Ben Ginsberg CNN New Day 2-8-21

CNN's Trump-Hating Fantasy: A Witness That Trump Told to Storm Capitol

February 8th, 2021 10:34 AM

Ben Ginsberg, a Republican election lawyer, fierce Trump critic, and CNN legal analyst, has a fantasy: a witness who would testify at the Senate impeachment trial that President Trump told him to storm the Capitol. Ginsberg twice shared his fantasy on CNN's New Day this morning. Asked whether he would call witnesses if he were a Dem impeachment manager, Ginsberg said his dream witness…

Frederik Pleitgen CNN New Day 1-27-21

Gag Me With a Samovar! CNN Slobbers Over Biden-Putin Phone Call

January 27th, 2021 12:58 PM

On New Day, CNN International correspondent Frederik Pleitgen gushed over President Biden's phone call with Vladimir Putin: "It certainly does seem to have been very productive. In fact, impressively productive . . . President Biden managed to do something that the Trump administration did not manage to do . . . And it certainly does seem to have yielded some very early, and some very…

John Berman CNN New Day 1-25-21

CNN's Berman Uses Biden Dogs To Bark and Snark at GOP and Tucker

January 25th, 2021 1:36 PM

Proving that there's virtually nothing the liberal media can't turn against Republicans and conservatives, CNN's John Berman today somehow managed to use President Biden's dogs to joke and swipe at the GOP and Tucker Carlson.

John Berman Alisyn Camerota David Chalian Maggie Haberman CNN New Day 1-19-21

Classless CNN Gloats Over Melania's Negative Approval Rating

January 19th, 2021 9:45 AM

CNN New Day co-host John Berman gloats over the fact that Melania Trump is the first First Lady to leave the White House with a net-negative approval rating. Manifesting the kind of negative coverage the liberal media has given Melania for years, he claims she "could not be bothered" to extend courtesies to the Bidens. As if she had a choice?


CNN, Dem AG Mock Comparisons to BLM Violence: 'Unbelievably Different'

January 15th, 2021 1:30 PM

CNN shamelessly pandered to liberal rioters and downplayed their violent actions this past summer and now are showing their hypocrisy over last week’s Capitol Hill siege by a group of Trump supporters. Even though most Democrats were reluctant to criticize, and many avoided condemning left-wing violence altogether, CNN aided one Democrat official this morning in denying this, while claiming…

CNN New Day White House aides 1-15-21

'Hope They're Not Looting The Place': CNN Smears Trump Aide with Bust

January 15th, 2021 12:07 PM

Talk about kicking people on their way, literally, out the door . . . CNN's nasty little parting gift for members of President Trump's White House staff was to suggest they might be thieves. On New Day, as footage rolled of staff members carrying items out of the White House, Alisyn Camerota wondered whether they might be "absconding" with them. And Errol Louis snidely said: "…


CNN Spins WILD Conspiracy Theory about Capitol Hill Police

January 15th, 2021 10:15 AM

While the hacks at CNN spend much of their time accusing Fox News and other conservative media outlets of spreading disinformation and conspiracy theories, they also spend plenty of time disseminating absurd conspiracy theories of their own. On Wednesday’s New Day, CNN hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman collaborated with senior national security correspondent Alex Marquardt and…

John Berman Alisyn Camerota Errol Louis Anna Palmer CNN New Day 1-5-21

Vile CNN: Will Pence Serve the Constitution or 'Devil' Trump?

January 5th, 2021 10:27 AM

On CNN's New Day, political analyst Errol Louis says, apropos of whether VP Pence will certify the election results at the congressional session on January 6th, says:  "looking at that footage that you showed of the two men inside the Oval Office yesterday, I thought of the Bob Dylan lyric, you know, maybe the devil or maybe the Lord, but you’ve got to serve somebody. And the question…


CNN, CBS Highlight Black Police Shooting Victims, Ignore Other Races

January 1st, 2021 9:59 AM

In the final week of 2020, as the media have covered the disturbing case of an unarmed black man, Andre Hill, who was recently killed by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio, CNN and CBS have both presented misleading statistics on the number of African Americans who have been killed by police officers since George Floyd's death from May.

Jonathan Reiner CNN New Day 12-31-20

Kooky CNN Doc: Only 'Regime Change' Will Get Pandemic Under Control

December 31st, 2020 12:13 AM

On CNN's New Day, CNN medical analyst Dr. Jonathan Reiner says, "many of us have thought over the last several months that we were only going to get this pandemic under control with regime change." Regime change is a term that typically refers to the forceful overthrow of a foreign government.

Jim Sciutto Alisyn Camerota  Toluse Olorunnipa Margaret Talev CNN New Day 12-28-20

CNN Goes Metaphor-Mad Over Trump: 'Arsonist Putting Out Fire'

December 29th, 2020 5:59 AM

CNN went absolutely metaphor-mad in its trashing of President Trump. During the 6 am hour of New Day on Monday, it began with Toluse Olorunnipa of the Washington Post describing Trump as like "a hostage negotiation, where President Trump wants to be both the kidnapper, and the hero who comes in to save the hostage." Co-host Alisyn Camerota loved that: "Such a great point: the…


Do These People Care? CNN Continues to Express Love for Lockdowns

December 16th, 2020 12:09 AM

On Monday morning’s New Day, CNN co-host Alisyn Camerota conspired with chair and president of Access International Professor William Haseltine to advocate for governors reinstating lockdowns. Camerota expressed that her only concern about politicians trying to “police indoor gatherings of families” would be “how would they even do that” and Haseltine asserted that “it probably…

John Harwood CNN New Day 12-15-20

CNN's Harwood on Biden Message: GOP 'Garbage Stinks,' So Let's Unify

December 15th, 2020 12:50 PM

On New Day, CNN correspondent John Harwood interprets the speech Joe Biden gave after the Electoral College vote as being two-fold: a call for unity and an attempt to "calm passions." But also telling Republicans that in challenging the election, their "garbage stinks so bad." 


CNN Keeps Ignoring Hunter Biden, But Promotes Every Trump Allegation

December 11th, 2020 3:10 PM

Remember when the liberal media claimed that they couldn’t discuss the Hunter Biden story because it was unverified and potentially foreign interference? Apparently CNN doesn't. Throughout the three hours of Friday’s New Day, the partisan journalists repeatedly harped on the litany of allegations and investigations against Donald Trump without so much as a mention of Hunter Biden.