
On Hannity, Bozell Slams: Brian Williams Is 'Lying About Everything'

February 7th, 2015 10:56 AM
According to Media Research Center President Brent Bozell, Brian Williams is “lying about everything." Bozell appeared on the February 6 edition of Fox News’s Hannity and asserted that the NBC anchor has clearly fabricated multiple parts of his claim to have been in a helicopter shot by an RPG in 2003.

USAT Reporters Defend Williams: 'False Memories,' 'Seething Reactions'

February 7th, 2015 10:48 AM
At USA Today Friday afternoon, two of its reporters came down on the side of Brian Williams in the controversy over what even the often media-enabling Associated Press has called his "fake Iraq story." Roger Yu tried to portray Williams as a victim of a "synergistic stretch" who is now having to defend himself against the "firestorm on the Internet and social media," while Marisol Bello, who…

Brian Williams 'Flub' Can Be Explained Away By 'Science'?

February 7th, 2015 9:52 AM
Of all the things written about the Brian Williams affair, this trend is the most hilarious: The Washington Post opining about the validity of false memory.  If this kind of article isn't seen as the most obvious example of journalists circling wagons around a lying colleague, what could be more obvious? The headline was “The science behind Brian Williams’s mortifying memory flub.” Amy Ellis…

Distinguished Retired General Vallely Slams Brian Williams

February 7th, 2015 8:02 AM
"Be gone, Brian Williams, from our TV screens," Major Gen. Paul E. Vallely, US Army (ret), told our sister site MRCTV in an exclusive interview regarding NBC’s Brian Williams scandal, in which the news anchor admitted to having fabricated his oft-repeated claim of having been in a U.S. military plane that was shot down.

The Fallon-ization of Lyin' Brian Williams

February 6th, 2015 5:53 PM
Comedian Jimmy Fallon is a celebrity fraud's best friend. He's an answer to normal America's question: How do creepy stars get away with their grotesqueries? If you're lucky enough to sit by his late-night throne and join his cool-kid games, all your troubles will melt away. Funnyman Jimmy is not just a bread-and-circuses buffoon. He's the keeper of the pop culture immunity necklace.

FLASHBACK: Brokaw Called Williams 'Captain for Our Truth Squad'

February 6th, 2015 4:36 PM
With Brian Williams’ reputation now tarnished by his Iraq war tall-tales it’s going to be awfully awkward for NBC News to allow him to cover any stories involving public figures caught in lies. At the very least his days of “precinct captain for” NBC’s “Truth Squad” are probably over. Williams served in that capacity during NBC News’s live coverage of the 2004 presidential and vice presidential…

CNN: 'Fearful' NBC Unsure How to Deal With 'Humiliated' Williams

February 6th, 2015 3:39 PM
According to CNN media correspondent Brian Stelter, "fear" is setting in at NBC as the executives and journalists there worry over the widening "questions" being raised about Brian Williams. 

On Page 1, NY Times Warned 'Williams Digs Himself Deeper'

February 6th, 2015 1:31 PM
The New York Times caught up to Thursday’s Washington Post and put the Brian Williams phony-RPG scandal on the front page on Friday. This surely explains how ABC and CBS were shamed into acknowledging this was real on TV on Friday morning. “With Apology, Williams Digs Himself Deeper” was the Times headline, and the story continued onto page B-8, which was entirely dedicated to the Williams…

Recap: Liberal Media Critics, Journos Turning on Brian Williams

February 6th, 2015 12:57 PM
A handy review of media critics who have been speaking out against Brian Williams, most of whom are also politically liberal.

USA Today Hits Brian Williams on Page One, Goes Mushy on 3-B

February 6th, 2015 12:52 PM
Making up for its tiny A-3 brief on the Brian Williams scandal on Thursday, USA Today’s splashy front-page headline on Friday was “Brian Williams loses credibility with ‘mistake.’" The story was actually Rem Rieder’s tough commentary that went online yesterday. The subheadline was “Hard to see how anchor will survive as face of NBC News.” It even jumped over to A-2 with the headline “Brian…

Goldberg, Krauthammer Blast Williams: Stunning 'How Dumb This Is'

February 6th, 2015 11:54 AM
Fox News contributors Bernard Goldberg and Charles Krauthammer appeared on separate Fox News Channel (FNC) programs on Thursday to weigh in on the controversy surrounding NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams severe case of lying with Goldberg declaring it “a special kind of lie” Williams committed and Krauthammer remarking that “what stuns me is how dumb this is.”

CBS Covers Brian Williams 'Fighting for His Reputation' After Iraq Lie

February 6th, 2015 11:43 AM
On Friday's CBS This Morning, substitute co-host Jeff Glor introduced a report on the growing scandal surrounding NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams by proclaiming: "This morning, one of the biggest names in media is fighting for his reputation....On Wednesday, Williams said he was sorry for saying his helicopter in Iraq was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade in 2003. That never happened. It's…

ABC Discovers Brian Williams Scandal: Lie 'Tarnishes' His Reputation

February 6th, 2015 11:28 AM
ABC on Friday finally woke up to the scandal engulfing NBC competitor Brian Williams. Good Morning America's David Wright covered the story and gravely intoned, "This controversy threatens to tarnish the reputation of America's number one news anchor."

Conan Mocks Brian Williams By Inserting the Anchor Into World Events

February 6th, 2015 11:12 AM
Conan O'Brien poked fun of NBC's Brian Williams on the late Thursday/early Friday edition of his TBS program over his false Iraq War claim. O'Brien played a montage of the anchor's own footage from NBC Nightly News, but edited it to insert the journalist into news events from recent years – including having Williams fly the "Miracle on the Hudson" plane landing in 2009 and make the first ascent…