AM

The media’s hatred for Donald Trump and conservatives was on full-tilt this past month, with lib hosts and reporters worried about the President going “postal” over mail-in ballots. They also charged him as guilty for the COVID-related deaths of Americans, including Herman Cain. The following is a top 21 countdown of just some of the most outrageous bias by lefty journalists over the last…


CNN’s Camerota Only Fact-Checks Trump Voter, But Lets Biden Fans Lie

September 1st, 2020 1:11 PM

CNN host Alisyn Camerota conducted another 2020 voter panel on Tuesday’s New Day with six women who said they voted for President Trump in 2016; three who will vote for him again and three who say they now support Joe Biden. Instead of moderating the discussion, Camerota cut in to fact-check a Trump voter and defend the Democrat talking points. She did not try to fact-check the…

John Berman Alisyn Camerota Bakari Sellers Scott Jennings CNN New Day 9/1/20

Bully CNN Triple-Teams Republican on Kenosha

September 1st, 2020 12:40 PM

CNN co-hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman, and CNN contributor Democrat Bakari Sellers, triple-team Republican Scott Jennings in a discussion of the Kenosha violence and related issues. Camerota frequently interrupts to shush Jennings, echo Sellers' points, and challenge Jennings in her own right. John Berman ends the segment by complaining that President Trump is using the violence to…


CNN Hypes Previous Case of Kenosha Man Shot by Police, Omits Details

August 30th, 2020 6:02 AM

Even though resisting arrest is usually a key factor in deadly police shooting cases, CNN's New Day omitted that critical detail on Tuesday as the show highlighted a police shooting case from 2004 in which a 21-year-old was killed by members of the same police department involved in a more current case.


CNN Slow to Inform Viewers of Warrant Against Jacob Blake

August 29th, 2020 3:20 PM

This week, CNN's New Day show has been on a roll when it comes to avoiding critical details from police shooting cases that would make police officer actions seem more defensible. 


CNN's New Day Tries to Tie RNC to 'Vigilantism' in Wisconsin

August 27th, 2020 6:25 PM

During its coverage of the Republican National Convention, CNN's flagship morning show, New Day, has been displaying the substantial move further left that the liberal news network over the last few years. Not only has the show's guest load been short on pro-Trump conservatives -- who are also forced to share segments with more liberal guests -- but the show's anchors have tried to…


Nutty Media Blame Trump for Racial Riots But Demand He Support BLM

August 27th, 2020 2:33 PM

CNN and MSNBC tag teamed to attack President Trump and Vice President Pence this morning for not expressing support for Black Lives Matter, while at the same time blaming the administration for the violence and destruction caused by Black Lives Matter activists across the country. Is your head spinning yet?


MSM: RNC Speakers 'Cranks and Misfits,' Biden/Harris 'Super-Centrist'!

August 25th, 2020 10:30 AM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough calls the speakers at the opening night of the RNC convention "cranks and misfits." On CNN's New Day, a Yahoo News "reporter" calls Joe Biden and Kamala Harris "super-centrist."