David Brooks: Williams Critics Part of 'Barbaric...Coliseum Culture'

February 10th, 2015 5:55 PM
Katie Couric is among the elites applauding Tuesday’s David Brooks column coming to the defense of Brian Williams, “The Act of Rigorous Forgiving.” Once again, Brooks is playing ideological switcheroo. Maureen Dowd is the Williams scold, while Brooks is the scold of the Williams critics. Brooks looks most ridiculous when he suggests the unfolding exercise in accountability for self-aggrandizing…

CNN: 'It's Hard' to 'Imagine a Scenario' Where Williams Survives

February 10th, 2015 4:08 PM
CNN's Brian Stelter on Tuesday suggested that it was unlikely Brian Williams could survive as Nightly News anchor, given the ongoing challenges to his honesty. The media analyst explained just how hard it would be for the anchor to get past the scandal related to lying about being struck by an RPG.

Williams Promoting Medal of Honor in 2013: ‘We Can All Be Honest Here'

February 10th, 2015 2:35 PM
While promoting a curriculum produced by the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, NBC anchor Brian Williams stated “now I’m cleansed, I’ve made my bias out in the open. We can all be honest here.” These statements became ironic in light of Williams’ now debunked claim that a helicopter he was in during the Iraq War came under RPG fire. Williams hosted a panel in October 2013 which “focused…

NYT Hits Brian Williams for Losing Public’s Trust Following Iraq Lie

February 10th, 2015 12:45 PM
On Tuesday, the New York Times published a blistering critique of NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams following revelations that he lied about riding in a military helicopter that was forced down by enemy fire in Iraq. Authors Emily Steel and Ravi Somaiya highlight some “sobering news” for Williams with a headline that declared “Under Fire, Brian Williams Loses Lofty Spot on a Trustworthiness…

Comedy Central Snarks: Brian Williams 'Slow-Jamming the Truth'

February 10th, 2015 12:41 PM
Comedy Central host Larry Wilmore poked fun of NBC's Brian Williams on Monday's Nightly Show. Wilmore teased his monologue on Williams with a one-liner: "We look at our relationship with war, and revisit the movie Black Hawk Down – or as Brian Williams calls it, 'The Brian Williams Story.'" The comedian likely didn't know that the journalist actually boasted, back in 2003, that his now-…

Jon Stewart Uses Brian Williams Scandal to Bash Bush's 'Evil' Iraq War

February 10th, 2015 11:50 AM
In a fairer world, the increasing number of lies and exaggerations arising from the Brian Williams scandal would be perfect fodder for Jon Stewart. However, it wasn't until Monday night that the liberal Daily Show anchor finally broke his silence and covered Williams and his fabricated story about being struck by an RPG during the Iraq War. Predictably, Stewart neglected mockery aimed at the NBC…

PolitiFact Refuses to Rate Williams' Iraq Fable

February 10th, 2015 10:16 AM
The political statement rating website PolitiFact, so far, has yet to label Brian Williams’ Iraq war tall-tale as “false” or even “mostly-false.” In fact a search of the site shows the most recent article on Williams, posted on their PunditFact page, is from Thursday  and it’s merely a timeline of the still-unfolding crisis for the NBC Nightly News anchor. 

Williams in 2003: 'Like Black Hawk Down Meets Saving Private Ryan'

February 10th, 2015 9:39 AM
Just hours after returning to Kuwait after the his now-infamous helicopter incident, NBC's Brian Williams on MSNBC likened it to "Black Hawk Down meets Saving Private Ryan."

Brian Williams: 'I Have Seen Thousands of Dead People'

February 10th, 2015 8:53 AM
While the locals in New Orleans doubt Brian Williams saw a body outside his Ritz-Carlton window after Hurricane Katrina, Williams made that tall tale look small last October at Temple University. Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Clark DeLeon reported he told a crowd at Temple University as he was receiving an award for “excellence” that “I have seen thousands of dead people.” And not in the Haley…

NBC's Lester Holt Again Addresses Brian Williams's Absence

February 10th, 2015 12:47 AM
In his first night subbing for the embattled Brian Williams, Lester Holt took time before the first commercial break on Monday’s NBC Nightly News to again inform viewers of the reason for Williams’s absence. Holt used similar wording that he did on Saturday's show to describe the situation by making clear at the onset that he wanted “to take just a moment tell you where Brian is tonight” before…

MRC's Brent Bozell: Brian Williams 'Has No Credibility Left'

February 9th, 2015 11:26 PM
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell joined the Fox News Channel’s Hannity on Monday night to discuss the growing number of lies made by NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams that Bozell declared has left him with “no credibility” and warned that “neither will NBC if they bring him back” to anchor their evening newscast. Bozell began by observing that “[t]he news is just getting worse…

Nets Barely Cover Obama’s Internet Regulations

February 9th, 2015 3:53 PM
It has been nearly three months since President Barack Obama spoke out in favor of Internet regulation, calling for “net neutrality” and a “free and open Internet.” In spite of the massive impact such regulations could have on Americans, the broadcast networks have given the issue short shrift. Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Tom Wheeler said on February 4 that he backed…

O'Donnell: Brian Williams's 'Lies' Show Journalists Don't Tell 'Truth'

February 9th, 2015 3:34 PM
According to View co-host Rosie O'Donnell, the ongoing Brian Williams scandal is an example of why Americans should know that "what you hear on the news is not always the truth." While conservatives have been making that point for decades, the liberal O'Donnell seems to now agree. 

Williams Admits to Lie Over 'Following' Hit Copter in Feb. 4 Interview

February 9th, 2015 3:33 PM
At about 2:40 this afternoon, Stars and Stripes published a "full transcript of the Feb. 4 (Wednesday) interview in which the anchor admits he was never on the attacked helicopter and claims he was unaware his flight was not directly behind but actually far from the company that was hit." Williams, in admitting that his flight was far from the company that was hit, is acknowledging that the…