Brian Williams on Board of Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation

February 5th, 2015 12:18 PM
Oh, the irony … Brian Williams, the NBC “Nightly News” anchor who fabricated a story about being shot at by an RPG while in a helicopter in Iraq, is “a member of the Board of Directors of the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation,” according to his bio on the NBC News website. According to the 990 tax returns for the foundation, Williams has been on the board since at least 2005. He is also…

Don Imus Crew Slams 'Disgraceful' Brian Williams: He 'Needs to Go'

February 5th, 2015 11:21 AM
Don Imus and his co-host Bernard McGuirk on Thursday could barely contain their disgust at they highlighted Brian Williams's unraveling lie about being hit by a Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) while in Iraq in 2003. After playing video of the anchor repeating the falsehood on Late Night With David Letterman, McGuirk railed, "This is really, unbelievably disgraceful."

Flashback: Brian Williams Pushed Iraq Lie To David Letterman In 2013

February 5th, 2015 11:03 AM
On Wednesday night, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams apologized for falsely claiming to have been shot down over Iraq in 2003 but failed to inform his viewers that he had repeatedly promoted this lie in the past, including during an appearance on CBS’s The Late Show with David Letterman on March 26. 2013. Williams proclaimed that while in Iraq “two of our four helicopters were hit by ground…

10th Anniversary NBC Williams Promos Lauded 'Integrity,' 'Humility'

February 5th, 2015 11:03 AM
As Curtis Houck at NewsBusters reported last night, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams is in serious trouble after he, in Houck's words, "admitted to not being aboard a helicopter that was shot and had to be rescued following RPG fire during the U.S. invasion of Iraq in March 2003." Williams's apology, also carried at Houck's post, only refers to the "mistake" he made "on this broadcast last…

Flashback: NBC Nightly News Picked Apart Hillary's False War Story

February 5th, 2015 10:51 AM
While NBC anchor Brian Williams admitted on Wednesday that he falsely claimed a helicopter he was riding in was hit by enemy fire over Iraq in 2003, his Nightly News broadcast scolded Hillary Clinton for making similar false war zone claims during the 2008 presidential campaign. On March 24, 2008, Williams opened the show by proclaiming: "Also, war of words, a new eruption among the Democrats and…

Williams Admits to Falsely Saying He Was Shot Down Over Iraq [UPDATED]

February 4th, 2015 6:50 PM
On Wednesday, Stars and Stripes reported that NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams admitted to not being aboard a helicopter that was shot and had to be rescued following RPG fire during the U.S. invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Williams stated that he “feels terrible” and “was wrong” for not telling viewers that he was instead “on the Chinook behind the bird that took the RPG.” The story comes…

NBC Turns to Quarantine Violator to Preach About 'Public Health'

February 4th, 2015 1:02 PM
Brian Williams brought on infamous Ebola quarantine violator Dr. Nancy Snyderman on Tuesday's NBC Nightly News for her take on the resurgence of measles. Dr. Snyderman underlined that "it's inherently important that those of us who are healthy vaccinate ourselves to protect those who are less vulnerable in society. That's why it's called public health." Of course, the NBC chief medical editor…

CBS: GOP’s ‘Mixed Messages’ on Vaccines ‘Left an Opening' for Hillary

February 3rd, 2015 9:54 PM
On Tuesday’s CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley, CBS News congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes continued the liberal spin that the only anti-vaxxers are Republicans. In between soundbites from numerous figures in the Republican Party stating their support for vaccinations and only Republican Senator Rand Paul (Ky.) offering a slightly different take during an interview on Monday, Cordes ruled…

Notable Quotables: Championing Obama’s Big Government 'Generosity'

January 26th, 2015 8:40 AM
This week, as President Obama gives his State of the Union address, NBC's Brian Williams touts the "generosity" of his plan for "free college for millions," even as NBC morning host Matt Lauer slaps Republicans for their "pettiness" and "disrespect" for applauding Obama's statement that he cannot run for President again. Also, Bryant Gumbel growls about the "pigs" in the National Rifle…

Nets Spend 2 Mins on Fall of Yemen's Gov't, But 11 Mins on Deflategate

January 22nd, 2015 11:01 PM
On Thursday night, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC each covered the news that the United States-backed government in Yemen had fallen after rebels stormed the capital city of Sana’a and surrounded the presidential palace on Tuesday.  While the networks gave this story airtime, they only gave it to the tune of one minute and 59 seconds and avoided any mention of how President Obama had, just…

Williams Frets Influx of American Money Will Hurt Cuban Revolution

January 22nd, 2015 7:49 AM
Talking to a Cuban woman in Havana, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams despaired Wednesday night over what an influx of American tourists would mean to the wonders of the communist “revolution” with its 50-plus year-old cars: “When Americans are here and planes and hotels and the cars are 2015 cars and not 1958 cars, what happens to the revolution?”

NBC’s Jansing Gushes Over ‘an Energized, Combative' Obama Post-SOTU

January 22nd, 2015 7:28 AM
NBC News senior White House correspondent Chris Jansing did her best to provide some White House spin during Wednesday’s NBC Nightly News, hailing President Obama as “an energized, combative President” whose policies made for a “carefully choreographed, populist message with the details generally panned by Republicans.” Also within her report, Jansing found time to chide House Speaker John…

ABC’s WNT, NBC NN Stage Full-Fledged Cuban Tourism Infomercials

January 21st, 2015 11:00 PM
In conjunction with the U.S. diplomatic delegation arriving in Cuba on Wednesday for talks with the Communist regime, ABC’s World News Tonight with David Muir and NBC Nightly News went out of their way to all but again ignore the brutal past of the Castro government  and instead stage unapologetic promotions of the country that lies 93 miles to America’s south. All told, NBC Nightly News spent a…

Williams: 'A Lot of People Hope' Todd's SOTU Reality Check Is 'Wrong'

January 21st, 2015 5:33 PM
On Tuesday night, NBC News anchor Brian Williams charged that “a lot people hope” a reality check by Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd was wrong in asserting that most of President Obama's initiatives proposed during his State of the Union address won’t become law. “Some people hope you’re right, a lot of people hope you’re wrong,” interjected Williams following Todd’s brief outlook on whether…