Ann E. Marimow

WaPo Calls Maryland Gun Law "Victory for Public Safety," Ignores The B
March 22nd, 2013 6:35 PM
Today, the Washington Post's Ann Marimow and Aaron Davis published a rather celebratory piece on the Metro section front page claiming that a federal court panel's upholding of Maryland’s restrictive "may issue" concealed carry law is a “decision seen as [a] victory for public safety.” "'This is huge' for advocates of gun control," gushed the headline on the jump page, B8. Ever since Newtown,…
Bias by the Numbers: WaPo Giddy Over Gay Marriage
March 12th, 2010 12:04 PM
In seven days, the Washington Post: Ran 11 articles related to D.C.'s new law allowing same-sex marriage. Devoted 543 inches of column space to the ruling - equal to nearly four full pages. Printed 14 photos of gay celebrations, including a prominent one of two men kissing. Quoted supporters 11 times more often than opponents - 67 to 6. Repeatedly compared gay marriage…