Megyn Kelly, Ann Coulter Marvel at Ed Schultz on Demeaning Women

April 11th, 2015 6:56 PM
On Thursday’s The Kelly File, host Megyn Kelly jumped all over MSNBC’s Ed Schultz for having the audacity to lecture Rand Paul, or anyone for that matter, on the subject of sexism. Schultz claims, “There is evidence Rand Paul has a real problem with women reporters.” Kelly and her guest Ann Coulter laughed away at Schultz since it was about four years ago Schultz called conservative radio talk-…

Salon Columnist: Right Shouldn't Gloat Over Rolling Stone 'Debacle'

April 8th, 2015 3:08 PM
When it comes to false media narratives, the typical right-winger should be more concerned with the plank in his own eye than with the speck in the eye of a liberal. That, minus the allusion to the Sermon on the Mount, was the essential argument from Heather Digby Parton in a Wednesday column. Parton sees Rolling Stone’s debunked, retracted University of Virginia rape story as one component of…

Democrat Clay Aiken Tweeted About Punching Ann Coulter, Urged Folks to

May 21st, 2014 7:05 PM
As we at NewsBusters have documented, the liberal media have shown no lack of interest in the candidacy of American Idol runner-up turned Democratic politician Clay Aiken. So it should be interesting to see the coverage, or lack thereof, for Mr. Aiken having tweeted a while back, "Anyone else watching @piersmorgan want to punch Ann Coulter in the face?" What's more, reports blogger Sooper…

Ann Coulter Shoots Back When Maddow Sneers 'All Her Books and All Her

April 15th, 2014 9:08 PM
Jeff Poor at Breitbart has identified the latest example of Rachel Maddow's superiority complex. In a newly released video interview for the comedians who operate "The Muslims Are Coming!" tour, she claimed she has found a new comedian -- Ann Coulter. The openly lesbian MSNBC host is convinced that nothing Coulter says can be serious. All her books, all her TV appearances must be an elaborate…

Ann Coulter: It Is 'Appalling' How News Media Are 'Smitten' With Wendy

February 13th, 2014 11:27 AM
Appearing on FNC's Hannity Wednesday night, conservative author and columnist Ann Coulter zinged the news media and the Democratic Party for being "so smitten" with Texas liberal Wendy Davis "because she's going to stand up for killing babies. Oh, that's great, that's really speaking truth to power." Now, Coulter said, even Davis has realized that position "isn't so popular in Texas as it is…

Ann Coulter Rips Democrats for Sex Scandals: 'Can We Look at Your Cast

February 11th, 2014 11:40 PM
On Tuesday night, CNN’s Piers Morgan bemoaned Rand Paul’s “sleazy” attack on Bill Clinton’s promiscuity, but guest Ann Coulter roasted Clinton and other Democrats for their own attacks on women. “This is all very salacious,” Morgan lamented. “And Rand Paul wants us to think about Hillary and Bill as a doublette in a salacious, slightly sleazy way, right?” he added. “Come on, don't attack the…

Piers Morgan Whines to Ann Coulter: 'Pro-Gun Side' Won't 'Relent' Even

January 23rd, 2014 4:34 PM
Piers Morgan sparred with Ann Coulter on his Wednesday CNN show over Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein's vow to target the NRA in an upcoming movie and over the lack of new gun control regulations in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting in December 2012. Morgan did his best to defend Weinstein, after Coulter blasted him for his "utter hypocrisy" in only recently condemning the impact of…

Piers Morgan Goads Ann Coulter to Admit She's 'Part of the Problem,' t

January 23rd, 2014 11:31 AM
CNN's Piers Morgan tried to get Ann Coulter to admit she's a "female Glenn Beck" and "part of the problem" for her "divisive" and "partisan" rhetoric, on Wednesday's Piers Morgan Live. Glenn Beck recently expressed regret that during his time at Fox News, he "played a role unfortunately in helping tear the country apart." Morgan called Coulter the "female Glenn Beck" for her "partisan…

Ann Coulter Challenges Ed Schultz: 'Invite Me on Your Show, You Lying

January 15th, 2014 9:42 PM
UPDATE AT END OF POST: Coulter elaborates! Conservative author Ann Coulter threw down quite the gauntlet Wednesday. After MSNBC's Ed Schultz said on his show, "Republicans, they’re afraid of me. They don’t want to talk to me," Coulter responded via Twitter, "Invite me on your show, you lying p--sy" (video follows with commentary):

Chris Matthews: Ann Coulter 'Doesn't Have a Job

December 21st, 2013 3:23 PM
UPDATE AT END OF POST: COULTER RESPONDS! Ann Coulter is a syndicated columnist and a New York Times Best Selling author. Despite this, on Friday's Hardball, MSNBC's Chris Matthews said, "[S]he doesn't have a job" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Bozell Column: Jezebel, The 'Mainstream' of Feminism

November 2nd, 2013 8:03 AM
Feminism isn't just a brutal philosophy for millions of unborn children. It's brutal on the Internet. Take the website, a reference to the prophetess in the Book of Revelation who was "teaching and beguiling my servants to practice immorality." This summer, a Catholic priest in Gainesville, Virginia took to Facebook to help find an adoptive home for an unborn child with Down…

Geraldo Cheerleads for Obama and Coulter Calls Him Out

October 30th, 2013 7:41 PM
Wow -- to think that this man seriously considered running for Senate as a Republican, until it dawned on him that voters would hear his stump speech and assume he's a Democrat. Geraldo Rivera starts every hour of his radio show with the tag line, "Not red, not blue, but red white and blue." Catchy line -- and more than a little reminiscent of oratory from a little-known Illinois state…

CNN Reports PolitiFact's Coulter 'Pants on Fire,' Hannity 'Mostly Fals

October 27th, 2013 6:32 PM
Is it possible for CNN's John Avlon to at least pretend to be impartial? On Sunday's Reliable Sources, in the closing segment about PolitiFact's just announced new website PunditFact, Avlon showed three reports by the organization: one giving conservative author Ann Coulter a "Pants on Fire," another giving Fox News host Sean Hannity a "Mostly False," and a third giving MSNBC's Lawrence O'…

Entertainment Website Names Ann Coulter One of 'TV’s Most Unintentio

October 26th, 2013 12:19 PM
You might not be familiar with the entertainment website The Wrap, but every now and then it ventures into the world of politics - always from the left, of course. On Friday evening, it published an article titled "8 of TV’s Most Unintentionally Scary Characters," and blazened below the headline was a picture of our dear friend and conservative author, Ann Coulter: