Big Three Networks Avoid Calling ISIS 'Terrorists;' Label Them 'Rebels

August 9th, 2014 12:30 AM
The Big Three networks steered clear of labeling the Islamist group ISIS "terrorists" on their evening newscasts on Friday. Instead, ABC's World News and CBS Evening News labeled the genocidal radicals "militants." NBC Nightly News used the more benign "rebels" in their coverage of the group's latest attacks on the Kurdish part of Iraq. The closest that a journalist at ABC, CBS, or NBC got…

'Nightly News' Teases 'Tonight Show' Appearance; Still Ignores NBC Pol

August 6th, 2014 9:14 PM
For the second consecutive night, Wednesday night’s NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams continued its refusal to cover the findings in the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll in which President Obama’s job approval rating hit a record low. 54 percent of Americans disapprove of how Obama is doing his job, while merely 40 percent approve in what is his lowest percentage since he took office…

NBC Ignores Own Poll Showing 54 Percent of Americans Disapprove of Oba

August 5th, 2014 10:14 PM
On Tuesday, August 5, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that President Obama’s popularity reached its lowest point since he first took office in 2009. Overall, 54 percent of Americans disapprove of the job the president is doing compared to just 40 percent who approve.  Despite the record low numbers for President Obama, NBC Nightly News failed to cover its own polling…

Plenty of Praise for July Jobs Report from Networks

August 2nd, 2014 12:35 AM
Released on Friday morning, the latest jobs report from the Labor Department touted a net growth of 209,000 jobs in July. On Friday evening, the report was promoted on all three of the major broadcast networks, ranging from news briefs by ABC and NBC to a full report from CBS. While there was plenty of praise and even an ounce of positive news, the networks mostly failed to note that the…

Nets Declare Israeli Response to Captured Solider ‘Furious,’ ‘Po

August 1st, 2014 11:20 PM
On Friday night, the major broadcast networks all covered the latest developments in the conflict between the Israelis and Hamas as a three-day cease-fire collapsed after an Israeli solider was captured during an ambush while the two sides fought in an underground tunnel. In their coverage, the networks used some harsh language in describing the Israeli offensive to seek out those responsible…

NBC 'Nightly News' Exclusive: Russia Granting Edward Snowden Permanent

July 31st, 2014 9:40 PM
Edward Snowden's one-year grant of temporary asylum by the Russian Federation ran out today, and Vladimir Putin's administration came through for the American turncoat, granting him permission to stay in the country indefinitely. Brian Williams of the NBC Nightly News reported the development about ten minutes into the July 31 edition of the evening newscast. You can read the relevant…

Only NBC 'Nightly News' Covers Stunning Bill Clinton 9/10/2001 Audiota

July 31st, 2014 8:22 PM
"Ten hours before the first plane hit the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001, Bill Clinton allegedly told a group of businessmen in Australia that he had a chance to kill Osama Bin Laden, but passed because it would have meant killing hundreds of innocent civilians,"'s Alex Seitz-Wald reported today, directing readers to a feature from Sky News containing the…

ABC Ignores Lois Lerner E-Mails Slamming Conservative 'Crazies;' CBS

July 30th, 2014 10:30 PM
ABC's World News stood out as the sole Big Three evening newscast on Wednesday to not cover the release of Lois Lerner's e-mails, where the former top IRS official slammed conservatives as "a**holes" and "crazies." Instead, the news program devoted full reports to the water main that burst on the campus of UCLA and the controversy over usage charges on cell phone bills. By contrast, NBC…

Brian Williams Fails to Mention Star of NBC's Upcoming Peter Pan Telec

July 30th, 2014 9:20 PM
On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams left out a key detail from his news brief about his network's upcoming live production of Peter Pan. Williams noted that "Allison Williams will play the role of Peter Pan," but left out that the actress is his first-born child. During the 37-second news brief, the anchor mentioned that the younger Williams is "currently in the cast of Girls on…

ABC, CBS Skip Over Criticism of John Kerry’s Middle East Trip, NBC P

July 29th, 2014 9:16 PM
On Tuesday, July 29, NBC Nightly News was the only network evening newscast to highlight criticism of Secretary of State John Kerry following his inability to broker a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.  While CBS and ABC ignored the criticism of Secretary Kerry, Andrea Mitchell, NBC’s Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent, did her best to cast the Secretary of State as a victim of anonymous…

Study: Amid Deluge of Foreign Crises, Network News Shuts Out Obama Cri

July 24th, 2014 2:47 PM
Over the last 15 days, the world has been rocked by two troubling and growing international crises: the shootdown of a civilian airliner over the Ukraine; and the intense fighting between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. While the three evening newscasts have offered considerable coverage of the unfolding events, CBS, NBC and ABC have made almost no attempt to evaluate the performance of…

NBC Notes Apollo 11 Astronauts' Meeting With Obama; Ignores Press Shut

July 24th, 2014 12:25 PM
On Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams reported the Apollo 11 astronauts' meeting with President Obama to mark the 45th anniversary of the first moon landing, but failed to mention that only photo journalists were permitted to cover the event. Williams spotlighted Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins's visit to the White House, and how "with them in spirit in the Oval Office today was the…

NBC Spotlights Bloomberg Blasting FAA For Suspending Flights to Israel

July 23rd, 2014 11:44 PM
Wednesday's NBC Nightly News was the sole Big Three evening newscast to notice the criticism of the Obama administration banning U.S. airliners from traveling to Israel. Prominent politicians from both sides of the political spectrum, including Senator Ted Cruz and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, have denounced this move by the FAA. Senator Cruz accused the administration of using…

Networks Ignore GAO's Study on ObamaCare Accepting Fake Applications

July 23rd, 2014 10:02 PM
The Big Three networks' morning and evening newscasts have yet to cover the Government Accountability Office's investigation of ObamaCare's sign-up process that uncovered that fraudulent documents were able to procure federal health plans and subsidies. On Wednesday, Amy Goldstein of the Washington Post reported that "undercover GAO investigators tried to obtain health plans for a dozen…