Bill Press and Lefty Scribe Agree: Obama Foreign Policy is 'Most Nuanc

February 14th, 2014 12:19 PM
Never thought I'd see the day that a prominent member of the liberal media establishment praised the Prince of Darkness himself, aka Richard Milhous Nixon, and one of his liberal media cohorts agreed. Moreover, Nixon was described favorably while being compared to the erstwhile would-be Messiah occupying the Oval Office, Barack Hussein Obama. Strange days indeed, to borrow from John Lennon,…

Bill Press is Indignant That MSNBC Apologized for Vile Cheerios Ad Twe

February 4th, 2014 9:06 AM
When anyone can be described as left of MSNBC, they are heading into fringe territory. Or as Bill Press thinks of it, home sweet home. In yet another futile attempt to remain relevant, Press on his radio show lashed out at MSNBC for apologizing for a Twitter post last week claiming that conservatives might "hate" a new Cheerios commercial featuring a biracial family. (Audio after the jump).

Radio Libs Tout Famed Author's Disdain for Conservatives as 'Stupid

January 24th, 2014 8:10 PM
Don't you love it when liberals ridicule conservatives as idiots while said liberals do something idiotic? Yeah, watching this is one of my favorite hobbies too, one that guarantees an endless stream of amusing fodder. Latest example comes by way of Bill Press's radio show yesterday. Press, a former California Democratic Party chief and co-host of an earlier iteration of the cable show "…

Bill Press: Richard Sherman Would Not Be Called 'Thug' If He's White

January 23rd, 2014 2:19 PM
In their Orwellian drive to further strangle language and discourse, liberals are seizing on "thug" as another example of hate speech that must be purged. Leading the charge is radio talker Bill Press venting this morning about the controversy surrounding Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman's bellicose rant in a televised interview Sunday after his team beat the San Francisco 49ers…

MSNBC Panel Compares Pro-Gun Sheriffs to Segregationists, Tea Party Ba

December 17th, 2013 6:24 PM
On Monday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, liberal columnist Cynthia Tucker compared sheriffs who refuse to enforce new restrictive gun laws to people in the South who opposed laws banning segregation, while liberal talk radio host Bill Press, apparently forgetting that the Justice Department routinely refuses to enforce immigration laws, recommended that these pro-Second Amendment sheriffs should be…

Confederacy of Dunces: MSNBC Still Fighting Civil War

November 18th, 2013 9:25 AM
It’s good to see the left finally upset about treasonous threats to the United States. Never really able to get worked up about communist spies, domestic terrorists or radical mosques, lefties – at least the ones at MSNBC – are sounding the alarm over … The Confederacy. Everywhere the hosts and guests of MSNBC look they see gray and butternut – secessionists and white supremacists, wild-eyed…

Bill Press's Lame Spin on Obamacare Debacle - Bush Lied, People Died

November 1st, 2013 7:45 PM
Liberals really ought to thank the heavens above for George W. Bush, he comes in so handy for them. Whenever anything goes wrong in their hermetically-sealed reality, as everything connected to them eventually does, their Pavlovian response is to misdirect attention toward Bush. Latest example -- rollout of the misnomer of a track wreck known as the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, which…

Libtalker Rejects Apologia for Obama Spycraft - 'Who The Hell's In Cha

October 29th, 2013 6:51 PM
Liberal radio talker and ex-"Crossfire" host Bill Press has awakened from his half-decade long slumber when it comes to dubious actions by the Obama administration. The longtime Obama butt-kisser complained on his radio show yesterday that it's bad enough for Americans to learn the NSA has been eavesdropping on foreign leaders long considered allies of the US. Even worse, Press complained, is…

Bill Press: Million Vet Marchers Are 'Idiots,' 'Should Have Been Hangi

October 14th, 2013 11:22 AM
Isn't it funny how liberal media members LOVE protests EXCEPT when conservatives are involved? Take liberal radio host Bill Press who on Monday actually called participants in the previous day's Million Vet March "idiots" and scolded them for not burning Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tx.) in effigy at the World War II Memorial (transcript and commentary follow with video courtesy Mediaite):

Radio Lefty Bill Press Calls Paying Soldiers’ Families Death Benefit

October 11th, 2013 10:01 AM
Just hours before the Senate voted to approve a measure that was passed by the House on Wednesday in a 425-0 vote to restore the death benefits paid to the families of fallen soldiers, liberal radio talk show host Bill Press showed his true colors when he said it would be a “big mistake” for the government to do that because “once the government starts making special exceptions, it allows the…

Oh So Sensitive Liberals Smear Marcus Bachmann with Gay-Baiting Slurs

October 3rd, 2013 6:25 PM
Bill Press shouldn't hold his breath waiting to be named marshal in any upcoming gay pride parades. The ex-"Crossfire" host and his radio show producer took time from their daily adoration of cradle-to-grave government dependency to malign the husband of GOP congresswoman Michele Bachmann in a manner that would lead to harassment, torched effigies and threats of violence if any conservative…

Dem Congresswoman: Only Reason I’d Vote for Syria Attack Is Loyalty

September 3rd, 2013 12:08 PM
Democratic Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton said Tuesday that at the current time, the only reason she would vote in favor of an attack on Syria was out of loyalty to Barack Obama. Appearing on radio's Bill Press Show, the non-voting delegate from the District of Columbia also said if the President actually gets the votes he needs, "it’ll be because of loyalty of Democrats. They just don’t…

Bush to Blame for Public Unease With Obama Plan to Attack Syria, Liber

August 28th, 2013 3:55 PM
Liberals owe former President George W. Bush a huge debt of gratitude. Without him, they'd have so little to talk about when things don't go their way. Bush is once again proving helpful to left wingers at a loss to explain limited public support for President Obama's apparent plan to attack Syria after its alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians. (Audio after the jump)

Zimmerman Crash Rescue Induces Derangement For Radio Lefties

July 23rd, 2013 9:35 PM
A bad stretch for liberals just got worse, all because George Zimmerman decided again he needed to get out of a vehicle. This time Zimmerman helped rescue a family of four from a wrecked SUV in Florida. Turns out it was more than left-wing radio hosts Bill Press and Stephanie Miller could bear, as both expressed doubts about the incident while heaping aspersions on Zimmerman, who recently…