Networks Ignore Touching Story of 'Bucket-List Baby' and Parents

October 10th, 2014 3:22 PM
ABC, CBS, and NBC punted on covering the poignant "bucket list" created by Jenna and Dan Haley for their son, Shane, who developed in his mother's womb with a major genetic defect. Shane Haley was born on Thursday morning, and died just a few hours later. The Big Three networks ignored the story on their Thursday evening and Friday morning newscasts, despite the couple gaining hundreds of…

Williams Defends Softball Ben Affleck Interview During Facebook Q&A

October 2nd, 2014 6:29 PM
NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams conducted a question and answer session on Facebook following Wednesday night’s program and defended his over 4-minute-long interview with actor and activist Ben Affleck that aired on Tuesday night after a woman asked him why such an interview would air “promoting his new movie on a hard news show.” Williams responded by equating his show to a newspaper in…

Affleck to NBC: U.S. Should Send Foreign Aid to Detroit

October 1st, 2014 3:36 PM
Oscar-winner Ben Affleck told NBC’s Brian Williams that the city of Detroit would be a more deserving recipient of U.S. foreign aid than the countries currently receiving funds.  Affleck discussed several of his new film roles in an interview broadcast on “Nightly News” Sept. 30, including his leading role in the Batman movie being filmed in Detroit because of its “post-apocalyptic” feel,…

NBC Runs Puff Piece on Ben Affleck, But Nothing on Midterms, Hong Kong

October 1st, 2014 12:05 AM
On Tuesday night, NBC Nightly News concluded its program by pushing an over four-minute-long fawning segment on Hollywood actor and activist Ben Affleck that included banter between anchor Brian Williams and Affleck on New York and Boston sports teams, gushing over Affleck’s life and “restless mind,” and his disappointment about the United States “nation-building elsewhere” when it should be …

ABC, CBS Ignore News Intel Community Actually Warned Obama About ISIS

September 29th, 2014 9:44 PM

Throughout the day on Monday, several sources in the intelligence community disputed President Obama’s comments in an interview with CBS’s 60 Minutes that aired on Sunday night that the intelligence community and Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper are to blame for not recognizing the threat posed by ISIS. On the Monday evening newscasts of the major broadcast networks, ABC World…

NBC Silent on Oklahoma Beheader’s Islamic Radicalism

September 29th, 2014 1:35 PM
In the Middle East, beheading is pretty much de rigueur, a favorite home video subject and a hallmark of the Islamic State. Thankfully in America, beheadings are rare – the horrifying work of serial killers or Mexican drug lords.  So when a beheading occurred Thursday at a food plant in Moore, Oklahoma, reasonable people wondered if there was a connection to Islam. There was. 

Eric Holder's Fast and Furious Fiasco Was Media Scandal, Too

September 25th, 2014 4:08 PM
Thanks to his stonewalling of the House of Representatives investigation into the Fast and Furious scandal, in 2012  Eric Holder became the first Attorney General held in contempt by Congress. Maybe his resignation on Thursday will revive the story for the three broadcast network evening newscasts, but don't count on it. With Sharyl Attkisson no longer working at CBS News, there is no broadcast…

CNN's Erin Burnett Boosts Ashley Judd's Far-Left Views on 'Patriarchy'

September 25th, 2014 3:46 PM
On Wednesday, CNN's Erin Burnett kissed up to left-wing actress Ashley Judd by promoting her radical feminist take on society. Burnett asserted that "one thing the education system still teaches is a patriarchal view of the world," and quoted from an April 2012 piece that Judd wrote for The Daily Beast: "Patriarchy is not men. Patriarchy is a system in which both men and women participate. It is…

Williams Praises Global Warming Marchers Despite ‘Mountains of Trash'

September 23rd, 2014 3:52 PM
During the Monday night newscasts of the major broadcast networks, both CBS and NBC provided coverage of the far-left global warming marchers in New York City who wanted to draw attention their liberal environmental causes and their disdain for Wall Street. Leading the way in promoting them was NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams, who told viewers in a 25-second news brief that the “…

NBC Hypes 'Thought-Provoking' Piece on Teachers With Guns

September 22nd, 2014 9:57 PM
On Monday night’s NBC Nightly News, the program took a look at how Utah is now allowing teachers to obtain concealed carry permits to have firearms in their schools after training and continually passing background checks. As the media has done countless times, they found a way to turn it into coming across as a bad thing. NBC News senior legal and investigative correspondent Cynthia McFadden…

NBC Continues Miniscule Coverage of Gov. Christie Innocence

September 19th, 2014 10:09 AM
On Thursday, the U.S. Department of Justice told NBC News that Governor Chris Christie (R-N.J.) was innocent of any wrong-doing relating to the closure of lanes on the George Washington Bridge. Despite Governor Christie’s reported innocence, ABC and CBS have yet to cover the NBC story, but when the story originally broke in January, all three networks eagerly jumped on it. So far NBC has devoted…

NBC Gives News Christie Cleared of Charges In Bridgegate Only 38 Secs

September 18th, 2014 9:09 PM
An enormous development in the Bridgegate scandal broke late Thursday afternoon when federal officials reported that they have cleared New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) of any wrong-doing relating to the closure of lanes on the George Washington Bridge in September 2013.  When it came to the major broadcast networks covering this huge development, ABC and CBS punted on the story and refused…

Dempsey Opens Chance of Troops In Iraq; Nets Rush to Cover For Obama

September 17th, 2014 12:55 AM

On Tuesday night, the major broadcast networks worked to quickly remind viewers that President Barack Obama has promised that no United States combat troops will be on the ground in the Middle East to fight the Islamic terrorist group ISIS despite congressional testimony by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, on Tuesday that U.S. troops returning to Iraq could…


CBS, NBC Fawn Over Hillary In Iowa; Refuse to Cover Benghazi Bombshell

September 15th, 2014 9:57 PM

CBS and NBC continued to provide positive coverage of Hillary Clinton’s visit to Democratic Senator Tom Harkin’s steak fry event in Iowa on Monday night after both networks gushed over her appearance in their morning shows and NBC’s Meet the Press wondered on Sunday if she might not be liberal enough for Iowa Democrats in 2016. The nearly three minutes of coverage between the two networks was…