Brian Stelter

PBS, Stelter Agree About Trump’s Kremlin-Style ‘Chilling Effect’ on AP
Tuesday’s PBS News Hour featured guest Brian Stelter, editor of CNN’s Reliable Sources newsletter (and reliable white knight for the mainstream media) to discuss the “chilling effect” of the Trump Administration blocking the Associated Press from the White House pool of reporters.

Stelter Decries Trump as ‘Word Police,’ But He Backed Disinfo Board
In an appearance on Wednesday’s CNN Newsroom and in his so-called “Reliable Sources” Newsletter, liberal media janitor Brian Stelter kvetched about President Trump “embracing the role of word police” for barring the Associated Press from official White House events over their refusal to call it the Gulf of America. Meanwhile, Stelter had backed the Biden administration’s attempt to…

NewsBusters Podcast: Trump Grants Access to the Press, Gets NO Credit
Donald Trump never gets any credit for granting broad access to the press. Team Biden was never blamed for avoiding them. That's because journalists don't care about their own access. They care about the Democrats winning. They're partisan team players, not nonpartisan watchdogs.

THUNDERDOME: Scott Jennings DESTROYS Stelter, Navarro, Woke Priest
CNN’s NewsNight with Abby Phillip, known colloquially as “The Thunderdome”, was particularly lively as conservative commentator Scott Jennings clowned multiple guests across multiple segments. Each own was progressively more brutal than the other.

Column: Team Stelter's Hopelessly Devoted to Ruining Trump
Brian Stelter is back in his CNN comfort zone, penning those punchy sentences about “Trump’s history of bullying media companies.” It’s as if he cannot conceive of the opposing view, as in “the legacy media’s history of bullying Donald Trump.” They’ve played rough -- seeking to destroy his political career, bankrupt his businesses, and even put him in jail for years

Stelter Fears Censorship Amid 'The Inauguration Of The Oligarchs'
Former President Joe Biden used his farewell address to warn about an “oligarchy” around President Donald Trump, and the media have responded by teaching such concerns as if they are an objective fact. Case in point: CNN media correspondent Brian Stelter joined Tuesday morning’s CNN News Central to react to Monday’s inauguration and dubbed it “the inauguration of the oligarchs.”…

NewsBusters Podcast: 'Fact Checkers' Are Not Heroes Like Firefighters!
CNN touted a former CNN producer from the "fact-checking" site Lead Stories saying Facebook cutting them is like "disbanding your fire department." That's wrong, and deeply insensitive. The media are now crying "disinformation" when anyone seeks to blame Democrats for their preparedness before the Los Angeles wildfires.

Column: ABC's Payment to Trump Creates 'Chilling Effect'
After ABC News settled with Donald Trump for $16 million over George Stephanopoulos incessantly lying about Trump being held “liable for rape,” the hot concept in media panic was the “chilling effect.” Both the Democrats and their media enablers can’t imagine that people see them as the Freeze Police of the chilling effect. They’re constantly trying to intimidate people from speaking in Trump’…

CNN FREAKS OUT Over Elon Musk Potentially Buying MSNBC
It was bound to happen. Not a month has passed since the presidential election, but the Regime Media are back to pushing breathless variants of their failed “threat to democracy” narratives. This time, in regard to speculation that Elon Musk may purchase MSNBC.

Column: Brian Stelter Explores Media Cluelessness
After the decisive Republican victory, one question bouncing around in conservative circles was: Will this lead the liberal media to change their ways? Will they reflect on how they are not in any way the “mainstream” media? It’s unlikely. They believe all of their own bravado about being on the front lines against incoming “fascism.” But at least Brian Stelter went asking around for his “…

CNN's Stelter Disses Trump's Lawsuit Against CBS with '1A Experts'
The liberal papers and TV networks are not rushing to cover Donald Trump’s $10 billion lawsuit against CBS for its dishonest clip job of their Kamala Harris interview. They most likely consider it a stunt like riding in a garbage truck, as Trump trying to refocus attention on CBS sketchily refusing to release a full transcript.

Cooper, Stelter Impute Ill Motive to Bezos's WashPost Endorsement Call
CNN’s very own Anderson Cooper and newly-rehired Brian Stelter got together and, in an exchange devoid of fundamental self-awareness, chided Jeff Bezos for pulling the plug on endorsements at The Washington Post. The two went right to the line of accusing Bezos of improprieties, with a hysterical Stelter suggesting that this is the beginning of autocracy.

Sen. Mark Warner Complains About a Decline in Social Media Censorship
Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) joined a chorus of leftist voices begging Big Tech to censor more aggressively, hearkening back to the days of even more aggressive content moderation.

ICYMI: CNN SCHOOLED by Girdusky, Singleton on American Decay, Spying
CNN NewsNight has become the network’s Thunderdome with far-left host Abby Phillip and two or three liberal panelists squaring off with one or two actual, right-of-center conservatives for an entire hour. Given the fact that actual conservatives (or at least not Harris Republicans) are often brought in, it makes for compelling television. Thursday night was the case with conservative…