
Chris Matthews: The GOP Has a ‘Love Affair with Anger’

July 29th, 2015 10:39 AM
Last night on Hardball, Chris Matthews hit the Republicans Party for having “this love affair with anger.” In a panel discussion on the 2016 Republican race for the nomination, the MSNBC personality explained that part of Donald Trump’s appeal is that the Republicans are “an angry party.” Matthews thought it unlikely that the party in its current state could nominate an establishment figure like…

'Mainstream' Media Take: All Hillary's Danger Is She's Too Centrist

April 12th, 2015 7:37 AM
On the PBS NewsHour on Monday, political analyst Amy Walter spoke just like the “mainstream” media as a whole, seeing all the peril for Hillary Clinton in how she’s too centrist – both on domestic and foreign policy. As they discussed an analysis by Dan Balz of The Washington Post about how Hillary is going to be affected by Obama’s Iran deal, Walter announced the media line: She's not only too…

Meet the Press Panel Eagerly Hits GOP Over Religious Freedom Laws

April 5th, 2015 12:17 PM
On Sunday’s Meet the Press, an all liberal panel repeatedly took shots at the Republican Party over its support for religious freedom laws with Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report going so far as to suggest that on the issue on the issue of gay marriage “if we took everybody over the age of 50, and just moved them out of this country, this wouldn't be an issue at all.” 

NBC: White GOP Congressional Districts Preventing Immigration Reform

December 7th, 2014 5:19 PM
During a panel discussion on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday, Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report argued that the reason comprehensive immigration reform wasn’t getting passed was because of the racial makeup of House Republican districts: “Here’s the problem with the House, at the end of the day, the House does not look like the country.”

Chuck Todd: Parties Have ‘Nuclear Bombs’ That Could Cause Gridlock

November 9th, 2014 4:06 PM
On Sunday, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd continued to push the line that Washington is broken and despite the GOP now controlling both houses of Congress, gridlock will likely continue. Speaking to his political panel, Todd argued that both the Republicans and Democrats have “two nuclear bombs it sounds like to me. Is that a fair way to put it? That each side has potentially, and it could,…

Sunday Morning Shows Ignore Report Showing Obama Admin. ‘Warned of B

July 20th, 2014 11:53 AM
The front-page of the Washington Post on Sunday, July 20 had a damning headline accusing the Obama administration of “being warned of brewing border crisis” but only Fox and Friends Sunday covered the report.  NBC’s Today, CBS Sunday Morning, and ABC’s Good Morning America, failed to cover how in a 2013 report prepared for the Obama administration “the team from the University of Texas at El…

Former ABC News Political Director Insists Innocent or Guilty, ‘Gov

June 20th, 2014 4:45 PM
The fact that “no criminal charges” have been filed against Republican Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin on illegal fundraising did not stop MSNBC’s Chuck Todd and guest Amy Walter, former political director of ABC News and national editor of The Cook Political Report, from writing his political obituary on the June 20 edition of The Daily Rundown With Chuck Todd. “Regardless of where this…

NBC's Mitchell Denounces Pro-Life Legislation, Hopes for 'Blow-Back' A

July 10th, 2013 9:43 AM
Leading a panel discussion on her Tuesday 1 p.m. ET hour show on MSNBC, host Andrea Mitchell ranted against Republican efforts to enact pro-life legislation at the state level: "Texas isn't the only state where Roe v. Wade is being challenged....We've seen in Ohio, John Kasich and company sneaked it in to a budget bill....Wisconsin, there's an injunction against enforcement of what the…

ABC Goes to Bat for Obama: GOP 'Falsely' Peddles President's 'You Didn

July 24th, 2012 11:31 AM
ABC on Tuesday dropped any pretense of objectivity and defended the President over his "you didn't build that" attack on business. In an online article, writers Amy Walter, Elizabeth Hartfield and Chris Good dropped this spin into a supposedly straight news report: "Republicans have seized on the line 'you didn't build that' to falsely claim that Obama was speaking directly to…

ABC Team Obsess Over Romney's $10,000 Challenge to Perry

December 11th, 2011 1:15 AM
After ABC's Republican presidential debate on Saturday night, several members of the ABC team spoke of Mitt Romney's attempt to make a bet with Rick Perry about whether Perry was correct in asserting that Romney had advocated Massachusetts-style Romneycare as a model for the nation, with predictions that the $10,000 bet comment would hurt Romney with voters. After arguing that Perry appeared…

Maher Says Ending Bush Tax Cuts Would Solve 75% of Budget Deficit Then

April 16th, 2011 10:38 AM
In this week's "Is Bill Maher Really That Stupid" segment, the "Real Time" host on Friday actually said that ending the Bush tax cuts would solve 75 percent of the nation's budget deficit. This deliciously came before Maher called Sen. John Kyl (R-Ariz.) "an evil liar who insults the intelligence of all living things including mushrooms and mold" (video follows with commentary):

ABC Warns Republicans Against Challenging ObamaCare

January 1st, 2011 8:44 AM
If Pres. Obama's signal fight in the coming year will be preserving ObamaCare, he can count on at least one ally in his struggle with Republicans: ABC News and in particular its Political Director, Amy Walter. On GMA today, Walter issued a stern warning to Republicans who might have the audacity of hoping to repeal ObamaCare. The segment began with a montage of Republicans vowing to do so…

Chris Matthews Demonstrates Television's Version of the JournoList

July 29th, 2010 12:31 AM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Wednesday demonstrated how the dissemination of Democrat talking points and marching orders via the JournoList can be far more effectively employed on television.In a "Hardball" segment about a new Democratic National Committee ad that looks to connect the GOP with the "more extreme elements" of the Tea Party, Matthews chatted with Republican strategist Todd Harris and…

CBS 'Early Show' on Obama/Clinton Meeting: ‘Was the Dream Ticket On

June 6th, 2008 12:43 PM
On Friday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Maggie Rodriguez speculated on the reason for Barack Obama secretly meeting with Hillary Clinton late Thursday: "Breaking news overnight. Obama and Clinton sneak off for a secret meeting. Was the dream ticket on the agenda?" Co-hosts Harry Smith and Julie Chen then simulated what the meeting may have been like:HARRY SMITH: I'm tired. You must be tired. JULIE…