
Disgraced Brian Williams: 'Freaky' Fox News Thinks We're All 'Stupid'

March 20th, 2020 12:33 PM
Brian Williams is angry at “freaky” Fox News, deriding the network for thinking we’re all “stupid.” The MSNBC late night host, a man who lost his NBC job for lying, on Thursday night attacked Fox for not being honest in its past coverage of the Coronavirus. Talking to Michael Steele, Williams ranted, “The other attempt to tell us what we ourselves saw and heard or did not see and hear really has…

Brian Williams and MSNBC Crew Attack Trump 'Blaming China' for Virus

March 19th, 2020 12:28 PM
The media is desperate to attack and condemn Trump for the coronavirus at any cost, even if that means touting propaganda from a foreign government. This week, several networks have tried to deflect blame from China by insisting that Trump calling COVID-19 the “Chinese” or “Wuhan” flu was racist. MSNBC’s Brian Williams and his liberal panel late Wednesday night were even more blatant in their…

Joy Reid: Unfit Trump Leading Is Like Having....Shatner Fly a Plane?

March 18th, 2020 5:56 PM
Just before midnight Eastern Tuesday into Wednesday, various MSNBC guests reminded all of us that, despite the unprecedently grim state of the world, the liberal media will still act terribly and ensure NewsBusters will continue to be flush with content. Between deeming President Trump incompetent, comparing him leading to William Shatner flying a plane, and wondering if America would survive a…

Cruz BLASTS MSNBC’s Hayes’ Ignorant Green New Deal Tweet

March 18th, 2020 12:37 PM

MSNBC’s on-air talent just cannot seem to help themselves. MSNBC host of All In Chris Hayes sent out a flippant tweet in response to reports that the Trump administration will be asking Congress for “more than $800 billion in economic stimulus: $500 bil in payroll tax cut, $250 bil in Small Business Association loans, $58 billion for the airlines, and a smattering of other items." Hayes…


MSNBC: ‘Carter-Like’ Trump Could Trigger 'Crisis of Governance'

March 11th, 2020 7:35 AM
MSNBC juggled two priorities during its Super Tuesday 2 coverage with the first being continuing to boost and rehabilitate the image of Joe Biden as he stands to be the 2020 Democratic nominee. But the other and, for the focus of purposes here, was continuing to paint the Trump administration’s response to coronavirus as disastrous and rendering Trump the 21st century incarnation of Jimmy Carter…

MSNBC FAIL: Bloomberg ‘Could Have Given Each American $1 Million’

March 6th, 2020 11:08 AM

MSNBC anchor Brian Williams just can’t seem to ever get his facts straight. During his 11th Hour show Thursday night, the hapless host eagerly seized on fake news from Twitter that the $500 million spent by failed Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg could have provided all 327 million American citizens with “$1 million” each. It’s actually about $1.50 each.


Here to Save the Day: MSNBC Lauds ‘Presidential’ Biden’s ‘Best Night’

February 25th, 2020 11:45 PM
MSNBC was a better mood following Tuesday night’s 2020 Democratic presidential debate, expressing hope going forward because former Vice President Joe Biden “looked presidential,” “had his best night,” “had his act together,” and came across as “substantive.” Further, the panel seemed giddy at the fact that socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) finally faced more than an occasional jab and some…

Williams: NBC Gave Trump a TV ‘Pilot’ for Presidency on ‘Apprentice'

February 21st, 2020 9:16 AM
It’s been more than a decade since Donald Trump hosted some version of The Apprentice on NBC, but that didn’t stop disgraced newsman Brian Williams from using footage from the program to cast a sinister light on the President after the Republican official pardoned several prisoners on Tuesday. Williams, who has been the host of The 11th Hour on the MSNBC cable channel since September of 2016,…

MSNBC PANICS Over Dems Not Attacking Bernie; ‘Great Night for’ Trump

February 20th, 2020 2:18 AM
After a 11:00 p.m. Eastern hour Wednesday in which MSNBC couldn’t decide whether to feel pleased or upset with the feisty Democratic presidential debate, Thursday’s midnight Eastern hour took a turn toward concern that millionaire socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) emerged unscathed on what “was a great night for Donald Trump.”

MSNBC: Candidates ‘Savaged Each Other’ Like Boxers at the Coliseum

February 20th, 2020 12:30 AM
MSNBC wasn’t sure whether to react with approval or horror Wednesday night after the 2020 Democratic presidential debate. In the first 15 minutes, MSNBC analysts, hosts, and pundits offered debate descriptions ranging from “a presidential version of Survivor” to “the most expensive night in Vegas” to an event at “the Roman Coliseum” to “boxing in the 1950s.”

Team MSNBC Adores Warren for Posing for Pics After 4th Place Finish

February 12th, 2020 10:18 PM
Sometimes when you watch MSNBC, you just see indiscriminate adulation of Democrats. Cameron Cawthorne of the Washington Free Beacon highlighted a scene where Elizabeth Warren was still posing for cellphone photos with supporters despite her dismal fourth-place finish. This somehow made her extraordinary, instead of just ordinary. Rachel Maddow gushed "This is awesome! I love this!"

Brian Williams Questions the 'Faith' of Some Senators After Acquittal

February 5th, 2020 6:33 PM

MSNBC reacted to the acquittal of Donald Trump in the Senate with a predictably unhappy tone, speculating about the day when the truth will really come out. But Brian Williams took it a step farther and questioned the faith of certain unnamed senators.


MSNBC Cheers ‘Historic’ Romney Vote: ‘Unlocking His Super Power’

February 5th, 2020 4:04 PM

MSNBC journalists on Wednesday responded with excitement to the news that Mitt Romney will vote to convict and remove Donald Trump from office. Brian Williams cheered that the move as “historic” and will “cement Romney’s legacy.” Reporter Garrett Haake touted it as “unlocking his super power.” Williams, who famously lost his job as anchor of the NBC Nightly News, marveled at taking seriously…


Seconds After Speech Ends, Williams Assails ‘Dark,’ ‘Bizarre' Address

February 4th, 2020 11:08 PM
Just seconds after Donald Trump ended his third State of the Union address on Tuesday, — a speech that saw tributes to the heroics of our military and awarding Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom —  MSNBC’s Brian Williams, immediately bashed it as “dark,” “bizarre” and “unusual.” Williams immediately launched into attack mode, decrying: “Hard to put how unusual this was from the…