Politico Gushes Bill Press Knows More Than Anyone, Waits Until End of

November 25th, 2012 9:06 AM
Anyone who doesn’t think Politico is a left-wing rag hasn’t seen their latest gushing profile of Bill Press. Wide-eyed media reporter Mackenzie Weinger began like a fangirl: “Bill Press says there’s a simple difference between him and just about every other pundit in Washington.” “They don’t know what the hell they’re talking about,” Press explains. Insert laugh track. But it continues:

Bill Press Weighs in on Petraeus Resignation: 'Grow Up America

November 12th, 2012 6:04 PM
On everyone's mind this morning was the resignation of CIA Deputy Director David Petraeus on Friday. Liberal radio talk show host Bill Press did his best to catch his listeners up on the details of the scandal, but then went on a rant asking why it's even an issue. At no point in his defense of the former Army general and CIA chief did Press bring up the impending hearing concerning Libya on…

Wealthy Conservatives Are 'Evil People' Taking Over America, Warns Eas

November 6th, 2012 7:40 AM
Ever notice how liberals never seem to have a problem with genuine evil and instead use the word to describe those who don't share their rarefied opinions? Libtalker Bill Press provided an example of this on his radio show yesterday, venting about the Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Sheldon Adelson and Foster Friess for their alleged nefarious plans to seize control of the country through its…

Bill Press Crowed Deadly Superstorm Sandy's a 'Political Winner' for O

November 4th, 2012 8:19 AM
On Friday's Bill Press radio show, several "objective" journalists agreed with Press that Hurricane Sandy is a big boost for Obama's election hopes. " Looking at Bloomberg’s endorsement and other factors would you have to say that if there were a political winner out of Sandy, it’s President Obama. " This was early Friday morning, before the negative press coverage really began to kick in.…

With Fearful Election Looming, Bill Press Claims Romney Would End Fede

October 30th, 2012 6:49 PM
Liberal radio host Bill Press counts himself among bedwetting left wingers who are claiming Mitt Romney wants to eliminate the Federal Emergency Management Agency. All this claim demonstrates is that those making it sense disaster on the horizon -- specifically, Election Day -- and that they can't distinguish between moderate-since-birth Romney and unapologetic libertarian Ron Paul who…

Liberal Radio Hosts Cheer On Tough Questions From Reporters -- to Romn

October 27th, 2012 7:26 AM
While (national) reporters can't seem to ask President Obama a pointed question about Libya, on the Bill Press show on Friday, Press insisted the favorite Democrat story of the week (Richard Mourdock's pro-life comments on rape) has national reporters proving, according to Press, that Mitt Romney "doesn't have any courage." Press' s producer Peter Ogburn said liberal reporter-friends of the…

Romney Sweating 'Like a Whore in Church,' Opines Stephanie Miller

October 23rd, 2012 8:10 PM
Based on her experience as a frequent churchgoer. Obviously. Libtalker Stephanie Miller on her radio show today used a pithy analogy to describe Mitt Romney appearing to sweat during last night's final presidential debate (audio, h/t, Brian Maloney at mrctv.org) --

Cursed Fiends! Bill Press Condemns Media for Citing Gallup Poll With R

October 19th, 2012 6:51 PM
Liberal radio host Bill Press wants it both ways. He's "blown away and upset" that Gallup's daily tracking poll yesterday showed Mitt Romney ahead of President Obama by seven points. Press also wants everyone to know that the poll is meaningless. (audio clip after page break)

Bill Press: A Gay Voting for Romney Is 'Like a Chicken Voting for Colo

October 13th, 2012 7:56 AM
One of the most dreadful sayings in Republican-bashing politics is the idea that blacks voting for the Republicans "is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders." I still remember former Oklahoma Congressman J.C. Watts telling that story, that his father would say that. Republicans aren't for boiling humans in oil. Bill Press broke out a new version of this smear on Monday's show on Current…

Americans Are 'Most Warlike People' in World, Bill Press Sneers

October 11th, 2012 5:40 PM
And they wonder why we sometimes question whether they love America. On his liberal radio show yesterday, Bill Press was disparaging Christians as hypocrites when he expanded his criticism to Americans as a whole (audio) --

Bill Press: Anti-Islam Filmmakers 'As Guilty as the Terrorists' Who K

September 16th, 2012 7:26 AM
Radio host Bill Press is determined to win the title of most useful idiot to the jihad. With his most recent lunacy this past Friday, Press is well on his way. (Audio clip after page break)

Bill Press Hails Democratic 'Truth' Convention, Compared to 'Pale Male

September 7th, 2012 10:51 PM
Bill Press was the very model of a modern talk-show partisan on Friday. He loved the Democratic convention: "What a contrast with Tampa, right? This is a convention that told the truth and Tampa was the convention that just told nothing but lies, lies, lies, lies. There were no lies here. Joe Biden told the truth Barack Obama told the truth Bill Clinton told the truth." Press also welcomed in…

Bozell Column: Liberals On The Lying Frequency

August 25th, 2012 8:24 AM
As easy as it might be to forget them in the cobwebs of the AM radio dial, the liberal pretenders to the Rush Limbaugh throne are still broadcasting, and they're often utterly, shamelessly ridiculous. Case in point: Even Al Sharpton lamely used his radio show to defend Joe Biden's anti-Republican "they want to put y'all in chains" race baiting in front of a black audience. Another case in…

Howard Kurtz Exposes Bill Press: 'That's a Democratic Talking Point

August 5th, 2012 4:22 PM
Radio and Current TV host Bill Press got thoroughly exposed on CNN Sunday as a shill for President Obama. After Press shamelessly uttered the typical liberal line regarding Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-Nev.) unsubstantiated claims about Mitt Romney not paying taxes, Reliable Sources host Howard Kurtz smartly interrupted saying, "That's a Democratic talking point. That's a Democratic…