ABC’s World News Highlights Walters Wondering How Obamas Get It On

December 27th, 2012 10:21 AM
ABC News had to wait two weeks to get on air Barbara Walters’ interview with the Obamas -- and then the network’s evening newscast decided to focus on her asking Barack and Michelle Obama about their sex life. “An ABC News exclusive,” fill-in World News anchor David Muir teased, “Barbara Walters at the White House, asking Michelle Obama if she’ll run for office next. And a personal question…

Obama: Keeping Secret Service 'With Guns Around At All Times' to Prote

December 27th, 2012 7:59 AM
The anti-gun Obama isn't so anti-gun when it comes to protecting his own family. During a predictably gooey interview with Barbara Walters on ABC's Nightline Wednesday, the President joked about his daughter Malia dating boys saying, "I always talk about how one of the main incentives for running again was continuing secret service protection so there are men with guns around at all times" (…

ABC Hypes Obamas' Love Life, Barely Mentions Impending Fiscal Cliff

December 26th, 2012 12:27 PM
ABC’s Good Morning America barely talked about the upcoming fiscal cliff on Wednesday but found time for another Obama-promoting fluff piece. Previewing Barbara Walters's upcoming interview with Mr. and Mrs. Obama on Wednesday evening’s Nightline, GMA picked a clip of Walters fawning over the couple's romance. Walters touted "the most-shared photograph in the history of Twitter" of the…

MSNBC's Toure Slams Barbara Walters From the Left for Sexist Interview

December 14th, 2012 1:32 PM
Barbara Walters is known for asking ridiculous questions during her famous interviews, but this time it appears she has gone too far, annoying even the liberal co-hosts of MSNBC’s The Cycle. The day after Barbara Walters’ annual Most Fascinating People Special Wednesday night, the cast of The Cycle, most notably co-host Toure, savaged Ms. Walters for her “embarrassing, dereliction of duty”…

Barbara Walters Tosses Softballs to 'Charming' Obama: 'What's Your Fav

December 14th, 2012 12:00 PM
Good Morning America on Friday offered a fawning preview of Barbara Walters' exclusive interview with Barack and Michelle Obama. Walters gushed over the "touching," "charming" couple and asked the President softballs such as "What's your favorite app?" [See video below. MP3 audio here.] The journalist couldn't get over just how adorable the two Democrats are, fawning, "Together, she teases…

Instead of Asking Hillary Clinton About Benghazi, Barbara Walters Push

December 13th, 2012 1:10 PM
Add Barbara Walters to the list of journalists pushing for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to run for President in 2016.  For the third time now, Ms. Clinton has been featured on Barbara Walters’s annual 10 Most Fascinating People special. Given that Ms. Walters  had a one-on-one sit-down interview with Clinton, it would seem logical that the topic of the Benghazi fiasco would come up.  It…

Balance: Barbara Walters Chats With Hillary Clinton About Hair, Grills

December 12th, 2012 4:37 PM
Apparently, Barbara Walters's idea of balance is grilling Chris Christie about being too fat and unhealthy to be president. Yet, during the same 10 Most Fascinating People of 2012 program, she conducted a girl talk session with Hillary Clinton, laughing with the Secretary of State about her hair. Walters appeared on Wednesday's Good Morning America to promote the show. Talking to Christie, she…

The View Welcomes Guest Host Stacey Dash, Challenges Her Conservative

November 15th, 2012 5:49 PM
In what was a transparent attempt to scrutinize how conservative a black actress can really be, the ladies of The View invited Stacey Dash on the program to substitute for Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Immediately following her summary of what was to come, Whoopi Goldberg inquired how Dash was doing after the vicious attacks she had endured on Twitter for simply endorsing Mitt Romney. Without…

Moderate Mitt Loses, Media Blame Conservatives

November 14th, 2012 10:30 AM
Over the past week, the media have been obsessively attributing the GOP’s election loss to the party’s embrace of conservatism. It began with a predictable assault on the standard bearer of conservative thought over the airwaves, Rush Limbaugh. On election night, NBC’s Brian Williams opined that Rush was a liability for the GOP. And it didn’t stop with Williams. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe David…

ABC's Barbara Walters Assails GOP for Being 'Behind' on Social Issues

November 8th, 2012 12:48 PM
ABC journalist Barbara Walters took to the airwaves on Wednesday to assail the Republican Party for being "behind" on social views. Walters and her View co-hosts looked to analyst Matt Dowd for post-election spin. Per usual, he spent his time lecturing the Republican Party, repeating an assertion that the GOP represents "Mad Men" and not "Modern Family" America. Walters, who sometimes…

‘The View’ Co-Hosts Freak Out When Hasselbeck Suggests Hollywood I

October 17th, 2012 2:58 PM
The View has a long reputation for its liberal slant, but when one of its own calls out the liberal bias among celebrities, hysteria ensues.  Such was the case on Wednesday when the lone conservative Elizabeth Hasselbeck spoke out against the overwhelming liberal presence that dominates Hollywood.   [See video below break.  MP3 audio here.]

Whoopi Goldberg Falsely Claims Koch Warned Employees They'd Lose Jobs

October 15th, 2012 5:45 PM
As NewsBusters reported last week, Westgate Resorts CEO David Siegel recently warned his employees that he will likely have to lay people off if Barack Obama is re-elected. With total disregard for the truth, ABC's Whoopi Goldberg on Monday's The View said it was "the president of Koch Industries" that did this (video follows with transcript and commentary):

George Stephanopoulos and Barbara Walters Fawn Over the 'Fun' Obamas

September 25th, 2012 1:47 PM
George Stephanopoulos and Barbara Walters on Tuesday fawned over the "fun," loving marriage of Barack and Michelle Obama. Walters appeared on Good Morning America to promote the President's appearance on The View. Stephanopoulos, a former Democratic operative, hyped Walters' "lighter stuff." He gushed, "The President seemed to mix politics and fun, when he talked about coaching his daughter'…

Obama on 'The View': U.S. Would 'Survive' But Not 'Thrive' in a Romney

September 25th, 2012 8:50 AM
He clearly doesn't suffer from a shortage of chutzpah. According to the Politico's Josh Gerstein, President Barack Obama was asked the following question by The View's Barabara Walters in a Monday appearance to be broadcast on Tuesday: "What would be so terrible if Mitt Romney were elected? Would it be disastrous for the country?" His response: "We can survive a lot. But the American people…