Chuck Todd: ‘Proud’ of How NBC Handled Brian Williams Controversy

June 22nd, 2015 11:11 AM
After NBC announced that disgraced Nightly News anchor Brian Williams will be demoted to handling breaking news at MSNBC in August after serving a six month suspension, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd applauded his network for how it dealt with the entire ordeal. 

Media Critic David Zurawik on Brian Williams: ‘A Liar Is A Liar’

June 21st, 2015 2:41 PM
Appearing on Fox News’ MediaBuzz on Sunday, David Zurawik, television and media critic for the Baltimore Sun, blasted NBC News’ decision to bring back Brian Williams after serving a six month suspension for lying about his reporting.

No Transparency: NBC News Hiding Its Internal Brian Williams Probe

June 20th, 2015 10:48 PM
While CBS News released a report by outsiders on Dan Rather's 2004 debacle, NBC News used insiders to report on the wild exaggerations of Brian Williams. CBS released its resulted to the public, and NBC is clamming up. Former ABC and CNN reporter Mark Feldstein lamented: "They have kept their report secret. They have not revealed it to the public. The investigation was held in secret by internal…

Arsenio Hall Blasts Brian Williams

June 20th, 2015 2:20 PM
So, Arsenio, tell us how you really feel about Brian Williams. Actually, Arsenio Hall did tell us exactly how he felt about Brian Williams' apology yesterday and it was brutal. As you can see from his tweet below, don't expect the two to be slow jamming the news together anytime soon. Could some of the bad blood have been the result of Brian Williams snubbing Arsenio Hall when he did a story…

Brian Williams Return Already Inspiring Parody

June 19th, 2015 4:48 PM
It has been announced that Brian Williams is returning to network television but on Big Ed Schultz's and Reverend Al's network, MSNBC. So what is his outlook for success on MSNBC? Tremendous! Not as deliverer of news but as a comedy inspiration. Ironically, although Williams' had expressed a desire to do comedy, the humor he will inspire won't come from him doing standup. Instead it will be as a…

Maddow: ‘I’m Really Happy That Brian Williams Is Coming Here to MSNBC'

June 19th, 2015 12:49 PM
Rachel Maddow became the first member of the MSNBC community on Thursday evening to express her support for recently removed NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams and took time on her eponymous show to opine that she’s “really happy” he will be joining her on the cable network since she “believe[s] in redemption” and “second chances.” Maddow argued that “work[ing] his way back in to earning…

Brian Williams Claims ‘I Was Not Trying to Mislead People’

June 19th, 2015 11:00 AM
In his first interview since being suspended and removed as anchor of NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams told Today co-host Matt Lauer on Friday that he “was not trying to mislead people” when he fabricated stories about news events he covered.

Baltimore Sun's Zurawik on Brian Williams Rehab: The Truth Lost

June 19th, 2015 10:58 AM
Baltimore Sun media critic David Zurawik was one of the strongest critics of the lies of Brian Williams back when he was exposed in February. So it’s only natural to turn back to Zurawik for one of the strongest tongue-lashings of NBC’s decision to re-purpose the serial exaggerator at MSNBC. The truth lost: 

Mika Gushes: Brian Williams Will Be 'Great' for MSNBC

June 19th, 2015 10:05 AM
Yes, what could be better for an already-troubled network than to be saddled with a disgraced hand-me-down from the mother ship? On today's Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski gushed "I think that it's great for the network" that Brian Williams will be joining MSNBC as its anchor of breaking news. As dutiful employees, it's understandable that MSNBC people would greet Williams impending arrival…

NBC, ABC Address Brian Williams Decision, Promotion of Lester Holt

June 18th, 2015 9:15 PM
Hours after NBC News officially announced that Brian Williams will not return to anchoring NBC Nightly News following his six-month suspension, Thursday’s editions of NBC Nightly News and ABC’s World News Tonight gave news briefs to this decision as well as the move by the network to promote weekend anchor Lester Holt to the permanent weekday spot. It should be noted that while the CBS Evening…

Brian Williams: ‘I’m Sorry. I Said Things That Weren’t True’

June 18th, 2015 3:18 PM
On Thursday, NBC News officially named Lester Holt as the new anchor of NBC Nightly News, permanently replacing suspended anchor Brian Williams. In a just-released statement, Williams apologized for his dishonest accounts of news events: “I'm sorry. I said things that weren't true. I let down my NBC colleagues and our viewers, and I'm determined to earn back their trust.”

WashPost Blogger Pleads: 'Do Not Foist Brian Williams on MSNBC'

June 18th, 2015 12:08 PM
Washington Post media blogger Erik Wemple sounds distraught over CNN reporter Brian Stelter’s reporting that speculation around how NBC will use disgraced anchor Brian Williams is centering on MSNBC.  “Do not foist Brian Williams on MSNBC,” he begged in a headline. Doesn’t MSNBC have enough problems? 

BREAKING: Brian Williams Will Not Return to NBC Nightly News [UPDATED]

June 17th, 2015 7:49 PM
According to CNN's Brian Selter on Wednesday night, NBC News will announce that suspended NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams will not return to the anchor desk when his six-month suspension ends in August for having perpetuated lies about numerous stories he’s covered in his career. The network has stated that Williams will assume a new role in the network.

Boosting Bush: Liberal Media Pushes Jeb to Whack Conservatives

June 15th, 2015 9:48 AM
Jeb Bush’s entry into the 2016 GOP primary race hands the liberal media an establishment candidate that they enjoy using as a tool to whack conservatives. Bush’s stances on immigration, Common Core and other issues have drawn praise from the likes of Chris Matthews who cooed: “He wants to run on his own terms. He’s not going to become a wacko bird. He’s not going to join the clown car...he…