
MSNBC's Brian Williams Asks If Trump Is 'Lame-Duck President'

August 3rd, 2017 8:37 PM
President Donald Trump has only been in office six months, and MSNBC host Brian Williams is already asking if he is a "lame-duck President." On Wednesday's The 11th Hour with Brian Williams, during a discussion about the latest news on President Trump with presidential historians Michael Beschloss and Jon Meacham, Williams turned to Meacham and posed: "Jon, if you put it all together, legislative…

Fake Journalist Williams Hates Use of 'Fake News' Phrase: 'Insidious'

August 1st, 2017 12:50 PM
Brian Williams is not a man for irony. The disgraced MSNBC host, who lost his NBC anchoring job because of repeated false statements and exaggerations about his own reporting, does not like the phrase fake news. On Monday’s show, he derided the use of the words as "pernicious” and “insidious.” 

Brian Williams Cheers McCain’s ‘Moral Courage’ to Preserve ObamaCare

July 31st, 2017 1:21 PM
Late night MSNBC anchor Brian Williams on Friday cheered the “moral courage” of John McCain and two other Republicans to derail ObamaCare repeal efforts. The journalist also hoped for GOP “heroes” in the mode of Republicans who stood up during Watergate. Narrating McCain’s vote against repeal, Williams touted, “In the well of the Senate, it came down to one very dramatic moment... Much was made…

Brian Williams Lauds McCain as a 'Profile in Courage' on ObamaCare

July 28th, 2017 9:37 AM
Wrapping up his coverage of Friday’s early morning Senate vote that at least temporarily scuttled GOP hopes for a repeal of ObamaCare, MSNBC anchor Brian Williams could not help but admire Senator John McCain’s decision to align himself with Democrats, calling him and two other GOP defectors a “profile in courage,” and he welcomed the vote against the Republican bill as “the people of this…

MSNBC Guest: GOP Wants to Repeal ACA Because Obama Is Black

July 14th, 2017 5:33 PM
You can’t disagree with the left anymore without some sort of ulterior motive ascribed to you. After all, if you were a good person, you would think like them.  

Meacham: GOP Have 'Stockholm Syndrome,' 'Sold Their Souls' for Trump

July 13th, 2017 12:14 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Wednesday's The 11th Hour on MSNBC, presidential historian and former Newsweek editor-in-chief Jon Meacham took a whack at Donald Trump supporters as he asserted that Republicans have "Stockholm Syndrome" and have "sold their souls" in supporting Trump's election as president. A bit earlier, fellow panel member and liberal columnist Connie Schultz suggested that the…

Confused MSNBC Anchors Don’t Know About Ukrainians Helping Hillary

July 12th, 2017 12:56 PM
On MSNBC Wednesday morning, two of MSNBC’s most prominent anchors admitted they had no idea what Trump was referring to, when he tweeted out that the Clinton campaign also sought out information from foreign government officials to help boost her campaign, during the 2016 election. After reading the tweet, Brian Williams asked Andrea Mitchell if she knew what he was talking about. “I’m hoping you…

Frum Opposes ObamaCare Repeal, Admits Only GOPer Over Foreign Policy

June 29th, 2017 8:30 AM
On Tuesday's The 11th Hour with Brian Williams on MSNBC, it was another case of an alleged Republican pushing a left-leaning point-of-view instead of a conservative one as The Atlantic senior editor, former George W. Bush speech writer, and recurring MSNBC guest David Frum argued against Republican efforts to make substantial changes to ObamaCare. At one point, he even admitted he only considers…

Sad! Playboy Writer Complains to Serial Liar Brian Williams

June 28th, 2017 11:40 AM
Following his increasingly infamous spat with Sarah Huckabee Sanders over the credibility of the media’s recent reporting, Brian Karem, writer for The Sentinel and Playboy, took to the airwaves to vent his concerns to other highly regarded news intellectuals. This eventually led him to the entirely credible, and not at all untrustworthy, person of Brian Williams. “They've never admitted a mistake…

WashPost's Gearan: We Had 'Fun' Compiling World Leaders Mocking Trump

June 21st, 2017 12:35 PM
Talk about betraying a bias. A reporter from the Washington Post actually admitted that she and her cohorts had “a little bit of fun” assembling and highlighting examples of foreign leaders who have mocked President Trump. Anne Gearan, the reporter who cheerfully wrote a story last week titled, “Trump said foreign leaders wouldn’t laugh at the U.S. Now they’re laughing at him.”

Fake News: Brian Williams Says Trump Was Dumb on Troops in Qatar

June 10th, 2017 4:51 PM

Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner reported Friday that fact-mangling MSNBC anchorman Brian Williams was at it again on Thursday when he wrongly implied that President Trump might not know that U.S. troops are stationed in Qatar. MSNBC Producer Kyle Griffin tweeted: "Brian Williams on @MSNBC says a source tells him and @NicolleDWallace they're not sure Trump knew there were Americans…


Brian Williams: Trump Gave ‘Dark Speech’ on ‘Sunny Day'

June 1st, 2017 4:37 PM
President Trump’s announcement that the United States would be pulling out of the Paris climate accord was bound to be met with journalistic hand-wringing, and MSNBC’s Brian Williams didn’t disappoint. “On a sunny day in the rose garden, what could be defined and construed as a dark speech,” Williams said somberly. “And as you go through it, more like four or five dark speeches in there.”

Melissa Harris-Perry Hammers Ex-MSNBC Colleague Who ‘Fired Black Folk’

May 18th, 2017 6:25 PM
Even though it’s been more than a year since Melissa Harris-Perry was fired by MSNBC, the liberal television host still apparently holds a grudge against the channel since she responded angrily when told that the National Association of Black Journalists intends to honor Yvette Miley.

Hypocrite Williams Chides Trump for ‘Me-Note' Speech to Coast Guard

May 18th, 2017 3:03 PM
Of all the people to take issue with President Trump’s Wednesday commencement address to the Coast Guard Academy, MSNBC’s Brian Williams explicitly and implicitly displayed his hypocrisy late Wednesday by knocking Trump for giving a “me-note speech” instead of a “keynote.”