
Williams to GOP: 'Careful What You Wish For' With Nuclear Option

February 2nd, 2017 10:48 AM
On Wendesday night's The 11th Hour With Brian Williams, the former Nightly News host warned that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell possibily invoking the "nuclear option" to confirm Supreme Court nomninee Neil Gorsuch "goes into the category of 'be careful what you wish for.'"

Brian Williams: President Trump Wanted to 'Break Furniture'

January 31st, 2017 11:35 AM
During The 11th Hour With Brian Williams, the former Nightly News host said that the feud between career government officials and the President over his executive order to ban immigration from seven terrorist-haven nations is like Trump wanting to "break furniture." The remark came after the admininistration fired Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, an Obama apointee, for not enforcing the…

MSNBC Moans 'Dark' Trump Echoed Anti-Semitism; ‘It's Hard to Hear’

January 20th, 2017 1:38 PM
On MSNBC following President Donald Trump’s Inaugural Address, hosts and pundits expressed grave concern at a speech that was “dark” and “militant” with anti-Semitic overtones with the use of the phrase “America First.” Co-host Rachel Maddow seemed emotional, speaking softly about how “it was militant and it was dark, the crime, the gangs, the drugs, this American carnage, disrepair, decay” and a…

MSNBC Opens Inauguration....By Touting Obama; ‘Elevated the Office'

January 20th, 2017 11:10 AM
Roughly five minutes into MSNBC’s Inauguration coverage, host Brian Williams switched gears from discussing Donald Trump becoming President to mythologizing President Obama for having “elevated the office...improved by touching the office and shown great respect for the office he's the custodian of.”

MSNBC’s Williams Declares Trump Brought a ‘Dark Mood’ to This Week

January 18th, 2017 12:58 AM
On Tuesday, disgraced MSNBC journalist Brian Williams had a very poor outlook for the week of the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump. “There is a kind of a dark mood surrounding this week for a lot of people,” he whined on The 11th Hour, “The approval rating of Donald Trump is at 40 percent, it's the lowest of recording polling.” Williams was venting to Princeton University Professor…

State Run TV: Brian Williams Declares Obama Had ‘No Personal Scandals’

January 17th, 2017 12:38 PM
Disgraced journalist Brian Williams on Monday offered up a glowing documentary on Barack Obama that censored the President’s numerous scandals and controversies. Talking to historian Michael Beschloss, Williams flatly declared, “There has been no personal scandal. This has been a president whose behavior has been important to him.” The historian agreed, responding, “There was no personal scandal…

MSNBC's Matthews and Williams Fawn for ‘So Smooth and So Cool’ Obama

January 16th, 2017 10:17 PM
With the ingurgitation of President-elect Donald Trump just a few short days away, Brian Williams put together a program looking back at The Obama Years slated for late Monday night. Williams appeared on Chris Matthews’ Hardball to promote it, and the two of them took the time to gush about President Barack Obama’s time in office. “What do you think he thinks about how he fits the job, how…

Notable Quotables: ‘Authoritarian’ Trump an ‘Illegitimate’ President

January 2nd, 2017 9:55 AM
The news media reward Donald Trump with a “honeymoon” as unfriendly as their campaign coverage, with journalists blasting the President-elect as a “racist,” “authoritarian” and a “demagogue,” while some cast his election as “tainted” and potentially “illegitimate” because of Russia’s hacking.

NB Year-in-Review: The Dopiest Media Quotes of 2016

December 29th, 2016 9:59 AM
All this week, NewsBusters is recounting the most obnoxious liberal bias of 2016. Today, brace yourself for some the dopiest news media quotes of 2016 — everything from claims that Melania Trump’s white outfit at the Republican Convention was proof of her husband’s racist agenda, to a journalist committed to raising her cats as “gender neutral,” to Brian Williams’s expert commentary telling…

Brian Williams Frets Berlin Attack Will ‘Tilt’ Election Against Merkel

December 21st, 2016 5:50 PM
In the wake of the ISIS terrorist attack in Berlin, Germany on Monday, many of the county’s right wing politicians have laid the blame at the feet of Chancellor Angela Merkel because of her lax immigration policies. On The 11th Hour Tuesday night, disgraced news anchor Brian Williams fretted for what is meant for Germany and all of Europe. “This could turn out to be the tractor-trailer that…

Brian Williams Oozes: Michelle Obama's 'Future Appears Limitless'

December 20th, 2016 6:00 PM
Closing out Monday’s 11th Hour on MSNBC, host Brian Williams couldn’t help but join the chorus of media tributes to outgoing-First Lady Michelle Obama as he hailed her as a “formidable presence” whose “future appears limitless.”

Quite Possibly the Funniest Thing That Brian Williams Has Ever Said

December 7th, 2016 5:22 PM
For years I've wondered if former NBC news anchor Brian Williams is an aspiring stand-up comic. What he said last night on The 11th Hour sealed it -- this guy can make people laugh, albeit not always intentionally. Williams's repeated episodes of fictional story telling fobbed off as news, often accompanied by exaggerations of his journalistic heroics, led to his downfall from NBC in 2015. He was…

Notable Quotables Special Edition: Fawning Over Fidel

December 2nd, 2016 8:45 AM
The obits delivered by liberal reporters of Fidel Castro should have focused on the horrors of Castro’s Cuba, and while they mentioned his role in the Cuban Missile Crisis and his human rights violations, many in the media had the audacity to temper his atrocities with praise of his communist ways. NBC News correspondent Andrea Mitchell recited the stale propaganda about how “he dramatically…

Bozell & Graham Column: Still Honoring Castro and His Debacle

November 29th, 2016 10:52 PM
One of the world’s last brutal communist dictators, Cuba’s Fidel Castro, died at the age of 90. While Cuban exiles celebrated long into the night, on America’s “objective” networks, they pulled out hankies and mourned this despot’s filthy works and celebrated the hellhole he made. The dictator was dead, and they were still spreading his official lies about a terrific health-care system – where…